
Ivo Cryst

Authorized by King Xuvion himself to see his most special guest yet, or should he say, prisoner.

The Cryst, one of the most hunted stones in the whole universe. Was finally captured and held as the King's present. Only a few could have the opportunity to grave her image in their minds, and this man. With his thick glasses and papers folded between his arms was only fortunate to be one of them

Everyone was talking about it, muttering unto each other. They watch him stride through the hallway, head held high. And a grin set across his face, knowing very well what advantages he had.

The whole place was a labyrinth of mazes, hallways intersecting from one room to another. It was completely unnecessary, he thought until he realized that this is the prison to rare gems.

Gems that anyone can hardly get their hands on, half of their population is here, captured. Including the most legendary Gems of all, the Cryst herself.

Each held different Herts, Imprisoned for their power despite the fact that most of them are innocent. That's what the King wanted, the only thing preventing them to escape was their lack of knowledge. Wherever they're going and what will occur if they reach their destination, death.

He gave a mirthless smirk. They wouldn't know what's coming. He stopped his pace in front of two huge doors, behind all his confidence, anxiety is rising. He took a shaky breath before taking a step in, from all the hundreds of workers in the lab, no one even noticed him.

It's a rounded room but he can't seem to see the wall from the vast space. Labs, rooms, and offices surround the gigantic container

"The Cryst" he whispered unto himself

"And you are?" A woman with dark pink hair ending by her shoulder, giving him a light glare


"Sent by Xuvion? Follow me" she said with a guarded tone, she looks away and guided him to a counter

He sneers up behind her, hating her disreputable manner, who even calls the King like that?

The lady offered him papers to sign, contracts in assuring his meeting with the Cryst. She continued on yapping while he gazes away in boredom, he had heard it all before.

His attention was brought to a huge container in the middle of the room. It's filled with green substances, and sometimes a dull grey smoke blending in it. He's pretty sure that it was empty but he catches a glimpse of purple eyes within the substance

"Hey! What are you doing!"

He snaps off to reality, he didn't realize that he had walked closer into the container and only a feet away from it. He turns around, everyone is staring with widened eyes piercing not to him but behind him

There's a dull whisper coming from behind him, he turned around and he met a chilly gaze of lavender eyes staring back at him with a thrilling smile. A smile of success, he flinches back and the appearance of an alien creature. It made him stumble back into the ground, losing his ability to stand as the numbness spreads throughout his body.

A beautiful being baring the Cryst in her stomach, and her Raven silky hair scattered around her in mirth. Her pale lavender body marked with patterns as she floats with the green fluid. Her piercing eyes are rich purple and a long pointy ears lifting up from the side of her head. Not long after a short moment, she vanished.

The lady approached the man on the ground, he tried to stand up but failed

"I-I can't feel my feet," he said, his breath running short of air

"Don't try" she pulled him back to the crowd, gesturing the doctors to treat him

She stood up and stared at the shocked and still employees in the room "well?" almost in an instant, Shouting and terrified chatters fill the whole room. The lady pulled out a flat gadget from her pocket and placed it on her ear

"What happened this time?" A static voice answers from the other line

"She escaped," she said looking at her nails

"Again?" He growls "get those ships moving! Tell the employees that If we don't have her by sundown they are all corpses!" And he cuts the line

She puts her gadget away and watches the outbreak that's currently happening. She averted her attention to the man who lost his ability to move his limbs

"What happened? I really can't move a finger!" He screams in terror, influencing the nurse as she has no idea what to do.

"Relax, you're fine" she assured, leaning against the opposite wall. "Your body is in full fatigue right now, all she did was absorb your strength when you got too close to her container. You'll be back in your senses after a fine sleep"

The man looked at her as if it was the first time she actually talked "W-why did she needs strength from me?" He asked

"The substance weakens the Cryst to prevent her from using her Hert, not until you get close enough though." She gave him a troubled sigh "guess the danger sign doesn't work for everyone"

"I... Didn't know what came over me" he said, looking down in shame "the King, oh he'd kill me!" he looked up to her and became perplexed with her pitying pout.

"I'm Lin Courlay, the left handmaiden of King Helix Xuvion" she smiled to him

"handmaiden?" he repeats

Sirens interrupted them and a monotone voice emits from the speakers. "Ivo Cryst, prisoner 103 has escaped, I repeat, prisoner 103 has escaped. All top rank forces are to enter their ships and bring the Cryst back to her quarters immediately!"


Ivo rushed through the Labyrinth and remembers every turn she took like the back of her head. Her sweat running down her pumped cheeks with a remorseless grin across her face. The thrill of chase arouses something within her in the three years of captivation. She'll finally see the world outside the lab, Ivo needs to do this right, or this would be her sixth attempt this year

She took a sharp right and a cut to the left, she skidded across a hall and turns hardly slipping on her feet. Ivo spots a window from a few feet away, and gave up her last effort to reach it and jump unto it smashing the entire glass


The first thought that came into her mind as gravity immediately dragged her down into an abyss. She looked up unto the clear cosmos as she remembered, she was actually in a moving ship out in space

How idiotic can she be for jumping down like that, she fell with a straight face, it was odd even to her self. But now clearly she was about to fall to her death from an unfamiliar planet

The planet under cause the gravity to weight her down, she turns to face this planet and widened her eyes to the sight of it

"Is this... Earth?"

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