
New worlds order

There are three great nations and each of us have our own government. WIth this in mind a small island called "terra pax" separate from all law we have the council of peace. Many from all over the 3 great nations travel to be a part of the greatest magic clan. It's a place to learn magic at many different levels and learn all sorts of magic practices from each other.  Their job is to keep the citizens of all lands safe from bandits and evil magic. 

The wind brushes softly against my eyelids. The cool grass I'm laying on is softer than my bed. The calmest i ever feel is when i lay right here next to the river bank. With my eyes closed every trouble seems to be washed away. Well except for when my personal royal guard "Barak" sneaks out of the shadows and tells me that my father is expecting me to be home soon. Popping up like a spring I feel the grass mush between my toes. "Alright let's go back. I have a big day tomorrow. '' Today will be the last time for a long time that I sit by the river bank. Starting tomorrow I "Adeline Cathrine Howard" will be joining the council of peace . 

I'm so excited for the first time in my life I won't  be known as crown princess of ___ I will be ____! I live in the first nation known as ___ we are a Monarchy. We do not live in absolute monarchy because  we believe people should  have some say in their lives but my father the king Is a kind and just man. He does everything he can for his kingdom but my mother is the voice. Her words can silence the entire kingdom because she is not only my mother but the mother  of all who live in ___. 

With a long journey ahead tomorrow I sneak up the trail to the garden inside the palace. The place by the river bank is a secret  only I and my royal guard Barak know of. It's so peaceful! Brushing past the leaves on the bushes in the garden. Slowly stalking up to my side of the castle. I look up the wall and grab hold of the vine trailing up to my window. Climbing my way up I can feel the tenderness of my muscles since I haven't done this in a while. Swinging my legs over top my window seal and roll inside my room.  Dusting off my trousers I look up to see my father sitting at my desk sipping tea. 

"Hello dad what being you here this fine evening?" I ask verry innocently "Adeline you know very well why i am here" my father spoke softly but his voice was very rugged.  My father continued speaking "Tomorrow is a very important trip. As much as I hate allowing you out of the palace this is the only way for you to truly understand what it is to be a ruler of a kingdom. That being said, my only priority is that you come home safe. You may be the crown princess to our people but, you are my baby girl." My father cares about me even when he's hard on me; it's because  he doesn't trust the cruel world around us. "Daddy I promise I'll come home safe and sound no one will even know it's me" He stands towering over me and with one step classes the space between us. "I love you sweety" with a hug "I love you too" the river bank may be peaceful. No place comes close to making me feel as safe as I do in my father's arms. With a kiss on the forehead I crawl into bed as my father leaves. 

My head hits the pillow and I swear I was only asleep  a moment before I woke up to hear birds chirping outside my window. I lifted my blanket sinking beneath my covers before  I remember what day today is! I'M HEADING TO TERRA PAX TODAY!  Springing out of bed my feet hit the floor with a thump as I toss off my pajamas and put a striped black and white shirt with a red jacket on.  The maids walk in shocked to see me out of bed. Most mornings I bury myself under my covers. With a smile on my face "what do you think?" With a giggle they bow and say "you look lovely m'lady" Seri and Nia are basically family. They were there with my first steps and there when I would sneak off to the stream in the forest near the castle.