

One Day, while searching for a job, Frey received an ad. Asking him if he would like to join a program.

At the time, Frey was desperate, he hasn't paid the rent and didn't get to eat anything for the last 3 days.

Clicking the ad, Frey hoped it wasn't a scam, a page shows up. Across the top of the page were the words [New Life].

Other than a few questions there aren't any qualification requirements.

At this point in time, Frey already concluded the website to be a scam.

Still, because of his curiosity, he continued.

The few questions on this website were

1. Are you bored out of your life?.

2. Do you want to change your life?.

3. If there is a chance to experience something exciting would you accept it?.

After being skeptical for a minute and deciding it wouldn't hurt to try, he then clicked [Yes] on all three questions and the [Apply] button below,

When suddenly Frey lost his consciousness.

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