
One Week Later

Inside the room, only one is present as he used his right hand to rub his forehead.

"O…" Gin called his temporary teacher, O, in a low voice.

After calling O, Gin began to lie down on his bed while using both hands to cover his eyes in annoyance.

'W-what...? I know the progress is slow but I think you're doing pretty well. I will be here so go on and do your best, haha.' O paused as it continued, 'I promise I didn't know.'

"As if I'll believe you now. No, I bet you plan this from the start you lying god... I thought we could tell each other's feelings now but, you lied again." Gin spoke as he continued with a more annoyed tone, "You shit, did you plan this from the start?"

'To tell you the truth, yes, but! There is a but, you hear me?!' O quickly respond, 'I thought it will take one and a half week for that boy to move. Sigh... Nash is a little bit...'

Gin scratches his head next before he said, "I-I don't want to become bald, O. Please... I... I'm already ugly but me becoming bald...? I can't even think of the things that would happen on the outside. Tsk, Nash should've told me or given me a clue in the first place...'

'You're right, Nash should've told you.' O paused, 'Don't worry, you still have looks, Gin. You're much more handsome than any other guy.'

"If I'm not bald, O," Gin spoke loudly.


"Never mind that now. We have a problem that should be solved right away." Gin said as he stretches his hand before he continued, "I need to speed up my training, O. Is there a way to raise it in one push?"

O was silent for a moment before saying, 'There is a way.'

O paused, 'But now is not the time because you will be hurt so bad. You know what, just keep going. you man now know but outside this tutorial, they will accept who you are. A-after they laugh looking at you though...'

"N-no…" Gin spoke in a low voice, "I-If I become bald, I don't know what will happen to me when I'm outside. Another thing, raising my proficiency is that slow? You should told me this from the start."

'This kid...' O said before continuing, 'Did you tell Nash that you needed more than a week, though? You raise your stats a little bit when you're hunting right? Besides, you get another ability of your eyes so you should be glad...'

"Who cares about that ability?" Gin paused as he began to run his forehead again, "I thought you are with me every time. It turns out you aren't."

"I told Nash okay." Gin sighed before he continued, "I told him we should stay here for at least a month but h-he... he just smiled in a cool manner! He then said 'We are ready Gin' so, how could I reject something like that?"

Gin sighed once more as he remember the things they discussed in the room, where they held their first meeting and probably... their last.

Inside the room where it is placed for discussing things, Nash could be seen standing in front of the room. As he stands, he looks at everyone present inside.

Nash could see Grey and Gin talking to each other, the same could be said at the three women who are happily chatting about something that only they knew.

Nash could sense that the atmosphere inside is good. For a week of hunting, he concludes that everyone has upgraded their stats, especially Jia and Kisha. On Kisha's side, she is slowly mastering her attribute. Jia, who accidentally activated her attribute, can control it now with ease.

'Not the same as first but it's still good.' Nash said inwardly.

He continued, 'But Kisha... this woman is really a genius. She already mastered some basic spells of elements and now she is practicing more. Good.'

Nash paused as he narrowed his eyes at one guy, 'And Hy-Gin... I can still sense his soul leaking but he continues to stop it as much as possible. How did he do that when nobody is helping him? He is really good.'

'The same goes for Grey and Laura who worked hard too.' Nash inwardly said before he continued, 'I think I can proceed to the plan…'

As Nash thought about it, he nodded his head again and again while looking at his teammates. The team got weirded out by his sudden movements and just silently look at him.

After a minute passed, Grey formed a questioning expression as he looked at Nash and asked, "You seem to be happy, Nash. Something good happened?"

Nash nodded as looked at everyone in the room, "Yes. It's good that you guys upgraded your stats. At least, you'll be able to defend some monsters when they're attacking. Good job."

Jia and Laura slightly blushed as they looked at Nash, which shocked Kisha greatly while looking at the two women beside her.

'What the...? Why do you have that expression? Don't tell me you two both like Nash? Yeah, he is handsome but...' Kisha mused inwardly as she began to glance half her head at Gin.

Gin, on the other hand, is oblivious about his surroundings and just concentrates on the god, which he keeps calling earlier.

'O! I got a new ability of my eyes! Isn't it great? The problem is, it is not an attack-type of ability. When am I going to get something like that? Another thing, my see-through can really see through now! Although it's only ten meters, it's still good isn't it?' Gin excitedly spoke inwardly.


But still, a response was not heard. It was like that since earlier.


Gin waited for more but he got the same thing. Since it was like that, started to speak about how trash the god is and keep doing it for a minute, but no voice was still heard inside his mind.

