
new world administrator

Dan, a talented game developer, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a new and unfamiliar world. In this strange land, he encounters fantastical creatures, mystical landscapes, and magic beyond his wildest imagination. As he navigates this mysterious realm tag. administrator , admin , system, dan, administrator , new world , world , power

Red_Mind_god · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

this weird city

Dan, his heart racing with a mix of disbelief and excitement, blurted out, "Heck yeah, I can understand you!" A grin spread across his face, stretching from ear to ear, as he struggled to contain his elation. "Um, hi there. I'm Dan. And you are...?"

The elderly man nodded, his eyes twinkling with warmth as he responded, "Well met, Dan. I am Elder Haldor, and these fine folks," he gestured toward the other occupants of the room, "are esteemed members of the Arcane Guild. Welcome to the heart of the Imperial Empire's central immigration and data center."

Curiosity burning within him, Dan couldn't help but ask, "So, about this ring... do I need to pay for it?" Haldor shook his head, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "No need, my boy. The city's got you covered. And if you're on the lookout for employment, the gentleman at the front desk can surely assist." Dan breathed a sigh of relief, expressing his thanks before adding, "By the way, any chance there's a map of the city lying around?" Haldor chuckled softly. "Unfortunately, I don't possess one myself. But fear not, there's a shop somewhere in the city that should cater to your needs."

With a grateful nod, Dan bid farewell to the Arcane Guild members and ventured into the bustling corridor beyond. The air hummed with a symphony of voices and the rustle of paperwork, creating an atmosphere of industrious activity. Approaching the front desk, he sought guidance on locating a map shop, only to be met with an apologetic shrug from the attendant.

Undeterred, Dan stepped out onto the bustling streets

Dan walked around, entering and leaving many shops and stalls, but none had what he was looking for. Hours passed as he tirelessly searched for the elusive map shop, his determination unwavering despite the countless dead ends. He asked passerby for directions, receiving conflicting responses that only added to his confusion. Some pointed one way, while others gestured in completely different directions.

Frustration gnawed at him as he paced back and forth, retracing his steps in a seemingly endless loop. Each turn of the corner held the hope of discovery, only to be met with disappointment once again

Dan, frustrated beyond measure, finally reached his breaking point. With a cry of frustration, he swung his fist at the nearest tree, intending to vent his anger. However, in his fury, he underestimated his own strength, and the tree splintered and crashed to the ground with a resounding thud. Shocked by the unintended consequence of his actions, Dan stood frozen for a moment, the realization of what he had done sinking in.

"Oops, my bad," he muttered sheepishly, casting a nervous glance around at the gathering crowd of onlookers. Their expressions ranged from disbelief to outright alarm, and Dan knew he had to act quickly before any authorities arrived on the scene. With a surge of adrenaline, he turned and bolted away from the scene, disappearing into the maze-like streets before anyone could stop him