
New World, New Life: I Became A Bigshot In The Ancient World

Excerpt "What do you mean this is where I belong?!!!" She asked incredulously. "It is the truth. It might sound extremely absurd and unbelievable, but it is the truth." He said, his voice tinged with helplessness. "Hell, it is absurd." She threw her hands up in the air exasperatedly. The seriousness in his eyes told her he wasn't at all joking or messing with her. He was damn serious. "Ugh. What shit am I involved in?" She asked frustratingly to no one in particular at the news she was still trying to wrap her head around. *** Aristia Andrews had just come back home from work and prepared to go to sleep, when she was given a novel. Nothing strange about that though, huh? But just after she had completed the novel, she was tossed into a whole new world. Taken from her world and the life she deemed perfect, and tossed into a not-so-ideal world. Now part of royalty, she has to get accustomed to living in a backward world of Kings and Queens, Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Viscounts and Barons. Just the titles and hierarchy were enough to make her smart head spin. With beautiful and loving parents and relatives, a cute younger brother, loyal servants and a smart brain, join Aristia as she enjoys eating and making new and delicious cuisines, forms unique friendships, and create successful businesses. But... she also has a lot of mysteries surrounding her to uncover and secrets to unfold, and perhaps she'll find a dash of love along the way.

Gray_Queen19 · Fantasy
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23 Chs


Aristia sighed as she made her way out of the drawing room allocated for holding her classes after bidding Vasily goodbye. Her first class which was history had just ended after an hour and she was assimilating the information she had just learned today while heading to her room to freshen up before she could head to her next class.

[Okay. So it completely slipped my mind that the Grand Duke Wilson Amberale is the second son of the former monarch, and the younger brother of the current King. Which means he was the second in line to the throne. That explains why he's called 'Your Highness'.]

Her brows twitched when she recalled that Adeline had referred to her as 'princess' in the morning when she came to assist her in taking her bath.

[That also means the King is my uncle, the queen is my Aunt, their children are my cousins, and the former monarch and his wife, my paternal grandparents. Gosh! I'm royalty now.]

On reaching her room, Adeline who was walking closely behind her, held the door open for her and the both of them made their way inside the room.

"Hah. Home Sweet Home." Aristia said exasperatedly as she fell face down on her bed.

"My Princess, weren't you always here in the mansion?" Adeline chuckled amusedly at her princess's words.

Aristia called the bedroom home as it was the first place she saw when she woke up and she was more comfortable in it.

"Oh Linny, I sat for an hour and this weak butt of mine is already hurting." She complained in a muffled voice as she rubbed her aching butt.

[And that isn't even the worst part!] She thought, referring to what happened earlier before Viscountess Vasily left.


Earlier today.

"We are done for today, Princess Aristia. The class is over. I expect you to complete the assignment I assigned you and submit it during the next class." Vasily informed Aristia, addressing her informally since Aristia asked her to do so.

In Aristia's words, she said: 'We're friends so you don't have to act too formal. And besides you can call me Your Highness in front of others.' Aristia compromised when she noticed the troubled look on Vasily's face.

"Okay. In that case, then you can also call me Vasily." Vasily had replied embarrassingly.

"Okay Vasily, but during the class, I'll call you Teacher as you're my tutor." Aristia smiled in response to Vasily's reminder of the class being over. That smile soon faded as soon as she heard Vasily's next words.

"That is alright. I will begin to tutor you for two hours starting from our next class. The class was held for an hour only because today was your first day of class, to prepare you for the next class. I expect you to complete the work I assigned to you as it is part of your assessment and will be used to gauge your progress. I will be here for the next class the day after tomorrow." Viscountess Vasily dropped the bomb, her strictness from her years of tutorship surfacing.

"Two hours?" Aristia whispered with a devastated look on her face. It wasn't like she couldn't stand some few hours of class. She was actually embarrassed to say it but...

[It's actually because my butt hurts. I've been holding it in for the past thirty minutes and now I have to endure for one more hour?]

Vasily, thinking Aristia was sulking because she was reluctant to learn, smiled and patted her head after a moment of hesitation.

"It's for your own good." She comforted and chuckled when Aristia only grumbled.


Aristia sighed once more when she remembered that she now had to sit for two hours.

"Princess, your bath is ready." Adeline said, pulling her out of her thoughts.

Sighing once more, Aristia made her way to the bathroom in the room.

[I feel like the number of times I've sighed in this world has surpassed the number of times I've sighed in my world since my birth. Let's hope a relaxing bath will help.]

When she went into the bathroom, she widened her eyes in surprise looking at the marble floor.

[Woah! This bathroom is huge! Even more than my bathroom back in my world.] She thought as she remembered her bathroom that even had a large jacuzzi back in her world thanks to her filthy rich parents.

She didn't even know why she joined the entertainment industry when she could just sit back and relax all day; at least that was what her parents and older brother wanted.

[I guess I loved the feeling of being independent, which was why I built my own restaurant with the allowance my parents provided. It was doing very well so I expanded it and opened up different branches that later became popular all over the country.] She shook her head.

[Even though I was earning a lot from it, my father still wasn't satisfied and said that I would manage one of the family business since I so wanted to work. He insisted that I'd manage one branch of the entertainment company and the fashion company owned by my family. I had just returned home from the modeling agency operated by my fashion company on the night I read that horrible book! Yup. My parents were that rich. Sometimes I thought they were involved in some kind of illegal business. Turns out they weren't. Maybe. But one thing is sure; I absolutely love the large flow of cash in my bank account.] She grinned at the thought.

Her family ventured into many fields, succeeding in most of them.

When she thought about how her parents and older brother wanted her to just sit at home and relax, she shook her head again as she was sure the reason would be a silly one. She could vaguely remember what happened when she was twelve years old that she thought could be related to her parents' and brother's attitude. She had accidentally overheard a conversation between her parents.

Walking down the memory lane...

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