

Humanity has been living a dream, a dream that I swore to waken them in my previous life. A dream that they cannot be destroyed. When I am done, only the strongest will be left and from them, a new world will rise from the ashes of the old.

Mys_Terio · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

My Directives

Even without super hearing, I heard when the Superman clone landed outside of the school. I readied myself for the battle, knowing it will be hard fought but very necessary. I stood in the hallway, a blank look on my face as I waited for him. I looked to be half baked but that was just how I was created. This was no degeneracy for I am sure Superboy is older than me. As these useless thoughts were flying around in my brain, the front door opened and in he walked.

Hmm, he looked different than what I was expecting. I had read comics about DC and I knew Superboy was a punk, lean, cocky and very annoying. This Superboy looked like he lifted every equipment in the gym. He looked rougher, more unhinged and...hmm, less powerful than his comic counterpart.

I had already replicated his powers and they were just a fraction of what Superman has. More depressingly, he did not have the tactile telekinesis I was hoping for! This was a bummer, I was going to improve on that and let it be my main clutch through out! But, never look at a gift horse in the mouth so I just enhanced these powers till I felt the ceiling.

"Wanna rumble again, spooky?" the clone asked in an angry tone.

I just smirked as I walked towards him. Superboy got into a boxing stance and just as he blinked, I zoomed towards him. I threw a haymaker that landed on his face with an almighty thump, a shockwave forming as he was sent flying backwards. I was sure he had been disoriented with that punch and before he could fly off, I got hold of his leg and swung him further into the school, destroying walls, desks and a laboratory before he busted through the gymnasium wall and painfully skipped on the sleek wooden floor to a stop.

He groaned in pain as his consciousness returned. I knew he would take a minute to walk off that punch so I made my way to the gymnasium to see him on one knee spitting out blood and two teeth. Professor Ivo was on the bleachers a satisfied smirk on his face as he watched the show.

Superboy looked at me with renowned anger and then charged. He was reckless and I will enjoy breaking him. I had learnt all sorts of martial arts in my previous life to inflict pain onto others and this clone was about to be my release. I waited till he telegraphed a hook at my face. I gracefully sidestepped it and before he could realize what had happened, I had snagged three jabs to his liver, making him wheeze and fall to the ground in pain.

Yeah, I was not about to let him catch his breath as I got hold of his black moo of hair and slammed him as hard as I could onto the floor. Not once, not twice, but till I saw blood sputtered on the ruined gym floor. The previous polished wooden floor was no more and its place was a crater painted in a half kruptonian's blood. He was gurgling painfully, his eyes swelled shut as he tried to free himself from my grip. But no, I had an order to complete.

My other hand got hold of his shoulder and then pulled and pushed with my might. I could feel his muscles stretching, trying to prevent me from pulling his head off his shoulders and his desperate struggles becoming even more desperate. But no amount of struggling was going to save him. I could hear Ivo practically vibrating in joy seeing this...and something more. Something was whistling in the air, towards me. This was DC, anything was possible so I zoomed out of its way, letting go of Superboy.

'Batarang? No, it looks different,' I thought to myself as I looked at the object that had been thrown at me. It hit the ground next to Superboy and a small explosion ensued, making the clone groan in pain.

Using my thermal vision, I saw a small heat signature diving into the smoke, getting hold of Superboy and attempt to lift him and probably bring him out before I or Professor Ivo would realize it. Yeah, not happening. I zoomed next to him and decisively kicked his knee, breaking it. Robin, as I saw and recognized his custome, let out a cry of pain as he wobbled to the floor but I could see him reaching to his belt.

That was a no no, I wouldn't let Batman do it and same for Robin. I stepped on his shoulder and proceeded to reduce it to mush. I was amazed by the boy's resilience for only a muffled cry came out of his mouth. I was about to reach out to his head and crush it when Superboy let out a bestial cry and the next thing I knew was something knocked the wind out of me, sending me flying to the gymnasium roof.

Superboy had used the last of his strength to save his friend and buy more time for them but that was just naive. As soon as I saw Robin, I had access to all his training and his amazing gymnastics and balance. Doing a flip in the air, I landed on the roof with my feet and using my momentum to squat, I pushed off the roof, breaking it apart and like a missile, Superman punched the clone on his back, breaking his spine and ribs in the process. The shockwave sent Robin flying away, letting out groans of pain as his pain doubled from hitting the floor.

With no more interruptions, for I am sure no willpower can make a boy stand from the amount of pain he is in, I flipped Superboy to face me and I could see the fear in his eyes. It's nothing personal, boy. With a little roar, I sent a punch to his chest, breaking his rib cage even more as the entire force was sent crashing to his heart, injuring it to an extent it just stopped.

"Superboy!!" Robin cried out when he saw this. In his eyes were shock, pain and a budding spark of terror. The clone was no more and it was his turn to be a corpse. I walked towards him, wishing I had laser eyes when something bumped into me. I was just as surprised as my attacker who had fallen to his butt with a broken nose. It was another brat that looked like he was cosplaying Flash.

'So Flash's sidekick,' I thought to myself as I felt my perception becoming faster and faster. But, I didn't have a connection to the speed force which was a bummer. What made it better, however, was that I still had the boy's super speed. I could not enhance it since it belonged to the Speed Force but it was still enough.

"Rhaargh!" a roar brought me out of my thoughts as something smashed into my face, making me skid back. I got my balance back and got hold of blue glowing mace heading for my head. I looked up and saw a dark skinned, blue eyed teenager looking at me with rage. I could see it in his eyes.

"You are going to pay for what you did to Superboy," he growled, trying to push his mace backwards. But, a glance was all it took for me to replicate his power and a couple millisecond to enhance it. I pushed back, making him take a heavy step backwards and another before going to one knee.

"Weak," I spoke for the first time as I outstretched my other hand, forming a mace from the water molecules in the air. Before he could even understand what was going on, I smashed it on his head, sending him flying away, blood sputtering everywhere. Hmm, Atlantis magic was kinda bussing. It was then that I felt something trying to lift me off the ground and I panicked a little. Telekinesis was powerful and dangerous. All it would take was a mental flex and I would be turned into scrap metal. My brain went into overdrive as I went into focus mode. Using thermal vision, I searched for the culprit till I saw her. Her heat signature was a little faint but I could see her and as soon as I got her powers, I was stunned silent. A white martian!

'Holy shit, this is the jackpot,' I thought to myself as I enhanced the powers to their ceiling and I can honestly say I wouldn't want to fight another being like me.

"This is so...AMAZING!" I moaned as I felt the power of a superior white martian flowing in me. Everyone stopped, stunned silent when they heard the emotions in my words. Ivo got up, no longer smiling as he looked at me. Yes, I had gotten free of his directives and it was time for my own.

"Thank you," I said as I looked at the martian girl before stretching my hand out. "My gift in return." I pulled every inch of power as I readied one of my favorite move of all time.

"Almighty Push!" A tsunami of telekinetic power flooded out of me as everything was pushed away from me in a shockwave kind of wave.