

The preparation for the attack ended well. We build a series of "walls" in front and on the hill. This walls serve as defenses and to hide the dungeon entrance from enemy view. The walls surround a large portion of land without any clear central point. We also made a fort on top of the hill where is harder to get. We tried to fool the attackers not showing any clear entrance to the dungeon but I wonder how it will work out.. I even hide the entrance from possible air view. I can be sure they can't fly! Anyways they can't possibly know how the dungeon is. They must be looking for three doors. I out doors in the hill to lure them. They aren't many and are also hided so as to not lose credibility.

We also made a series of ramparts and using the small river even moats. There are also traps all over the place. We got spikes made from hardened earth, which are near the walls or in fake passages and all over the hill, and hidden pits with spikes at the bottom.

As I walk across our defenses I am informed by one of my demons on patrol that they have arrived. The first humans are finally here.

I quickly look at them through the demons who are keeping an eye on them. What I see are soldiers on horseback. Light cavalry I suppose. Well for my standards it would seem like light cavalry but I don't know all that much about it. Well in the camp some soldiers had some decent armour on. I suppose they are somewhere between the middle ages and the renaissance civic level, at least at metal working? I don't know much unfortunately. It already quite something I do remember a few things! I was in hell for god's sake!

Well anyways I think they are here on reconnaissance. If so then the rest of the army will be coming next.

Alright! Let's get to it! I made this damn hill an impregnable fortress. Even if my external walls seem very crappy... but I'm sure they will do just fine! I guess.

I go inside the dungeon to work on the final preparations.

Whoever tries to take this place shall have a lot of very unpleasant surprises. I hope those heroes are on the frontline. If so I have already prepared a few things for them. Let's work hard for the doom of mankind!


That took long enough. And even so I can tell they are not all the army. How? Well I got news from inside! How? Well I got more spies inside! How? Well I...

"My lord instead of praising yourself it would be better to prepare our defenses."

"... We are ready to fight, right?"

"Yes my lord"

... Is that it? What do you want from me then? Whatever...

From the spies we learned quite a lot. First what weapons they have. Yeah they got a similar technology to that of the renaissance in Europe. But at the same time there are differences. They got soldiers with full plate armour but I would say those armours are heavier than I remember. Furthermore there are soldiers with huge shields and other oversized weapons. The javelins tall two meters and with a diameter of ten centimetres are indeed fearsome. I did wonder how could they use such obviously heavy things. Are they stronger humans? Or..

Are they using magic?

I tried looking into it but it was quite difficult to determine with my spies. The problem is the limitations of the connection between us. So I waited for this day.

Those soldiers outside the dungeon do indeed possess magic. Well I don't know how magic works to be fair but I do notice the energy we retrieve being especially large in individuals with such oversized items.

They're actually some individuals with huge energy that do not possess any heavy item. I can't be sure but I would say they might be magicians.

This I fear the most. Those magicians abilities are mostly unknown to me. I can't be sure my strategies would work with such a variable on the field. I hope they would not be an irrational factor on the battle. They do have on average the same amounts of energy than the soldiers with heavy armour or weapons. I suppose they use the energy differently so they probably can't use each other ways of fighting. That would be scary.

An army of magicians heavy armoured who can also use large weapons.

"Sir that one does have a lot of energy."

Uhm... true. He does have more energy than any other human soldiers. He actually has more than triple the amount of the soldier with the highest energy I've seen. Could he be a hero? ...If so maybe this is a chance?

He is coming... He is coming alone!!


I better use this wisely. If I can somehow fight him alone... I can deceive him and kill him. Well I do have a trap ready.

"Sir will you talk to him?"

"Yes, I will"

"Sir I would like to suggest a reconsideration. If we lose you we will all perish."

"I got it. Don't worry."

I took my trident and walk to the foremost front wall. The trident seems to be a weapon I can summon to fight anytime. My adviser told me about it yesterday. It is a reliable weapon even if it's somewhat weird. Its shaft is made of a truly hard red wood. It's head is To be fair I more skilled at hand to hand combat since in hell weapons were nonexistent. Even now I am the only one on my side to have a weapon. My demons don't use weapons... well that is not really true. Some demons do have weapons but as part of themselves. It's some really creepy stuff I would rather not talk about.


I'm nervous. It's the start of my battle for survival. This is a battle I cannot lose. I suppose the other side should feel the same... yet I do not feel that from this hero. Is he looking down on us? On me?

"Hey you! Are you their leader or something?"


He is arrogant. Very arrogant. I think I hear of him. An arrogant, short-tempered and a battle maniac hero. He does indeed seem someone accustom to battle. He may not be the same as those demons in hell but he is quite something. And yet he thinks that he can't just fight me? No.

"You are one of those seven. You must be the weaker and most foolish one for you dare to speak like that to me. Or are you just a bad trained messenger of their army?"

"HOW DARE YOU?! ... I'm Stevan the six hero! I lead these armies to destroy you but you can be sure I would not even need them!"

"It seems you are actually more foolish than I thought. So just tell me did you come to get me to surrender? That will not happen so you can go and say so. Do not try to fight us on your own for you will die."

As I'm talking he takes out his long sword and gets ready to fight. Perfect!

Behind him the enemy have noticed his actions and are trying to get nearer. I will block them far enough and fight this idiot alone.

"You evil monster shall die by my blade! Do not fear for death shall come fast."

Hahaha talk as much as you want!

I do not move. I will piss him off just a little more. I have a nice surprise for you.

"... DIE!"

The hero runs with all his might. He has a long sword with both hands and a nice armour, not a full plate one.

And so it falls.

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