4 SB Again

I open my eyes.

laughter coming from across the room. SB sitting on a couch laughing at a televised broad cast showing the different ways to kill zombies in what looks like zombie land based on the occasional 'Rule/Statement' popping up on occasion. So I went around and sat in a recliner and joined in watching the Movie.

A startled SB shouted at me. "What the Heck are you doing here?"

"I died." I replied

"How? You were gone like an hour?"

"I got stuck in traffic when the Chitauri invaded. My truck was hit in a strafing run vaporizing the fuel and me."

"Well anything you want to do differently?"

"No the Random rout is the way to go. Going to keep my gender and memories. Random every thing else."

"You want to spin the wheels again?"

"Sure. This time you don't need to tell me where I am going. It'll be fun trying to figure out where I am."

I hand over the form again.

[□] 100 KP Pick your next world to live in

[□] 1-1000 KP Pick your next life family

[□] 10 KP Pick your next life name

[■] 10 KP Pick your next life Gender M/FM

[□] 25-99 KP Pick your next bodily attributes

[□] 1-9999 Pick a special ability (can be selected multiple times)

[□] 10 KP Reincarnate

[□] 80 KP Transmigrate

[□]100 KP Pick your own Back Story

[□]000 KP Random Back story

[□] 1-1000 KP Pick starting resources

[■] 500 KP Keep your memories

[■] Random next life

you get back whatever was spent

[■] Come back when you die.

"With this selection it will bring you down to 298 KP

You gain 100 KP for the world

You didn't gain a family

First name the same last name Cadaver

Keep your Gender

Oh look. You got a more muscular physic. Its now a 6 instead of a 5 that's 200 KP to you

You also got the ability Nimble feet. That gives you a bonus check to all foot actions. That's 150 KP to you

Looks like you will transmigrate with the backstory of a Doctorate in Xenobiology and General Practitioner. That's going to be 612 KP to you.

That brings you to a new total 910 KP.

Enjoy your new life."

"Thanks SB see you later, but hopefully not so soon."

The world fades to black

Next chapter