

Creed's POV

"Did you enjoy our rounds?" asked 2B

My cheeks were already red hot but I nodded as I cleaned up. I tried to stand up but my legs were still wobbly from the amount of rounds we went through.

I stayed seated and looked through my binoculars and smiled but as soon as I smiled I started coughing.

"Creed..." whispered 2B


I took a sip of water and started breathing slowly.

'Breathe in, count to 4, exhale, count to 4.'

"Will you be okay?" asked 2B

"I hope so." I said

"How can I help, is there anything I could do to help?" she asked

"No, this is something that none of us can help. I just pray that maybe Devola and Popola find a cure." I said

2B sits on my lap so I hug her waist and nuzzle my head into her breasts.

"I hope I live long enough." I said

2B seemed upset and I understood why.

"2B, what will you do after?" I asked

"What do you mean?" she asked

"I'm not immortal like you." I whispered

She hugs my head and starts to play with my hair.

"I don't plan that far ahead in the future." she replied

I just hugged her tighter and I felt tears come out of my eyes.

"I should be more careful." I said

"Creed you did what you must have done." she said

She kisses my forehead.

"I'm proud of you, but don't focus on the future. Focus on now, focus on the battle, the resistance." she whispered

She uses her finger and lifts up my chin to make me look at her.

"Focus on me." she whispered

I nodded and I let one tear roll down.

"Sorry sorry I didn't mean to cry." I laugh it off

She uses her thumb and wipes away my tears and hugs me again.

"Let's stay like this." she whispered

I nodded and I closed my eyes but I slowly began to feel drowsy.

"Can I uhh take a nap?" I asked

"Sleep." she whispered

I nodded and went back to nuzzling back on her soft breasts.


2 hours later

I slowly nuzzled my face against something soft so I slowly opened my eyes and I noticed that 2B was still sitting on me. I looked up and she smiled at me and kissed my cheeks but I was confused.

"Were you watching me while I was sleeping?" I asked

She nodded and to be honest, I felt safe in her arms.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked

"2 hours." she replied

"You watched me for 2 hours?" I whispered

She nodded so I hugged her even tighter.

"Love is such a strong feeling." said 2B

"It really is." I whispered back

But then Pod 042 came floating to us.

"Anemone is calling for us." said Pod 042

"Go on I'll stay here." I said

"Anemone wants both of you." replied Pod 042

I nodded but then when 2B got up my legs were asleep.

"My legs fell asleep." I said

But then 2B suddenly picked me up bridal style and my cheeks went red hot.

"W-wait 2B I can walk." I stuttered

"Your legs were visibly shaking." she said

I looked away and nodded as she carried me down the stairs. Once we got to the camp, everyone was looking at me and 2B, especially the new androids who were with me.

"Don't worry about them, focus on me." said 2B

I nodded and just looked up at her as she carried me to a tent and laid me down.

"I'll bring Anemone and the others over." she said

I nodded and she left me sitting on the bed, after about a minute she came back with Anemone, Gianna and Eda.

"Creed are you okay?" asked Anemone

I nodded as I took off my cloak and scarf but then Popola and Anemone

"Creed, we're going to check you up so it'll be nice if you remove your shirt." said Popola

I nodded so I took off my vest then my long sleeve shirt revealing my bare skin. 2B blushed when she saw me and the others just looked a bit.

"What are these rectangular things on your stomach?" asked Popola

"Abs, it's what you get when you exercise the muscles in the stomach area." I said

I looked and saw the scar where 2B stabbed me.

"2B I'm going to need Pod 042 to scan him." said Devola

Pod 042 floated in front of me and started scanning me but I began coughing again.

"Hmmm, I see some unnecessary things in the parts of his lungs. It'll be too risky to perform surgery but I think we can produce a treatment." said Devola

"The treatment wouldn't be a cure right?" asked 2B

"No, it won't be a cure. But we can work on a cure but looking at this it might take a while. Especially since we can't test it on anyone." said Popola

I nodded and they continued checking me up.

"Get some rest Creed, this disease isn't as severe so it'll be better for you to just rest and relax." said Popola

"I'll be fine, I already had some rest. I'll restrain myself from doing anything reckless." I said

"Creed, you'll be on overwatch with Avery's sniper." said Anemone

She hands me her sniper rifle and I take it.

"How long will she be out for?" I asked

"About a week." she replied

I nodded and cocked the rifle.

"Get back to your positions." she said

I nodded as they left me and 2B. I was about to put on my clothes but 2B stopped me and began touching the scar on my stomach.

"Scars never erase do they?" asked 2B

"It's impossible to get rid of them." I said

2B looked sad but I just held onto her hand.

