
Nexus Convergence

In the wake of inexplicable phenomena—a convergence of magical gates, monstrous entities, and extraordinary abilities—Nathan Briggs, a senior year student, finds himself thrust into a reality where the boundaries between the ordinary and the fantastical have blurred. As the world transforms, revealing the latent potential within its inhabitants, Nathan grapples with the challenge of defining his role amid the chaos. A mysterious message from the future arrives, shattering the illusions of normalcy. Nathan, armed with this cryptic insight, embarks on a journey to navigate the shifting tides of his new reality. The revelation of abilities forces people to shed their disguises, exposing their true natures. In this era of unleashed powers, trust becomes a scarce commodity, and alliances are formed and shattered in the blink of an eye.

World_Eater117 · Sci-fi
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6 Chs


Chapter 3: Home

The stormy night took an eerie turn as Nathan and Brent, shaken by the mysterious events that unfolded, found themselves staring at each other in utter confusion. Unbeknownst to them, a faint blue and silver aura emanated from each of them, a visual manifestation of the inexplicable changes they had undergone.

The convulsions ceased, leaving the two friends bewildered and disoriented. Their eyes met, searching for answers in the midst of chaos. Unsettled by the strange energy enveloping them, they exchanged a silent acknowledgment that something profoundly otherworldly had occurred.

Nathan and Brent quickly moved through the wreckage-strewn streets, their strategy of swift and silent dispatching of any approaching creatures proving effective. They became an unstoppable force, their movements synchronized in an unspoken understanding forged through years of friendship.

Nathan, however, began to notice an extraordinary aspect of their predicament. Each time a creature lunged at them, time seemed to warp and twist, slowing to a crawl. In these moments, Nathan felt an unprecedented clarity of thought, a surreal sensation that allowed him to contemplate his actions with an almost meditative calmness. This discovery, though perplexing, became a powerful asset in their struggle for survival.

Not wanting to risk attracting more attention, Nathan gently tapped Brent to share his revelation. Startled by the touch, Brent instinctively moved away, only to find himself miraculously six feet from his initial position.

"Okay, dude, this ain't funny anymore. What the hell is going on? Monsters, gates in the sky, and now this," Brent exclaimed, his voice a mixture of disbelief and frustration. He walked back towards Nathan, who was staring at him with an open-mouthed astonishment.

"How the heck am I supposed to know? You're the one who's vanishing," Nathan responded, equally baffled by the surreal turn of events. 

"Brent, your house is closer. Aunt Kate is probably home. Did Jenny go to school today?"

"Nah, she didn't. Faked a cough to avoid a project she didn't do. Kinda glad she did right now," Nathan nodded, the urgency of the situation evident in his eyes. He suggested they retrieve Brent's family and then head to his place for safety.

Agreeing with Nathan's logical plan, they hastened their pace and quickly reached Brent's house. The wooden fence surrounding the yard was caved in, and a broken window caught their attention. A knot of anxiety tightened in their stomachs as they feared the worst.

Approaching cautiously, they ran to the door and rang the doorbell. A voice, tinged with caution and fear, emanated from behind the door, "Who's there? Please don't try to break in. I have a gun with me, and I will shoot."

Quickly stepping back from the door, Brent called out, his voice a mix of reassurance and urgency, "Mom, it's me. I'm here with Nathan. We're here to get you and Jenny so we can go over to Uncle Fred's place."

The door creaked open, revealing Aunt Kate's face, a mix of relief and worry etched across it. She quickly ushered them inside, explaining the chaos that had unfolded since the strange events began. The family gathered what they could in haste, their minds racing with the urgency of the unknown that lay beyond the safety of their home.

As the hastily assembled group, including Nathan, Brent, Aunt Kate, and Jenny, hurried through the desolate streets towards Nathan's house, Aunt Kate couldn't contain her concern any longer. Her eyes flickered between Nathan and Brent as she asked, "Why did we have to leave the house in such a hurry? What's happening?"

Brent exchanged a glance with Nathan before Nathan took a deep breath and began to explain, "We encountered some strange events back there—monsters, gates in the sky, and something... something happened to Brent and me. We have these abilities now, and we thought it was safer to regroup and figure out what's going on."

Aunt Kate's expression shifted from concern to a mixture of disbelief and worry. She was about to respond when they arrived at Nathan's house. The usually familiar sight now seemed both comforting and eerie against the backdrop of the unfolding chaos.

Nathan swiftly produced his key, unlocking the door, and they entered cautiously. The living room was dimly lit, and the atmosphere was tense. It appeared that Uncle Fred wasn't home when the commotion started.

After a few hours of restless waiting, the silence was broken by the ringing of Nathan's phone. It was Uncle Fred. Nathan answered quickly, his voice betraying a mix of relief and uncertainty, "Uncle Fred, we're okay. We had to leave the house because of some... strange things. Brent and I, we've got these abilities now, and there are creatures, and... it's hard to explain."

Fred's voice, calm and collected, resonated through the phone, "Nathan, listen, I'm glad you're safe. I've heard reports. The government is aware of the situation, and they're working on a solution. I need you to stay calm and stay together. We'll figure this out. I'm on my way home."

Nathan, reassured by Fred's authoritative tone, nodded even though he knew his uncle couldn't see him. "Alright, Uncle Fred. We'll stay put and wait for you. Just hurry back, and be careful."

As the call ended, a sense of relief washed over the group. While the uncertainty of their predicament still loomed, the knowledge that the government was aware and taking action brought a glimmer of hope.