
New World: Becoming The Harem King

After dying, Darius transmigrated in another world. A world that existed only in fantasies. Now he was forced to accept a system against his will. And will be forced to have a harem against will. "Why does this all happen to me only, when there are so many perverts out there?" He cried in fake sadness. (The cover does not belong to me. I can remove if you don't want it here.) Join the discord: https://discord.com/invite/Pvezz2kU

RipplingLake · Fantasy
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31 Chs

The Awkward Talk...

Darius had fallen asleep after that fiasco. He was sleeping soundly when he felt something weird on his body.

It was heavy. His eyes gradually opened, taking their time to get used to the light. His brain was processing the existence.

Something was moving around his legs, his eyes moved.

'What is this?' He felt movement around his legs, blinking a few times removing the blue over his eyes.

Tiara was sitting on the edge of the bed. Leaning over his lower body, her buxom breasts rubbing his thigh. In her hand was his little brother, fully awake and flexing hard.

Her face was near, breath tickling the shaft, her hand slightly stroked it sending sudden pleasure up his spine.

He almost closed his eyes and pretended to sleep when his morality screamed, 'This is wrong!'

His body as if shocked, jumped out of the bed saying, "What are you doing?!"

Poor Tiara flinched like a child caught doing something wrong; which it was kinda. She looked at him embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." Her meek voice almost could not reach him.

Now he felt bad for yelling like he just kicked a small puppy. He could not bear to see this cute girl being on the verge of crying.

The pants were quickly pulled up and he sat beside her, "It's okay. I'm sorry for yelling too, I was just surprised to see you holding my penis."

Tiara looked at him, still a little afraid and asked with her cute voice, "Really? You forgive me?"

"Yeah." He replied immediately.

The proceeding silence was awkward, he could not let this go on any longer so he said, "Can I ask you something?"

"Can I ask you something?" Tiara's voice overlapped.

Being a gentleman and truly believing in the concept of women's first, said he, "You go first."

"O-Okay." She stuttered, her hands squeezing the other white, "Can you tell me what is between your legs?"

These words made his mouth agape, eyes wide, leaving only a word in his mind, 'What?!'

"What?" He reiterated.

"I mean..." Her mouth opened and closed a few times, "You don't have a vagina like Mommy and me. So, what is it? I've never seen one before."

He inhaled and exhaled letting her words sink in and try to understand them.

'Either this world does not have the concept of Man or she's clueless.' He decided to go with the latter. The first one was impossible judging from the way Fiona had acted.

So, this meant that Tiara was clueless. He wouldn't be surprised if she said that he had never seen a man before.

"I've never seen a man before. Mommy used to tell me about Daddy, so I know what a man is but I never met one." Her voice started to gradually fill with excitement and her mouth was becoming a Gatling gun, "I've always wanted to meet a man. But there is no one in the village except us. So, I was excited when I saw you in the forest for the first time. I wanted to talk to you for so long now. But Mommy said that you needed rest to recover and forbade me from entering your room. So, I was waiting all this time for you to wake up. So, so, tell me why do you not have a vagina? Is it because you are a man? You also don't have breasts like us. What else is different about you? Tell me, please."

She was a little out of breath and when she took another deep breath, he quickly interrupted before she began shooting words at him.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you so calm down a little." He gestures with his hand to calm her.

Her eyes were shining with curiosity and through them, he could see many other questions hopping around in her mind like bunnies.

He was feeling a little awkward. But quickly drank all the embarrassment and like a teacher to a student said stoically, "Well, first of all, a man does not have a vagina--"

"Why is that?" Rapidly, she asked.

"I'll explain everything. Let me complete what I'm saying first." He said, "Listen carefully."

"I have a penis instead of a vagina because I'm a man. This is because if both man and woman have only either a penis or vagina, then they cannot reproduce." He explained, seeing the gears turn in her mind.

And he saw the next question popping up in her mind. "That is all for today, I'll tell you everything else later."

"What? No~" She pouted again in sadness.

'How can someone be this adorable!?' He thought, almost hugging her on impulse.

"Truly, I'll tell you whatever you want to know later." He promised.

"Really?" Adorable, she said.

"Yes." He smiled at her innocence, "But tell me, why were you here?"

"Oh, right. Mommy told me to wake you up for lunch." She realised her goal of coming here before getting distracted.

"Oh, okay. I am feeling a bit peckish, so let's go." He got up walking to the door with her following behind like a dog.

Hehe Noice~

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