
Starting again

A huge explosion just blew up the middle of my army going from the front all the way to the demons attacking the hero.

I took a quick look to understand what happened. Unfortunately all the smoke from the explosion does now let me see at the frontlines but I can tell some of my demons there have died. Instead I can see the demons who were fighting the hero. They all are on their guard but also they all have stopped fighting, even the hero. Right now he could try to escape from our attack since the demons on standby and the ones attacking from range were affected by the explosion and are currently rearranging themselves. This is quite bad.

Just as I was about to steep in again a shadow comes out from the smoke. I immediately order my demons to reinforce the middle formation and the antihero squad.

The shadow slowly reveals itself. It's a girl. From all the energy she possesses she must be a heroine. She has a large staff on her right hand and her left hand is on a short sword at her hilt. She must be a magician.

I must say that was a really powerful magic attack. It is on a completely different scale from the ones from the human magicians or my demon's magic attacks. The magic attack from my demons are more powerful than the ones from humans but still very weak in comparison to the one from her.

I'm impressed. But shouldn't I be more worried? She just single handily broke my demon formation and is now in front of the other hero. If she can do that attack once more the middle formation will completely fall apart. Fortunately the attack just now also seems to have stopped the human army.

Still this is quite a blunder. I suppose my spies wouldn't be able to grasp the movements of a hero.

"Steve what are you doing just standing there? Will you not retreat now?"


Well I would guess one would be left speechless... I can't afford to though.

"I can't allow him to retreat."

"And who would you be?"


Wait... What was my name? I can't remember. It is impossible. I am sure I know it well because my name is... No I can't. How?

"What is it?"

This isn't important now what you must know is just...

"...Know just that I'm the one who commands these demons."

"So you are the one responsible for all this tragedy."

She is really different from the other hero. I can see hate in her eyes. Unlike the other hero who seeks battle and strength she seeks justice and revenge. She is also a very cautious one as she is keeping a distance from me and carefully analysing me while trying to distract me with talk.

"What is your name girl?"

"I'm Eleonora the third heroine. What's yours?"

Maybe I shouldn't have asked... Well it's about time to make my move anyway. My demons are ready. Making time was perfectly fine for me.

"Get here now Steve!"

She got it.

"Why should I!? I can't still fight and win!"

Well she understands well the situation but thanks to that hero is already too late.

"You idiot! We are going to be surrounded any time now. We must retreat immediately!"

"Retreat if you want. I'll stay and fight!"

Yes, he really is an idiot. He can't see clearly what he's gotten in. Weren't you being beaten just now boy?

"I already say it but I will not allow a retreat... from any of you."

I threat them looking at their eyes. They are not scared. One is cautious while the other one is angry.

Meanwhile my demons are organising the defence again. We will lose a bit of ground but the surrounding of the heroes should be no problem.

"Ahhh... Sorry Steve but I have to do this for the well-being of humanity... This will hurt!"

As she say so a bright light from the top of her staff blind most of my nearby demons. And as soon as it disappears they are gone... What was that?

What was that!?

They got away?? Was that some kind of magic!? How??

This is the worst! This was all useless and I even lose some demons for it!

I can't take this! You humans will pay for this!

...Ahhh before I notice I am already charging at the frontlines to get rid of my anger. Well it's fine.


After a while rampaging in the frontline the humans retreated. They lost all of their morale because of the heroes retreat. The heroes didn't return afterwards. I wanted to fight them again but it was impossible.

I followed the humans to their camp with my demons. They weren't able to defend against us and ended up losing it. They didn't make any strong defences for the camp since they attacked early. Now they were completely unable to keep it.

At nightfall the human army was completely destroyed with most of them death and the few remaining fleeing. My spies told me more armies are already between a day of march from here.

I destroyed the first army to arrive here but it was also the smallest one. They were eager for victory and marched fast but they weren't enough to win. Now more powerful armies will arrive. They will be more cautious than the previous one. Furthermore more heroes will arrive.

This was a small victory for us. Killing the hero would have made it a complete victory on our side. Killing that intruder heroine would have made it a great victory. But in the end I just got the army. And I even lose more demons that needed for it. Furthermore a very important trap was used. They will not fall for the same trap twice so I just lose one. This is the worst.

At least I got a large amount of energy. I can summon a little more than I lose. Almost no gains!

The gift has just become harder. That heroine attack was pretty big. Even behind the walls it would be quite a fearsome attack. Must I suppose that the walls can be easily broken by a hero? Even that weak hero may have had some hidden trump card. Well I was going to kill him myself to prevent any surprises yet... I couldn't. As for the army they will become more annoying. Next time there will be more humans. My demons don't tire easily but eventually even they get tired so how am I supposed to kill the huge human army incoming? I got no other option but to fight. No matter what.

I don't have time to lose now. I must prepare for a stronger enemy offensive. I can still lay some more traps and make more defences. If those heroes attack with such fearsome power as that heroine all my defences could be useless but they sure will work against common human soldiers. The fact that the defences were done extensively instead of concentrated will probably help. Still I hope all seven heroes are not that strong. I may lose pretty fast otherwise and I can't afford to lose. There's no going back to hell now that I'm out.

I say to let them come if they wish. I will gladly send them to hell myself.

Heroes, I will wait for you. Next time I shall see you die. All of you by my hands.

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