
At The Bar

As Lycster tilted his head upwards to look at their surroundings, he quickly noticed that most buildings in Volitar City were made of the same material. Most of them were in the same shade of sandy yellow. 

The citizens of Volitar were mostly made up of a race of beings known as the harpies. They were human hybrid looking creatures with a beak for a mouth, hands at the ends of their wings and feathered legs and talons. 

Volitar was not their home base, but it was one of the many cities in the sky that it loosely governed. Due to its unique location in the Sky trading routes, it has attracted many traders and merchants. 

This made it easy for the siblings to move about as they simply looked like travellers from a distant land. Being in such an unfamiliar surrounding did not really bother Lycster, but it does make him a little skittish. 

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