
New Life - Chapter # 2

The sun's rays intricately penetrated the window, scattering around the room.

In response to this sudden attack by the enemy, the blanket on the bed rustled, hiding its wearer in the darkness. But it was too late - the dream receded. Squinting and trying to return to the world of dreams, the boy cursed and threw his protection into the far corner, lounging on the bed and trying to see the time on the alarm clock through not fully closed eyelids.

It turned out surprisingly difficult.

- Aaah, - moaned the child, shrinking into a ball, - who only came up with this study in the morning.

- Naruto, - an impossibly calm voice brought the boy out of his thoughts. Blue eyes only after a few seconds were able to focus on the troublemaker, in order to identify him as his own older sister, - my mother asked me to tell you to come down for breakfast.

- Couldn't she come in on her own? – somehow indifferently the guy asked, turning over on his back and staring at the beige ceiling of his bedroom.

- Apparently she couldn't.

- Not another word. - It didn't hurt Naruto, though, who was already used to his sister not even saying hello to him in the morning.

Lazily assuming a sitting position, he pulled off his black T-shirt and went barefoot to the bathroom, throwing slippers away. I didn't want anyone to track his steps.

- Kagami, the final exam is coming soon, - Minato was sitting at the table opposite his daughter, both hands squeezing a cup, over which steam swirled. Taking another sip, the man turned to his wife, who stood with her back to him and was cooking something at the stove. - Kushina, today your coffee is as good as ever.

- You don't need to flatter me, dear, if you think that I won't be angry with you because of today's delay, - the redhead replied without turning around. - You know how much I hate your meetings in the late afternoon.

- It's part of my job, - Fourth smiled. - Only at this time, most jonins and clan heads have free time. And at least once a week I have to collect them.

- Yes, so that after five minutes of exchanging news, we can start telling vulgar jokes, - the woman quipped, turning around and showing a feigned malicious face.

- And that's also part of my job, - Minato cheered even more. - Kagami?

- I'm more than ready, - after a little thought, the girl answered, accepting a plate of scrambled eggs and salad from her mother's hands. - After all, I was trained by the best teacher.

- He may be the best, but his hobbies cause vague doubts, - Kushina sat down at the table with her family. - I still wonder how you didn't fall under his influence.

- Well, - the Hokage thought, scratching the bridge of his nose, - at that time he didn't show his inclinations so actively.

- Good morning, - Naruto gave the trio a quick glance, not surprised that, as usual, they left him a place closer to the exit from the kitchen.

- Good morning, - everyone answered synchronously, continuing their conversation, into which the blond did not want to delve into under any pretext.

Quickly eat your cooling breakfast, thank you and hide in the direction of the Academy. Not a bad plan.

And it was really so, if at the very end there was not a single phrase from his father, which he, like some kind of magic mantra, repeated every day: "Try to prove yourself today, Naruto.

The eight-year-old boy slowly walked along the spacious streets of Konoha, occasionally raising his eyes from the ground to those around him, who nodded reservedly, greeting the son of the Hokage. A sour grimace appeared on his face, and he hurriedly looked down at his shoes, thrusting his hands into the black breeches.

All these people respected his father, loved and trusted him, and from him, as if not noticing the desire of the child himself, they expected great success in his studies and career as a shinobi. But ... there is always this: "But!"

I did not want to risk my life for the sake of the village, nor did I want to live up to anyone's expectations. First of all, parents who were firmly confident in the future of their child. A dull pain squeezed his heart and Naruto tightly squeezed the white T-shirt on his chest with his fingers. Mom and dad just pulled away, thinking that the boy was too selfish and arrogant. He relies too much on his father's reputation and uses it, not really trying to achieve something on his own, knowing that everything will be presented to him on a platter anyway. This misunderstanding undermined relations in the family, and the boy was simply afraid to admit to his parents that he did not really want to be a shinobi.

Suddenly Naruto smiled as he remembered his godfather who traveled and wrote books all the time.

- Yes, - the guy thought, drawing out the words, - that would be to my liking. I don't owe anyone, I rely only on myself and do what I want. Story.

But Namikaze knew that these were only dreams. At least for now. He was the son of the Hokage, who has many enemies around the world. To leave Konoha in a legalized way, one needed the same power as that possessed by the same Jiraiya. And that was nothing more than a pipe dream. The blond understood that his future was to spend his whole life in the village, only occasionally leaving the Leaf for some small assignments, because there was no desire for strength, as such.

