
attack of the Traitorous Captain who then got Jumped

Wara sat in Sasuke's lap with her legs Folded under her as she held Sasuke's head as he fed off her breast Milk. "I'm sorry for scaring you so Master. I just wish to watch over and protect you." Wara said as she caressed Sasuke's hair that it started to show signs of changing color. Sasuke pulled his head from her nipple as he licked up and down while muttering "don't be sorry for that. I was only surprised, I didn't think anyone would be hanging off my ceiling waking up." Before sucking on her breast again.

"Yes, well, I have a failure to report, my Master. I'm deeply ashamed to say I was incapable of capturing the human known as Danzo Shimura, and only succeeded in taking Hiruzen Sarutobi alive." Wara said with a deep sadness Laced with immense shame. This time when Sasuke pulled away the personality was Indra who said "it's acceptable, everyone Fails sometimes but don't let it happen too often, you will receive no punishment this time. And I must admit your breast Milk if very high quality. Continue to feed." Indra gave control to Sasuke who continued to drink from her breast "I understand, My Master." Wara said with a tremble in her voice as she had a bright smile and continued to stroke Sasuke's Hair.

The Door opens up to reveal Nehi who had come to check on her Mate feeling him awake. She came as fast as she could without letting anyone else feel suspicious that Sasuke might be awake. What she didn't expect to see is Arachne's Metal-Queen breast feeding her Mate while gently stroking his head. That came to a complete surprise for Nehi who didn't believe the other races would be sending out guardians this soon, which means the Kitsune race will be or have already sent in one of their own.

The other females in the house saw Nehi standing stunned in front of Sasuke door Hurry over to see what's going on and it was Naruko who screamed out loud before fainting, now she was prepared for this but seeing and hearing about it. It's just two different things.

Kushina sent Naruko off with a shadow clone as the Woman stepped in and closed the door. Sasuke was Far too Hungry to stop feeding and greet them so he removed one of his hands from Wara back and waved at the group

"Good day, I'm Wara the Arachne's Metal-Queen, and guardian of My Master." Wara greeted them with a small smile and nod but didn't stop her hands from playing with Sasuke's hair. "Oh? I remember you from the forest. You took my Hunt." Madara said lightly like she wasn't really worried about it. Izuna said rubbing her Chin "it's my first time meeting a Metal-Queen, please meet I'm Izuna Uchiha. This Klutz is my Elder sister Madara Uchiha." Madara rolls her eyes hearing the outlandish acquisitions coming from her sister's Mouth. Mikoto waved her hand "hi, I'm Sasuke's mother Mikoto Uchiha." Kushina pushed Mikoto away and held her big chest out high in pride "and I'm Kushina uzumaki, Sasuke-kun mommy!"

Abia, Kohei, Itachi, Orochi, Anko And Nehi also introduce themselves

Mikoto then said "there are two younger girls to meet, Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno but they have other places they have to live at for a few more years before they can stay with us. As well as Naruko Uzumaki who had passed out, sorry for that."

Nehi looked up to see the Silk waved web and asked "anyway. I thought you said you're a Metal-Queen, why is your nest made of Silk?" Wara blush hearing this and said " I'd not even Dare to have the thought of being so preposterous, as to make my Permanent Nest in Masters resting chambers even IF I am to be the next empress! B-besides even if Master took me as his, the ceiling couldn't hold my Metal threads and would collapse." After saying that Wara jumped up in Surprise feeling something slapped against her soft Chitin underbelly. "Oh my? D-does Master wish to breed this servant?" Sasuke who was still sucking on her Milk nodded his head "your mine." Sasuke mutters as he sucked on her Milk.

But Before anything else could happen everyone felt a strong presence appear in the middle of the Uchiha woods making their heads snap in the very direction.

On the outskirts of the Uchiha Uchiha forest that was Burnt down stood a man, he has slate gray eyes and long black hair, which he keeps up in intricate white headpieces called kenseikan which symbolize his nobility as the head of the Kuchiki Clan, wearing three on top of his head and another two on the right side. In addition to the standard captain uniform, he wears a white scarf, which is woven by the master weaver Tsujishirō Kuroemon III. The scarf is made from Ginpaku Kazahana no Uzuginu and is a family heirloom, having been handed down from generation to generation and given to each head of the Kuchiki Clan. The scarf alone is worth ten mansions in the Seireitei. He wears fingerless white tekkō which only cover the back of his hands.

