1 Chapter 1

Altaïr returned to his house calmly as he thought about how good it would be if he were like those anime protagonists who were sent to another world with an OP system, even though the chance of being sent to another world is low he never gave up and always searched. For knowledge about people sent to another world, but he ended up frustrated as there weren't many reports on the internet.

Don't think Altair was an idiot, as with his knowledge he had passed first place at a top-of-the-line university, but only to end up disappointed as his college didn't do him any good in his career, Altair always regretted having studied so hard to work in a common company with an even more common salary.

Altaïr even thought about committing suicide, but chose to give it up in the end, as from his years watching anime, he knew that no protagonist would be reborn in another world if he committed suicide, so he would have to keep living waiting for his opportunity.

As a big anime fan, Altair knew that several types of reincarnations could happen to a person, the most common being death by trucks, but he was against this idea, as all the protagonists who were sent to another world by a truck will always be beta protagonists with a huge harem.

Even though he had already pictured himself having a giant harem, he was still against the idea of being sent to another world by truck.

"I don't want to go to a world where I would have to defeat a Demon King."

As he thought about his chances of being sent to an anime world, Altaïr saw that a child was slowly crossing the street, but what the child hadn't noticed was that the light was red, and a large truck was coming towards him.

Looking at this situation, Altair knew what would happen next, he would save the child and be sent into a generic anime world.

"If you think you can deceive me, you are very much mistaken." Altaïr thought as he ignored the child and continued towards his house.

The child crossing the street stopped suddenly and looked strangely at Altair, after all any good person would probably run towards him trying to save her. Yes, this child was a Goddess who had been sent to this world to reincarnate a mortal to a generic fantasy world where he would have to fight a Demon King, but it seems his target wasn't too interested in going to another world.

The truck that was about to hit her quickly disappeared, as did the child, it was as if they had never been there in the first place.

Altaïr did not notice these changes and continued heading towards his house, while sighing in relief, he had thought the truck would come after him.

"Looks like today is my lucky day. I wonder if I will win anything if I play the lottery."

Arriving near his home in Altair, he felt a shiver down his back, and when he turned he saw a large truck stopped, smoke rising from its tires.

"You've got to be kidding, right?!"

Altaïr didn't even think as he started to run, he knew that even if he walked into the house, he wouldn't be safe.

The truck slowly approaches the poor Altair, who was running desperately.

Seeing that he could not flee for long, Altaïr thought of a strategy he had prepared for should such a situation ever happen in his life. Yes, Altair was a person who prepared for all sorts of things, no matter how absurd the probability he would always be prepared, there was a time he had prepared for a tsunami, but people always made fun of him for something like that, since in the country where they live it was impossible to have a tsunami.

But three years later his preparations proved effective, as a great tsunami occurred in his country, and he as a great planner was already prepared for it.

"If you think you can catch me, then you are sorely mistaken."

Altair increased his speed as he headed for a manhole cover that was close to an alley, this manhole had been under maintenance for a few days, as his cover had been breached by someone, so there was a lane for people not to approach, as there was a danger of them falling into the manhole.

The only one who knew about the person responsible for breaching the manhole cover was Altair himself, after all, he was responsible for that. The reason? He had built a secret base in the sewer, for his future research, and that place also functioned as a refuge for situations like this.

In a few seconds, Altair reached the manhole, and without thinking twice he jumped into it.

A lot of people might think he was crazy for doing something like that since the manhole was a dirty place, but Altair wasn't an ordinary person, was he? He was someone with principles, a real man in search of reincarnation, so something like that was child's play to him.

Falling into the manhole, Altair didn't think for long, as he walked towards his hiding place, there were beads of sweat running down his face, but he didn't seem to mind, he needed to do something immediately to resolve his situation.

Arriving at his secret hiding place, he saw that it was still intact, and sighed with relief, he thought he would find a truck waiting for him here, but it seems that his worries were in vain.

If anyone saw Altair's secret hiding place, they wouldn't know what to say, there was a single bed, a fridge with lots of food, there was even a computer, plus there were several notes scattered around his bed and computer, and if anyone approached closer to see what was written they would be surprised, there were several texts on reincarnation, anime, and magic.

Altaïr sought a great knowledge of magic, as he hoped to gain great power to be able to reclaim space and go to an anime world that wasn't generic, or even being sent to a cultivation world would be good, he just would hope that there were no arrogant young masters, that was something he hated greatly.

"Rather than a generic fantasy world, I prefer to go to a cultivation world, even if I have to face those arrogant young masters."

Altair had relaxed considerably, as there were no more signs of a truck trying to send him to another world.

"It looks like I got over this crisis, I hope to get some kind of reward when I die from it."

Feeling a little thirsty, Altaïr went to his fridge to get a soda, when suddenly when he opened the fridge, a truck came out of it, yes a truck has just come out of a fridge.

This truck that had come out of his refrigerator had defied all the laws of physics, it was as if he had ended up reincarnating Altair in every way, and that's why he had defied the laws of physics when leaving a refrigerator.

"How is this possible?!" These were the last thoughts of poor Altair, even being someone who considered himself a great planner, he never imagined that a truck could leave his refrigerator, he had been careless and did not intend to make the same mistake again, in his next life.