'Is O busy or something? Hmm, it must be something important. Well, I still have a week to raise my proficiency so if O didn't come, I'll do a solo training.' Gin decided inwardly before looking at Nash, who seem to find the right timing to say something.

"Now, I know we should hunt now but I have something important to say," Nash spoke in a serious tone as he called the group, who became serious after he said it.

Slowly, Nash opened his mouth and said, "My privilege is almost running out. You can say it is expiring soon."

As Nash spoke something unbelievable, silence descended inside the room. After, the three women and Grey could only voice out a word.


Gin, on the other hand, remained quiet but he was trying to not let his chuckle, 'You're still going on with that? Are you trying to say now 'I've got another quest to become a god and I need you all for it'? Tell me what excuses do you have now, regressor.'

"Now, don't be worried because the privilege had said something to me." Nash continued with a faint smile.

'What did it tell?' Gin sarcastically spoke inwardly while getting a bottle of water beside him, drinking it.

The other was intently listening and waiting for Nash to speak the thing he would say now.

"We," Nash paused as he continued with an impassive voice, "We can finish the tutorial early."

After hearing what Nash had just said, silence once again descended into the room, trying to think more at the thing Nash had said. Understanding it in just seconds, the group felt mixed emotions inside their heart and is stopped when some coughing sounds was heard beside Grey.

"Cough! cough! excuse me, cough!"

The five moved their head to look at Gin, who seemed to be choked by the water he had just drunk.

Grey beside him quickly moved as he gets another water, handling it in front of Gin.

"Hyung, are you okay? Here, have another one."

Gin quickly shakes his head before showing him the bottle he had just drank, which still had more water in it. Gin smiled and said it was okay, but his mind wasn't as it was a mess right now.

'There's no way I didn't hear it clearly.' Gin anxiously said inwardly while having another drink. Gin recollects himself before raising his hand up, trying to ask some clarification.

Nash clearly saw it as he moved his head towards Gin and looked at him with a faint smile, which even made Gin more scared.

"D-did I hear that Nash? We can finish the tutorial early?" Gin asked.

Gin knows that he heard it very clearly but if there's a chance that he is wrong, then it's—


But there is no chance.

'W-why? How could this be... No, there must be a reason for him to do this.' Gin mused inwardly as he retract his hand and think deeply about this decision, 'We still have three months yet he wanted to finish it early? No, I can't accept this. There must be something—'

Before Gin could think more, Nash interrupted as he continued to speak.

'The privilege also said something to me that the 'thing' we saw on the first day has some rewards. We can increase our stats if we defeat it and have some good drop items. I know we're already strong enough to try it so who would join me?" Nash enthusiastically spoke even though his face is expressionless as ever.

'No... he's serious about this. If I said that I'm not ready, will you leave me here? Ah shit. It's a bad decision, r-right Gr-' Gin stopped as he moved his head to look at the person beside him.

Looking at Grey, Gin formed a disbelief expression as it looked like Grey had money tags on his eyes.

'T-this guy…' Gin said inwardly before he looked at the three girls at the front and saw them slightly hesitating, 'That's the right reaction to have, Grey. Be afraid as greedy is not good sometimes.'

Then, Gin heard someone asking Nash with a hint of hesitation, It was Jia.

She said as she stuttered, "A-are we going to get some weapon like… an axe or similar to that? I-t must be good."

'Huh?' Gin was left dumbfounded as he continued, 'I thought you're afraid but...you just want a shit axe?! F—'

Nash chuckled slightly, "Yes Jia, some drops are good or bad, but I can assure you that the early we go, the better stuff will come. Just like what the administrator had said."

Jia smiled faintly and nodded. "Then, let me join."

It was then another woman quickly raised her hand, asking a strange question that made the group perplexed. It was Laura.

"Hey! How about a rope? Are we getting something or similar to that?" Laura asked excitedly.

Gin gulped a mouthful of saliva as he slightly shrinks back, touching his neck subconsciously. He looked at Laura with a dumbfounded expression, the same could be said on how the group looks at Laura.

On the other hand, Nash chuckled slightly higher than before and mused inwardly, 'Rope? Ah, that hobby of her? Maybe no, but there are many ropes outside. Hmm, I'll just give her something when we get out.'

Nash then answered, "The chances are low but luck will take care of that. Does anyone have any other questions?"

It was then, Gin raised his hand and speak with a serious voice, "Can we talk Nash?"

Seeing Gin's reaction, Nash nodded slightly and inwardly said, 'He's serious about this...'