This man is Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, the 28th head of the Kuchiki clan. Byakuya reached forward only to be stopped by a red barrier that shocked his hand, pulling away he felt how his hand became numb. Making the man Frown slightly.

Byakuya turned around, feeling several shallow presences making their way to him. He clenched his fist getting the feeling back in his hand just as Several people landed before him.

Kushina, Madara, Mikoto, Itachi and Sasuke look at the man who look at them with cold indifferent eyes

Byakuya immediately knew Kushina was the one who set up the barrier as her chakra and the chakra of the barrier was the same. So his eyes were only on her as he said "I'm going to need you to drop this barrier." Kushina scoffed and said "huh?! Fuck no! Go kiss a dick you pansy!" Byakuya's eyebrows twitched several times before letting out a soft sigh ' the uzumaki clan huh? Even in the world of the living they act like delinquents.' he thought to himself before Vanishing and appear behind her with two fingers on Kushina back " Hadō #4: Byakurai…" a strong beam of blue lightning shot out of his two fingers and came out of Kushina Heart. "That should drop the barrier." Byakuya said as he walked over Kushina's body.

Kushina, who was originally stunned by the speed of her opponent, snapped open her eyes as her eyes changed into a red spiraling whirlpool before jumping up and launching a punch to the back of Byakuya's head. The man opens his eyes wide in shock as he Flash steps away just in time as Kushina fist Smash the ground apart.

Byakuya looked at the wound on Kushina's chest only to find it had closed up and not even a scratch was left on her perfect skin.

Kushina touched over the spot where she was hit as a wide smile grew on her face "you..hit me?" It was as soft as a whisper but was heard by all, Mikoto smiled warry as she backed away. Kushina looks up at Byakuya as her eyes glew bright. "Good! Good! Fight me with everything you got! I'll enjoy this while it lasts!" Kushina yelled as all her suppressed chakra boiled out as she rushed at Byakuya who's eyes opened wide ' definitely a uzumaki…but those eyes? A half blood of Uchiha and uzumaki?' he thought to himself as he pulled out his zanpakutō and Slash at Kushina neck. But the redhead didn't care and followed through with her punch.

Byakuya watched as his blade passed right through her skin but what surprised him was as his blade moved Kushina was already healing 'there's something wrong here, that's the fastest regeneration I have ever seen. So fast blood doesn't even spill. that explains why she didn't die after having her heart destroyed.' Kushina slammed her first into his gut Hard enough to lift him off the ground "don't lose consciousness too quickly!" Kushina Roared as she started slamming fast punches one after another all over his stomach and torso before spinning around and kicking him in the face launching him at the Barrier.

Byakuya fixed himself midair as he slid on the air as if it's ground Byakuya Whip the blood from his lips before holding up his zanpakutō "scatter z-" but before Byakuya could call out his Shikai his blade was wrapped up in solid metal silk and his eyes locked onto the one responsible witch was Wara who was hanging upside down from a tree with the Metal silk coming from her Mouth. Byakuya felt a chill down his back and looked at sasuke who persona changed to Indra " false god.." Byakuya whispers before Flash steps away from Kushina and aims his blade to Pierce Indra's eye. Byakuya and Indra made eye contact with each other Byakuya fierce eyes and Indra's cold indifferent eyes.

Byakuya blade was stopped and a loud clang rang out on the battlefield as sparks flew from two blades clashing. " Lieutenant Suì-Fēng?" The said Suì-Fēng glared with fierce eyes even with her smaller size "heretic. Does this mean the entire Kuchiki clan is traitors as well!?" Byakuya frowns at the accusation but before he could say anything another Strong presence appears from a Senkaimon. "Well~well, Well! If it isn't captain Byakuya-san? How could you, Byakuya-san? I always believe you to be an honest and good man who followed the law? And..god is the law. You know?" Byakuya Flash away as a blade extended out trying to pierces head. "Gin.." Byakuya said as he looked at the man, Gin is a thin, tall, and youthful man with very sharp features, giving him a skeletal appearance, and bears unusual silver hair with two long pointed ears, He keeps his eyes constantly narrowed to slits, rarely ever opening his eyes enough to reveal their bright sky blue-color that hard Slitted like a snake. He also keeps his face set in a wide mocking smile, sometimes reliving his fork-tongue. which he only wipes off on rare occasions of annoyance, surprise, confusion, or even sadness.