Yawning, the boy entered the Academy grounds. Near the entrance stood one of the teachers, obviously waiting for him.

- It's not good to be late, Naruto, - the brown-haired woman smiled, causing the even scar on the bridge of his nose to twist.

- I was only late once, Iruka-sensei, - Namikaze muttered grimly.

- When I didn't tell my parents that I saw this shinobi profession in a coffin.

The two young women sat comfortably in a pavilion in the middle of a small pond surrounded by fruit trees. Their bursting laughter sometimes gave way to whispering, so that outsiders would not hear some little secrets. Although, in the courtyard of the head of the Uchiha clan, people could only occasionally be seen. The estate fell into silence when all its inhabitants went about their business from the very morning.

- I heard that Kagami will graduate with honors from the Academy, - the brunette tore off the last grape with her thin fingers, which looked lonely on the plucked bunch, and put it in her mouth. - A very gifted girl.

- Yeah, that's hard to argue with, - the redhead replied with a smile, - she doesn't want to shame Minato by putting all her strength into it. - What can you not say about...

- Naruto, - the interlocutor nodded understandingly, having heard from her youngest son about the successes of her friend's offspring. - Why doesn't your husband talk to him like man to man?

- Do you think he didn't do it? Kushina chuckled, looking away. It went in one ear and out the other. Minato wants Naruto to try like a sister, making his own way, but Naruto doesn't seem to want to hear him.

- Perhaps you need to go the other way? - Mikoto asked. Have you ever asked what the boy himself wants?

- He doesn't tell us, - sighed Kushina. - I don't know, but it's easier for him to agree with someone else's opinion than to express his own.

- What are your family relationships? – suddenly asked Uchiha and quickly added. - I know it's none of my business, but still...

- It's hard to describe. Me and Minato are shinobi. Our parents were like our ancestors. It's in our blood. But Naruto... He's like another, - Kushina stuttered and looked into her friend's eyes, - like... I don't know. We love him, but at the same time we are disappointed that he is not trying to do anything to fix it. I... we... just want...

- So that he follows the path you have chosen, - Mikoto nodded understandingly, straightening a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

- It's hard to even imagine what Fugaku and I would do if Itachi or Sasuke acted like that. The history of the clan goes back centuries, all men have always been warriors. It has become a philosophy of life.

- So we are trying to convey this to him, - Kushina sighed contritely. - Maybe give it to you for re-education?

- Well, well, such drastic measures are not needed, - the brunette smiled. - Better try to find out what Naruto himself wants.

- I'm afraid, Mikoto, that we won't like the answer. And the relationship will become even more strained. - Taking a bite of the apple, the Hokage's wife turned away, lost in her own thoughts.

The atmosphere pressed terribly on the temples, creating a feeling of discomfort.

Most of the students quickly wrote down the words of the teacher, some only pretended to be interested, and even fewer were frankly and openly bored, not showing any activity.

Naruto was looking out the window, watching the senior class hand-to-hand combat training where his own sister was. Why are they so eager to become part of Konoha's elite? Why do they want to kill enemies and watch the death of friends? Many questions haunted Namikaze as he carefully watched the perfect moves of Kagami, who laid her opponent on her shoulder blades with little effort. The pride of her parents, the best student in the class, who was predicted to have a great future. She seemed to personify grace and strength, squeezing the maximum out of herself in training.

The boy shifted his gaze to the right, looking at Kiba sleeping next to him with a smile. His friend never liked theory, but he gave it his all as soon as sparring between students began. Another one of those who wanted to wear the Konoha Protector for one reason only: "Got it!"

Smiling sadly, Naruto heard the phrase about the end of the lesson. The next one was in the yard. Taijutsu. He poked Inuzuka with his elbow, not without pleasure noted his grumbling and saliva flowing from the corner of his lips onto the desk, after which he followed everyone to the exit.

The graduates had already finished gathering their inventory when the blond's class entered the playground.

- Don't you dare dishonor your father's name, - Kagami said in a whisper as she passed by.

- Yeah, - her brother lazily threw after her, taking his place in the line.

First, there was throwing shurikens at the target, then practicing the learned techniques, and so, after half an hour, the turn came to training bouts.

Iruka ran his pen over the magazine, occasionally chewing on the end of it. It was always necessary to somehow pick up pairs in a new way, so that the children learned to fight against one style, but still adjusted by each individually for themselves. And only one thing in all this did not change: almost the worst student fought against one of the best. The teacher remembered the Hokage's personal request very well: "Iruka, don't think like that, but Naruto should try. And for this he needs an example, a person whom he wants to surpass.