"But scars are filled with memories." said Creed, "Even though it's a constant reminder of something that wasn't good, it's still something that's held closely to me."

I just smiled and she looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Don't worry, I don't remember this as the day you killed me but the day I saved you. Well not me but Nines saved you and the androids but you know what I mean." I said

2B looked sad but she smiled and nodded. I quickly got dressed and left the tent but I entered Avery's tent and she was sleeping on the bed so I put down my BCM CQB-11 on a chair and removed my ammo and put it on a chair.

I slung her sniper rifle over my shoulder and hid it under my cloak and grabbed all of her mags with ammo in it and put them in my vest.

"I'll be with my platoon." said 2B

I nodded and we parted as I headed back to the roof. I set the sniper rifle and looked through the scope and watched as my team in third platoon talking with my friends.

I checked the forest but I saw a machine scouting, watching the barriers with the androids. I looked at the androids who were on duty looking at the forest but they didn't seem to be able to see the machine.

So instead I took the shot and it hit the machine's head and it fell and died. The androids all jerked a bit in surprise and looked up at me.

"Machine, there was one spying on us." I said through the transmission

"Thanks for watching over us." replied Jackass

"Uhh yea sure no problem." I replied

I looked at my scope and scanned the trees but I saw nothing that troubled me.

"This is why I hate sniping." I sighed

2B's POV

"Where's Jackass?" I asked

Everyone shrugged but I saw her on the second floor of the building to my left looking out the window.

'Good, you better not touch Creed.'

"Ken can you please stop talking?" asked a girl who was holding two guns.

'Ken, that's the android Creed defeated.'

"Sorry sorry." he replied

"Can you guys get along?" asked a short girl who looked like a child.

She was holding a bow with a bag filled with arrows.

'She must be the one who shot the arrow at the machine.'

"2B is something wrong?" asked A2

"No, shouldn't you be in the first platoon?" I asked

"Well after I do some things with 4S." replied A2

"Such as?" I questioned

She just smiled and I knew exactly what she was going to do.

"Enjoy your time." I simply said

"Sure will take my time." she replied as she left.

I smiled as she walked away.

"2B, can you come up?" asked Creed through the transponder

I smiled so without a second thought I ran to the roof and once I got there I sat on his lap.

"Why did you call me?" I asked

"I was bored being alone." smiled Creed

"I'm glad I bring happiness to you." I whispered

"Do you need a chair?" he asked

But Pod 042 already brought one so I sat on it next to Creed.

"Sniping is so boring." said Creed

"Why is it boring?" I asked

"For a sniper they can't be moving, especially when they're hiding." said Creed, "And they cannot stop looking."

"That does sound boring." I said

"Tell me about it, I'm glad you're not the leader of the third platoon so that you could be here with me." said Creed, "And thank god Jackass' the leader, if she wasn't she would probably be up here."

I knew what he meant so I just smiled and held onto his hand.

"How's your arm?" I asked

"It's fine, I thought that maybe they'll have some malfunction or something but they didn't. I still can't believe that this is an android arm." he replied

"I still can't remember what happened that day." I whispered

"You don't have to remember, it'll only haunt you." he replied

He kissed my forehead and hugged my head.

"But it's a good memory since I was able to fight you and last for a long time." he replied

He smiled brightly and it lightened up my mood so I just leaned against his arm and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe we should train right now." said Creed

"No, we're not doing anything reckless until you receive your treatment." I replied

Creed sighed and nodded and I continued to lay on his shoulder while he looked into his binoculars.

"2B, I need to tell you something." said Creed

I nuzzled my nose into his neck and just nodded.

"I'm leaving again after this." he said

My heart started beating fast but then he smiled.

"But I'm bringing you along this time." he said

My heart flustered and I felt grateful that Creed's bringing me this time.

"I'll be looking forward to that." I whispered into his ear

I felt him shiver a bit and it brought joy into my heart. It was fun teasing him and watching him turn into a child. I licked his neck and he kind of let out a sharp gasp and he was visibly shaking from the sensation.

I began sucking and kissing his sensitive spot and he began moaning, his grip around my hand tightened so I began to aggressively attack his neck, leaving more hickey marks everywhere. I didn't stop until his entire neck was bruised and purple from my hickeys.

"That was fun wasn't it?" I asked

"It felt really good." whispered Creed

I smiled and licked his ear and gently bit on it.

"We'll make our time a great memory for the both of us." I whispered into his ear

He nodded so I began teasing him around for a while, satisfying my needs and wants.

"You're mine forever, no one else's." I whispered

"I thought we were already set on that." he chuckled

"I'm just putting it out there again." I whispered

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