

Most of the demons that once surrounded this place are now retreating as I commanded them to. The heroes were taken by surprise by my attack are now completely focused on me. They are ignoring the demons who are retreating as well as those who are remaining. Only the strongest demons here are remaining but they are so few so I called more demons to come here. In the meantime the demons fighting the humans are also retreating. I'm trying to keep these movements hidden from the heroes. They are able to tell what is happening in the battlefield as a whole. Nevertheless I am trying to deceive them. I want them to think we demons will keep fighting while in true we are retreating.

There's nothing for us to gain from this exchange anymore. This is our lost. We will not give them a greater one. We will keep what we have. We can't just give up. This fight has not ended at all. It has just begun.

"Do you really think that you can fight all of us on your on?"

"I know what I must do."

The heroine that looks like the leader of their group has stepped forward asking me a rather meaningless question.

"Well I guess we must too. I'm Lena the first protector of the world. Humanity's hero. These ones on my side are all my companions who are also part of the current seven protectors. We shall kill everything that is in our path for a better world. You will die by our hands."

"Glad to know."

Is she some kind of knights or something? I guess they got different personalities. But this is good. Perfect.

"I wonder why it took so long for all of you to arrive. You know many died to do what you have to do. Shouldn't the protectors of the world, heroes of humanity have been here first?"

I know well we they took so long.

"We come as fast we could. You who are against the world and humanity have no right to say what we should do and when we should."

There's anger in her eyes but it's not against me. She is angry at someone else. Good.

"I do not have any right indeed but that doesn't mean I am not right. You were unable to accomplish your duties correctly and as a result many have d–"

"Shut up! You are the one who kill them all! How can you blame others?!"

The heroine Eleonora yells at me. She is mad at me. Despite all the fighting and her many injuries she stands there almost as if nothing had happened to her. She is tightly griping her staff ready to start attacking me. She doesn't seem tired nor in pain. Is that some kind of recovery magic by the others?

I glance at the hero Steve. He has also suffered greatly yet he stands there full of confidence. I wonder if he went to look for his father. The old man was saved by the others heroes and they must have told him yet he most probably was looking for him. Well as soon as I attacked he had to return.

"This is no time for meaningless talk. We will kill you either way. That is what we have to do regardless of whatever happened before."

So it ended. Well it was some time I gain.

The two heroes at Lena's side and Steve close the distance between us. Meanwhile the other heroes are gathering their magic. Three of them are looking at me while the other is looking the demons around. One to look out while six are on me. Good.

The three coming closer stop just close enough to restrain my movements while being safe from a sudden attack. They are at a little distance away from my striking zone so I can't attack them without moving a bit which is enough for them to react. Well so I suppose.

The three behind are ready to attack. If they want to attack with their strongest magic them they will attack separately. I noticed that everyone has a magic one is better at. For example we demons are normally better at fire or earth. The humans have more variety. Lena's strongest magic must be lighting. Eleonora's strongest magic is wind but for some reason she doesn't use it frequently while the second would be earth. I don't know the last hero's strongest magic but is enough to know it's most likely not lighting. That is the most dangerous one to me. If I where they then I would start with and earth magic to restrain myself. Well I don't know the hero's attack but I guess he would either attack together with Eleonora or attack second. Lena's attack would be last as it is the most destructive.

And just like I thought the one to begin the attack is Eleonora. From the ground around me stakes rise pointing at me. I crush some while moving to the side in order to avoid the rest. As soon as I did so another attack is coming my way. It is some ice stakes aiming at me. I move slowly to the side while getting a little down. Limiting the number of stakes coming my way I'm able to destroy them. Lastly the lighting comes my way. I moved as fast as I could yet I couldn't avoid the blow completely. The obstacles created by the earth magic were effective as was the ice attack that pinned me down on a position.

As soon as they finished the three heroes surrounding me move. Two of them have spears while Steve has his sword. I'm still a bit shaken by the lighting so my reaction is slow. Nonetheless I defend against their attack. It is hard though. The heroes are attacking in perfect synchronisation. The attacks always come from three sides and they make sure to make one or two attacks in front and one from the back. I'm at least fast enough to avoid for two of them to get my back but I can avoid one being able to strike from behind me. I avoid the attacks from the back as best as I can but is tiring me a lot and it mostly leave me in a bad position.

Lena arrived too at close range. She has her sword ready. The other two are doing minor attacks since it is hard to attack at a distance without hitting their companions.

The demons surrounding this place begin their attack too in order to lessen the burden on me. Since the hero in lookout isn't enough Eleonora and the other hero are also fighting them. This surely helps a lot.

The fight is becoming worst for me. I can no longer avoid hits. Lena's hit are strong but one of the heroes with the spears is absolutely the worst. His attacks are precise and strong. Those attacks are the strongest to be fair. I try to avoid hits from him the most but Lena's attacks are no better especially if she uses lighting magic to increase the damage.

I'm hit on the sides and my back many times as I can neither avoid nor block every attack they do.

Little by little my strength is decreasing. If this doesn't stop soon...

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