- Sasuke and Naruto, - the brown-haired man looked at the two guys who went out on the sand, - greet each other.

- Try to at least pretend that you tried, - the Uchiha asked quietly, bowing.

- Only for your sake, - Namikaze replied mockingly, also bending over.

The two were not good friends, more like acquaintances, but because of their mothers, they kept in touch outside of the Academy. Sometimes they trained together, if you can call the efforts of one and the boredom of the other. Different in absolutely everything.

A slight wave of the teacher's hand marked the beginning.

Sasuke was in no hurry to attack, wanting to give this privilege to the enemy, but Naruto was in no hurry too, standing sideways and covering his face with his fists.

- It's worth trying the move that nii-san showed me, - the Uchiha mused, carefully examining his classmate's defenses for holes. - Yes, definitely.

Quickly closing the distance, Sasuke landed a blow to the thigh, wanting to focus his opponent's attention on his legs. The next attack was aimed at the head, but this time Naruto really decided not to make himself look like a complete loser. The first blow was taken on the shin, the second was stopped by the forearms. But the attack didn't stop. Turning around at one moment on the supporting leg, the Uchiha tried to hit the head with his heel, but the blond's raised hands again stopped the blow. Grabbing Sasuke's leg, Namikaze thrust his fist at the back of Sasuke's head. Having no other choice, the brunette jumped up and turned in the air, freeing himself from the grip.

- And you are not so hopeless, - the future owner of the Sharingan smiled, stopping a few meters from the opponent.

- Just like you're not that good either, - Naruto teased him in an attempt to provoke an outburst of anger and indignation. And he got his way.

Sasuke was there almost instantly, delivering a quick series of punches to the body and then back to the thigh. This time, the blond couldn't stand the pressure, but he didn't even have time to hiss from the pain in his leg, as he hastily covered his opened face from the fist. But this time Sasuke didn't plan it. The fingers tightly squeezed the wrist and the Uchiha, sharply moving his and someone else's hand down, broke the protection. Naruto even thought he heard the dry crackle of his tendons at such speed. A quick blow to the unprotected nose and the first drops of blood flew onto the sand.

But the brunette did not stop. He snaked from behind, wringing his arm and making another attack with his elbow. The guy aimed at the ear, but Namikaze, who slightly turned his head, turned his temple. And immediately collapsed to the ground unconscious.

Iruka started up only at the last moment, only for a moment looking away.

- Stop! the teacher shouted, jumping up to the lying boy. A bleeding hematoma has already formed on the temple. - Chakra is not allowed!

- I… it's just… - Sasuke muttered dumbfounded, staring fixedly at the way the sand soaked up the blood.

- Your mother! .. - not paying attention to anyone, the brown-haired man cursed, picking Naruto up in his arms. The guy's pulse was very weak. - Stay here!

- How is he? - Minato's face was expressionless, and it was hard for the medic to understand what exactly the head of the village was experiencing right now: anger or excitement.

- A strong concussion and a crack in the skull, - the man in a white coat answered dryly, adjusting his glasses. Sweat glistened on his forehead. - We healed his right away, but…

- But? - The doctor shuddered at the Hokage's voice.

- Brain death was recorded for a few minutes ...

- What...? - Minato's mask cracked, revealing this shinobi's true emotions. He grabbed the man's chest and pinned him against the wall. - It turns out that he…

- No, - the doctor smiled weakly, - I do not know how, but your son was able to get out without outside help. Miracle or his will to live, call it what you will. What's more, Naruto had already regained consciousness.

- Thank God, - Namikaze breathed out as he released the medic. He ran his hand over his face, trying to hide the tears in his eyes. – Can I see him?

- Oh sure.

The fourth turned around and walked towards the ward, but suddenly stopped and said, turning his head: "Everything you said to me will stay between us. Just an accident in training. Everyone should think so, especially my wife."

- As you wish, Hokage-sama.

Naruto was standing by the window, stone-faced looking at the images of the Konoha Kage, when the quiet creaking of the front door caught his attention.

- The doctor said that you should lie down, - the man's voice was saturated with concern, but the guy did not react to this in any way.

- I feel relatively well.

- Sure? - For some reason, Minato was in no hurry to approach his son, as if a completely different person was standing in front of him. But you never know how the body suffered such a serious injury?

- More than, - the child turned, meeting his parent's gaze, and it was not hidden from the latter that the once blue eyes had become colder, bluer, - father.

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