
New Life

After a while, I open my eyes. I couldn't help but feel confused by the view in of my eyes.

In front of me was a status screen you see in games.


Name: Frey Wolfe

Level: 1/10 [0/1000]

Strength: 1.1

Constitution: 1.2

Dexterity: 1.3

Intelligence: 0.9

Will: 1.5

Skill points: 1


[LOCKED] - Appraisal 0/1 [Active]

(Ability to see the description and characteristics of Status or Objects)

[LOCKED] - Inventory 0/2 [Active]

(Ability to create a dimensional treasure chest to store items)[Size 3x3x3]

[LOCKED] - Physical Body Enhancement 0/2 [Passive]

(Increase Strength,Constitution,Dexterity by 0.5 each)

[LOCKED] - Contract 0/5 [Active] (Ability to learn a single weakened version of a skill 0/1)


The character's physical and magical strength.


The character's vitality and stamina.


The character's overall mastery of the body.


The character's logic and reasoning capabilities.


The character's determination and fearlessness.

"Wow I knew that website was dubious, but I didn't know it was that dubious!"

Looking at it from another perspective, I was really that stupid for going through the survey for a questionable website.

As always my curiosity got the better of me, now that I can see my stats it does seem accurate especially my Intelligence.

It seems because of my hobby parkour my dexterity and will are both high.

After checking through my status, I look around my surroundings.

The first thing I noticed, that was it was quiet, and a single melodious voice can be heard, looking around were people who look like students judging by their uniform, and in the middle of it, where their eyes were drawn to, was a girl, a very beautiful one at that with a silver medium hair and deep blue eyes.

"And... now we conclude this morning assembling for the new freshman joining this year."

As the girl finishes her speech, the audience stands up and applause...


"Good morning class, I'm Ms.Sarah, and I'll be your homeroom teacher"

Said a middle-aged woman in front of the class.

"Now, if you may, please introduce yourself"

As students stand up to introduce themselves one by one until it finally reaches 5 unique individuals in front of me.

A tall individual, with a bear-like stature, stands up and introduces himself in a loud voice that reverberated to the whole class.

"YO!, I'm Viktor Ingvarsson from Iceland!"

Viktor Ingvarsson is 7ft tall(estimate), with short spiky black hair and a rugged face with a short stubble beard that looks suspiciously like a certain black-haired swordsman from a certain anime that wielded a giant sword with a name that starts with G.

With an intimidating smile, he looks around the class.

"And I'll be this class top dog, also if anyone wants to challenges me to feel free to do so!"

After the huge guy sat down, the person sitting next to him an average looking male fixes his glass while sighing audibly.

"What a loud mutt, can you please keep your barking down a few notches since it grates my ears"

"What did you say, four-eyes!"

Viktor then stood up from his seat with an angry expression on his face.

Just by looking from their stature, Viktor being 7ft by estimate, and the bespectacled guy, being two heads smaller, makes it look like, an adult bullying a kid.

While the tension is increasing between the two as if they were about to fight, Ms.Sarah smile, a smile that remotely doesn't resemble anything friendly.

Suddenly the whole class starts to feel heavy as if gravity all of a sudden increases and the two individuals who seem to be the main focus of the gravity collapses and quieted down.

"Now, now be friendly with each other and don't fight okay"

After picking themselves up, the two individuals just glare at each other while the Viktor sat down, the bespectacled guy introduces himself.

"Name's Lucas Wilson, British,"

Lucas Wilson is an average looking person with an average height, with short golden blonde hair, and a sharp looking eyes that look as if he can see through anything with white framed glasses.

After saying that short introduction, Lucas then promptly sat down.

Ms.Sarah smiles wryly at that scene while looking hopeful for the next student to be normal.

"Hello!, my name is Amy Baker from America nice to meet you!"

Said a chubby girl with a big smile in a cheerful tone.

Amy Baker a chubby girl with a cute face that was covered in freckles, red hair and brown eyes, all in all, she looks like a redhead that is chubby.

After Amy sat down, the girl, who is sitting next to her introduces herself?

"Hello, my name is Daichi Bando from Japan, and before you ask I'm a male, that just likes cross-dressing"

Daichi Bando, a guy with a cute female face that dresses like one, was an average height guy with medium length black hair and black eyes.

After sighing to myself to this "Unique" group which I hope to not be involved in any way possible, the next person then introduces herself.

"H-he-hee-hello I-I'm M-Maria I-Its Nice t-to m-meet y-you. " saying that with a creepy smile was the creature besides Daichi.

Although I've said creature, It is definitely a girl but.

Maria, a girl with very long messy hair that frames her face that reaches up till her knee, her eyes since I only got a glimpse of it was red with a small frame that makes her look like a child.

Facepalming while shaking her head, Ms.Sarah then sighed for the 3rd time of the day.

"Dismiss, sh*t I'm not getting paid enough for this trouble"

Saying so Ms. Sarah left.

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