"Sure, Gin," Nash answered before narrowing his eyes to the others, "I'd like to speak alone with him. We'll hunt first to warm ourselves up. After hunting, we rest a bit and go to the place where we can finish the tutorial."

The others could only nod as all of them decided to follow Nash. They stand up and go towards the door silently as they noticed how serious Gin is about this topic and dare not ask him anything. They leave the room as they felt it was getting tenser for some reason.

As everyone gets out, everybody was having the same thought inside.

'It's my first time seeing Gin being serious.'


As the sound of the door closed, the two people inside were silent. The two stared at each other for a minute before Nash decided to break the silence.

"What is it Gin? Is it about earlier?" Nash asked even though he knew it was the topic they will be discussing.

"Yes." Gin spoke as he nodded his head, "I think this is too soon, Nash. Maybe we could do it a month later to be sure that we are really ready. We are all progressing smoothly so why the rush?"

'Should I tell him?' Nash mused inwardly as the thought he would keep secret forever appear inside his mouth.

Having that crazy thought of telling that to someone, Nash shakes his head and decided not to, 'No, I'm sorry H-hyung... I trust you very much. I really do and I don't know why am I feeling this way, but... I think I need to carry this heavy burden alone.'

After, Nash slowly walks in front of Gin and taps his shoulder. He smiled sadly at Gin, who thought that it's cool.

"We are ready Gin. And, I will be there." Nash spoke with an impassive voice,

'Tsk...' Gin clicked his tongue before he sighed loudly and didn't see Nash flinching faintly.

'There's nothing I could do.' Gin inwardly said before he continued, "I see. That's good. Anyway, I think I will not join you hunting this time. Good luck and I'll be waiting."

Gin removed Nash's hand on his shoulder before he turned around, slowly walking towards the door. He leaves Nash, who thinks that he understands the situation very well.

'Ah… he's mad.'

Back to Gin's room, who is now practicing his eyes. For a week, he started locking his consciousness, at the same time, raising at least .1 of his proficiency in attribute, which is now 2.16. His Inheritance was still at 1% but it's not his problem now.

He realized that raising one's proficiency is really hard, making him really nervous about the contract he had with O.

'Ugh... I'm hungry.' Gin said inwardly as he rub his stomach, "O, can I take a break? I will get some food at the storage for a moment."

O answered, 'Yeah, yeah. I know you want to clear your mind. If Nash really wants to end the tutorial, then we can go with that method. Be prepared, Gin.'

"The pain will be temporary," Gin paused, "But knowing you O, I think the consequences of the contract will take forever."

Hearing it, O let out a chuckle and said, 'Yeah, nice joke. Well, it's true though, hehe. I will come back later, see you.'

"Yeah, bye. Later."

Saying goodbye to O, Gin lies down on his bed to rest. After a bit of resting, Gin gets up and began to leave his room. His destination is towards the meeting room as besides that room is the storage room, where the food is placed

'They already leave, huh.' Gin said inwardly as he saw that the room is already empty.

Seeing it, Gin proceeds to go towards the storage room and enter it.

'A three days food is enough.' Gin inwardly said before picking different kinds of food inside.

After getting the food inside, Gin goes out from the room, closing it tightly. Gin walks away, trying to get inside his room so that he could get his proficiency raised. After a few minutes of walking, he stopped as he heard people murmuring in the vicinity.

"Hey. did you see the man?"

"Yeah, his body is covered with blood. Really gross."

"Oh, you saw it too? Maybe he encountered some monsters. He must've escaped from them."

"Right? Remembering what happened to that man who got headless, makes me want to puke again."

Hearing the gossips, Gin got curious and decided to see what it is. Walking for a few seconds, he saw many people cramped at one place. In the place, he decided to watch all of it at the sidelines and wait for the events to happen.


What he saw is a middle-aged man, who had his body covered entirely with blood as the people said. His face was visible but he was not handsome as his. His physique was also average. Now, he is crying like a baby and people started to gather to comfort him.

Seeing an old man crying, Gin was holding back his laugh and decided to activate his eyes. It was then the laugh he is holding back instantly vanished as it was replaced into a serious one. Although his stats are shit, Gin only got curious about this disposition and occupation.

[Name: Luke Leyson

Age: 32

Disposition: Splendid Acting

Occupation: Trickster]

The people gathering started to remove the blood on his shirt. As it goes, more people started to come over and started to calm the man down.

But after seeing Luke's occupation and disposition, Gin formed a frown on his face and asked inwardly, 'Hmm… What is this guy up to now?'

Next chapter