"What are you doing here, Lamia?" Byakuya said sharply, making Gin Frown saying "no need to be so Rude, I have a name you know?" Byakuya Flash away as Gin blade extended again even faster but this time it bent around following Byakuya who was getting much more frustrated.

Suì-Fēng is a relatively petite woman with gray cat eyes and black hair which she wears short with two long braids bound in white cloth, each ending in a large golden ring. 110 years ago, Suì-Fēng's hair was shoulder-length and had a softer look to it. She wears a traditional Shinigami captain's uniform with a sleeveless haori and a yellow obi tied around her waist. Underneath her standard Shinigami captain's uniform, Suì-Fēng wears the uniform of the commander-in-chief of the Onmitsukidō, which has no sleeves and doesn't cover the back, though she does wear long black armbands. Instead of wearing the standard Shinigami sandals with tabi, she wears traditional Chinese shoes with ordinary white socks.

Suì-Fēng Flash behind the traitor going for a stab but Byakuya Flash away and so did Suì-Fēng as not to get hit by Captain Gin blade. Kushina who was now being ignored Smirk as she closed her left eye and followed Byakuya with her right eye. A red open up on top of Byakuya who flashes away but couldn't get away completely as seen when he was missing a piece of his right elbow. Byakuya eyes Widen "what?!" He said surprised as his body shook with fear. His eyes landed on Indra who had his head tilted and a ghostly smile on his face everyone else noticed that and Gin smiled Widen "God has marked your death!" Gin yelled as his lower body turned into that of a Snake and rushed at Byakuya at greater speed.

Suì-Fēng seeing that the Captain was going to be serious back away to Guard Indra who was currently draining Byakuya powers for himself.

Kushina sat back and concentrated on the suppression seal so this battle didn't leak out to the rest of the village. Up until now she didn't need to worry as the soul reapers were not being serious enough to warrant any attention. But now it's much different.

Byakuya backed off as he was huffing hard and was hurt with his right arm useless and several deep cuts. Byakuya decided to Retreat as he shelved his sword through the air to open the Senkaimon but before he could turn his sword a purple paw slammed him to the ground revealing a 20 foot tall purple Kitsune with 6 tails and a big purple hat with black Gas clouds "heretic! Dare to run from God's judgment! Naive!"

Byakuya stood up on shaken legs as he looked around himself seeing he was surrounded by his enemies on all sides couldn't help but curse the Leader of the rebellion for sending him here. Byakuya took a deep breath as he stood up and Flip his Sword update down "BANKAI: Senbonzakura Kagey- " Byakuya couldn't finish his words as his eyes flash with disbelief and horror as everyone watch his zanpakutō turned to Dust and fly over to Indra and watch it reform in his hand as he held it straight up at chest level "scatter Senbonzakura." Indra Said with a chilling smile, Byakuya watched with a cold sweat as the Blade down to the Hilt turned into dark purple almost black Sakura petals that swirled around him in a protective formation. Everyone watched as Byakuya powers that had been leaving him slowly since his first attack on Kushina were now being Drained much faster, Byakuya closed his eyes as his body started to turn into light particles that were being taken in by Indra.

"Kaname Tōsen, Sajin Komamura, Shunsui Kyōraku, Shūhei Hisagi, Chōjirō Tadaoki Sasakibe, Izuru Kira, Renji Abarai, Atau Rindō. Are all traitors." Indra said with his eyes closed. Indra sighed "everyone in central 46 is a Traitor." These news surprised Gin and Suì-Fēng. Sasuke persona came back as he drop to his knees huffing hard 'Sorry Sasuke, look like I over did it again.' Indra said to him in a tired voice. Sasuke shook his head 'no, it's ok Indra..' Sasuko said back as before he fell asleep was caught in the arms of Itachi.