343 On The Other Side

No matter what they tried, nothing seemed to work against the creature. It climbed down from the side of the building and lumbered towards them. Everyone ran for their lives, scattered out into the open space. Some ran into the abandoned buildings to hide, others remained to fight. 

With one swipe of its tail, the creature damaged the side of a building, causing it to crumble and fall. 

"Get out of there!" Maribelle screamed at the people who had previously run into the building to hide. 

Only a few made it back out alive, it was too late for the rest. Dust clouds billowed and covered the entire area around them, obscuring their vision. 

"Everyone, huddle close!" Boss shouted out to all the children. 

Everyone who could hear him did as he instructed. They clutched their weapons tightly as they waited patiently for the dust clouds to clear. 

"Everyone, be on your guard," Boss whispered to them. 


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