1 Announcement

Dear readers,

Sorry I took so long for the people who have read the book I'm trying to make.

I have come to announce I have made many mistakes on the chapters (forgot to put spaces) and how I was explaining the story with not so much detail, and for confusion the readers by figuring out which is which character that was currently speaking. I'm going to re-create the story (New soul strange start!) some of what you have read on my previous mistakes (all my mistakes) I might keep some in the new re-created story with more detail and a better story line.

I may take more time on coming up with the story and chapters that well come in the future, cause I'm talking this seriously now.

(Even though I'm a depressing


I love stories like the rest of you and I what to make a story I'm satisfied with and that most of you will love too.

So please comment if I make spelling mistakes again in the future or if I need more details in the story on one of the chapters that are yet to come.

I'm a new writer with a big heart and imagination. (but not so good at explaining) so please support me I ask from the bottom of my heart, so that we could help make the story better. (thank you, by me)

Haha. *awkward laugh*

If some of you are wondering why I never fixed the story sooner or added new chapters, ( I kind of don't want to explain) but the reason is I got in a little accident, by getting beaten by bullies I guess, that seen me working on ideas for the story I was making by traveling around at a different town for experience (I been robbed poor me...) I was at the hospital for a few days (which felt like for ever) then when I got home I got sick somehow but I had a lot of homework. (I live alone) I just went to the Store so I could buy medicine and that was my whole day was trying to get better and was doing homework like a crazy person for (How long?) then I had free time so I checked on the story I was making that had a lot of views on, I decided to re-read it. Haha and I realized I made mistakes that I barely understand while I read though it. So that's what all happened folks, I feel embarrassed for having you read my mistake on the story (whole story) am deeply sorry, forgive me.

Next chapter