
Nexus: I Can't Make Portals?!

Envision a world where every single person on our planet possesses the extraordinary gift of conjuring and controlling portals at their whim. Yet amidst this phenomenon, there exists one individual who stands apart: Libert. Plagued by an extraordinary condition, he is devoid of this innate ability to manifest portals, rendering him utterly ordinary in a realm of exceptional powers. Throughout his life, the suffocating weight of powerlessness burdens Libert. However, when faced with the menacing grin of death itself, something within him shatters, forever changing his destiny. His trust, once unwavering, is mercilessly shattered by the very person he held closest, thrusting him into a spiral of betrayal and despair. But from the ashes of his shattered world, Libert emerges with an insatiable thirst for revenge. “My revenge...will come”. [Disclaimer: This captivating novel does not contain systems and overpowered protagonists. However, if you seek an enthralling, exhilarating, and mind-bending read, you have arrived at the perfect destination.]

Xolu · Urban
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21 Chs

Orb: Enchanting

"Wh-what the fu*k," Libert uttered under his breath, his voice a mere whisper in the vastness of the prestigious arena.

His attempts to regain composure were futile, as his mind still reeled from the overwhelming sensations he had experienced.

Ethan turned his attention towards Libert, his face etched with concern. "Did you warp before?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and genuine care. "It might be warp exhaustion."

Libert's mind grappled with the term, memories of lessons and explanations resurfacing.

Warp exhaustion—the consequence of traversing great distances through portals. It was the very reason why conventional modes of transportation, such as cars, still played a vital role in their society.

Yet, he had never given it much thought until now, never experiencing its effects firsthand.

"Yeah, I used to suffer from it constantly," Ethan replied, his voice carrying the weight of personal experience. He offered a reassuring smile, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

A tinge of concern became evident in Libert's speech as he probed further, his voice laced with genuine curiosity. "S-so, wh-what did you d-do?"

Before Ethan could respond, the commanding voice of the instructor pierced through the conversation, its authority demanding their attention once again.

"We will now commence the affinity phase. Please face the center of the arena," the overseer's voice boomed, resonating through the grand space.

The students shifted their focus, their eyes drawn to the enigmatic center of the arena.

Ethan's whispered exclamation of "Wow..." revealed a sense of awe that surged within him.

His gaze, filled with wonder, was drawn towards the captivating scene unfolding at the heart of the prestigious arena.

In the very core of the arena, a sacred silence descended, as if the atmosphere itself held its breath in anticipation.

Suddenly, a tremor ran through the ground, a subtle quake that hinted at the power beneath their feet.

From the depths of the fractured ground, a revelation emerged—a mystical blue orb, rising with an ethereal grace.

Soil particles cascaded and swirled around it as if celebrating its emergence. Sparkling bits danced in the air, casting a mesmerizing spectacle that captured the attention of every onlooker.

Adorned with rings bearing ancient runes, each one meticulously etched, the orb levitated above the remnants of a long-forgotten pedestal.

An aura of otherworldly luminescence enveloped it, infusing the arena with an ethereal glow.

Libert's thoughts raced, struggling to comprehend the significance of this enchanting sight.

'This is insane,' he marveled silently, his eyes fixed on the supernatural display.

"The orb serves as a measure of an individual's affinity," the administrator's austere voice continued, breaking the spell of awe. "The higher the number, the greater your affinity."

The air grew thick with anticipation as the students absorbed the weight of the impending test.

Anxiety and determination swirled within them, intertwining like a tempest in their hearts. The outcome of this trial possessed the power to shape their destinies, forging paths toward success or disappointment.

Ethan, still captivated by the mesmerizing orb, turned towards Libert, his voice brimming with excitement. "Do you have a specific Gate Institute in mind?" he inquired eagerly.

A trace of unease crept into Libert's response, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "N-no, not really," his mind was still shaken from the earlier events.

Ethan's eyes sparkled with a glimmer of ambition as he shared his dreams. "I've always dreamt of entering the esteemed Kolt Institute," he confessed, his voice carrying a mixture of hope and determination.

The tension in the air crackled like static electricity, charging the atmosphere with anticipation and uncertainty.

The friendly tone of the administrator cut through the tense atmosphere that pervaded the arena, eliciting a moment of stillness among the anxious crowd of testers.

"Any volunteers?"

Each participant grappled with their internal deliberations, weighing the risks and potential rewards of stepping forward.

Amidst the collective hesitation, Ethan's voice rang out with confidence and a tinge of excitement. "I'll go," he declared, lifting his hand with determination and resolve.

A warm smile crossed the instructor's face, his eyes alight with genuine delight.

"Amazing! We already have a volunteer!" he exclaimed, his joy permeating the air.

Ethan's tousled hair swayed gently in the surrounding currents as he strode forward with unwavering confidence.

The eyes of the onlookers followed his every movement, their anticipation building as they waited to witness the spectacle that was about to unfold.

"Place your hand on the orb, then imagine creating a portal," the instructor instructed with refined authority, his words resonating with a weight that demanded adherence.

Libert watched in a mixture of shock and wonder, his eyes fixed on Ethan as he approached the mystical orb.

A myriad of thoughts raced through Libert's mind, curiosity intertwining with apprehension as he tried to comprehend the magnitude of what he was about to witness.

With a purposeful gesture, Ethan positioned his hand above the orb, causing a soft hum to permeate the enormous arena.

The once-shimmering blue hue of the orb shifted, transforming into a mesmerizing shade of dark green.

In that instant, the atmosphere within the arena underwent a profound transformation. Awe and curiosity danced in the air, weaving an intricate tapestry of emotions.

The soft hum continued to resonate through the silent expanse, its subtle vibrations a tangible testament to the power within the orb.

As the hum persisted, a number materialized, hovering above Ethan's head. Its appearance was greeted by an eruption of excitement from the proctor.

"Wow! We may have a future Paragon in our midst. An affinity of 9500!" he announced, his voice brimming with unbridled enthusiasm.

Ethan's eyes lit up with joy as the weight of his accomplishment settled upon him. "Yeah!" he exclaimed, his voice a reflection of his exuberant realization.

After Ethan's demonstration, a series of individuals stepped forward, each volunteering to have their affinity gauged.

The sequence of events unfolded as expected for Libert, who possessed a unique ability to discern the affinities of the testers before they even touched the orb.

Libert's mind churned with a mixture of doubt and unease. As each participant volunteered, the sense of anticipation and pressure grew within him.

He grappled with the knowledge that he would eventually have to step forward, the weight of the decision hanging heavily on his shoulders.

"I can't be the first or the last," Libert thought, his mind clouded with uncertainty and self-doubt.

The echoes of his inner turmoil mingled with the silence that settled upon the coliseum, anticipation building once again.

"Any more volunteers?" the proctor's voice broke through the stillness, echoing across the expanse.

A brief silence hung in the air, pregnant with possibility, before a hushed murmur emerged from the crowd.

"I w-would like to..."