
New Emperor Of Ghouls

“I will find you” Yan Zhong Yi could still vividly remember the promise he made to the one that made his soul yearn for warmth and love Clenching his fist, Zhong Yi looked at the slowly dissipating barrier and the beasts on the other side, staring in with eyes brimming with greed, lust and anger. “ But first, I must make our home safe for you to return to” ______________________________________ After losing everything to the greed of humans, he was given a second chance to rebuild what was lost. He will bury thousands of comrades before slaughtering millions of enemies. He will conquer thousands of worlds before invading millions of others. He will make his entire race akin to royalty. He will be seen as the God amongst Gods. He will be an emperor No matter what it takes. _________________________________ Chapter are being updated and revamped. So you will probably be confused when reading the earlier chapters and the later chapters. _________________________________ Disclaimer: The cover does not belong to me, if u are the original owner? artist? message me and I'll remove it. My novel was inspired by Shen Tian Yi's novel; the lords empire.

Daoist_kanukai · Others
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74 Chs

Chapter 67: Hakinae

"Your majesty, we brought as requested."

The Sacred Ghoul Emperor perked up from the paper on his desk. He just finished writing up a few agreements with various greedy goblin merchants.

Thinking about their outrageous demands made his blood boil. He planned on killing them first, then their entire bloodline because he was sure they would be infected with the same courage to cheat the Sacred Ghoul Emperor.

"Bring him in."

'Soon, you will be incapable of fighting the urge to use my power.' Chaos' croaky voice echoed within his mind.

Zhong Yi shook his head. ``don't you tire from these futile attempts?'

'Why would I? I have been locked up for 10,000 years with those cheap experiments. My patience is godly.'

'If you want companionship then you're going at it the wrong way.' Amusement flickered within his eyes.

'Your too weak to even dream of being my armour polisher.'

'Says the broken armour.' Mocked Zhong Yi.

Chaos went silent once again and Zhong Yi laughed feeling better at shutting Chaos up.

"Y-Your Majesty, you c-c-called from-me."

Zhong Yi's unfocused eyes focused on the transformed goblin standing nervously. His eyes showed how conflicted he really was. The emperor was sure he could see fear, worry and worship, but no anger or hate.

Yu Heng's eyes darted across the room quickly, and his palms began to sweat. His back was straight and stiff, and Zhong Yi found it slightly humorous.

"Take a seat." He pointed towards the chair recently put into his study room.


Yu Heng sat down apprehensively. In front of him was the man in charge of a nation of super-powered white-haired monsters. He was expecting another white-haired one but instead was a purple-haired Ghoul.

He still couldn't believe the recent happenings.

Goblins worshipped the ground royal goblins walked on. They were Royalty and generals, some more violent than others, but they were well-liked nonetheless.

He was unlucky enough to get the most dangerous and evil one of them all.

Now he looked like one, and these people have a way to make more like him. Thinking about it was terrifying and amazing. He saw the ways his little sister looked at the human women and this was a godsend.

If he could, he wished to kiss the man before him's feet for granting him such an opportunity and was ashamed at his reaction when they were about to bestow this great opportunity upon him.

"How are you adjusting to your recent changes?"

He could feel the subtle aura of sovereignty and power coming off the man in waves.

"I am still surprised, your majesty." Admitted Yu Heng. "I never knew a Goblin could become a royal goblin. It's never happened before."

"That's where you are mistaken. You can't even be considered a Goblin overall." He looked towards his back were two blue kagune swayed back and forth like leaves in a soft breeze.

"Your eyes are stark red, and you 2 blue kagune. Normally, those would consider you one of us. But we don't have a name for people like you as you are the first amongst your kind."

"what would the name be?"

"I am allowing you to name yourselves."

Yu Heng mouth widened to the size of an egg. "I-I don't deserve such an honour."

"Nonsense, I as the Sacred Ghoul Emperor am giving you this opportunity as the progenitor of the..."

Yu Heng racked his brain in thinking of a name. " Hakinae. In Guthrie, it means short and deadly."

Zhong Yi nodded his head in approval.

"Unfortunately," Yu Heng's hopeful eyes dimmed slightly, knowing what was coming. "I need to know is where your loyalty lies."

His eyes widened in surprise, expecting a rejection and a small voice in his head whispered death. He thought he would be forced to go back to that hell-hole of a nation.

And if it was anytime before he wouldn't have hesitated to leave, but he was escorted through town by one of the researchers and what he saw surprised him.

Children ran through the streets without a care in the world. Clean streets and no nasty smell from a terrible sewage system. Stalls on the side of the road and some even greeted him.

People here actually greeted him, a stranger in their homelands.

There was no open or discreet hostility in any of the exchanges between the men and women. Patrolling soldiers were treated like heroes from everyone, and it amazed Yu Heng.

Smiles on the working Ghouls warmed his heart, and he couldn't see any fear in their eyes, just

genuine happiness.

Seeing all of it made him realise what a good leader would be like.

How effective good leadership should and could be.

And whose side he should be on to live a long, fulfilling life.

"My loyalty would belong to you and only you." If it meant being able to stay here. If it meant bringing his mother and little sister. Then he was willing to follow this man to the ends of the world and back.

"Prove it!" Zhong Yi's eyes narrowed and the red in his eye glowed dangerously.

Yu Heng's back drenched in sweat as the amicable atmosphere instantly disappeared. He stood up with a jolt, and kowtowed on the ground, head pressed hard against the ground and his small body lowered as low as possible.

"I, Yu Heng, swear to follow and serve you every command. My life is yours to command and only yours, Your majesty. Whatever you ask of me, I will complete to the best of my abilities."

"Stand up, I've never been one to make my subjects kowtow."

Happiness built up within Yu Heng. Even the next words couldn't dampen his newfound happiness.

"However, words are empty promises that can be broken within a seconds notice. You will go with Feng Chen, so he can ascertain the truth of your words."

Yu Heng jumped when a figure appeared on the side of him. The black of his clothes surrounding him alike darkness itself and the blinding red eyes staring back at him.

"At once, your majesty." Feng Chen left the room not looking back.

"Don't betray my trust, Yu Heng." He paused in his step out of the room and turned back to see the gentle smile on the Emperor's face.

"I would never, Your majesty." Determination burned throughout his body as he bowed and walked out of the study.

Unbeknownst to him, the gentleness disappeared, and a sinister cunning light flickered through the dangerous purple eyes of the emperor.