

It is impossible to see with all the dust around. Even so we can tell that a huge amount of soldiers are now death. The energy we are absorbing right now is incredible. But two huge amounts of energy are still there inside all the dust.

After a bit the heroine started casting magic all around. I think she must be trying to save the soldiers still alive. Unfortunately for her those who can be saved are so few. Most of the attacking army is now death and buried. A pretty nice service even if I say so myself.

Bad jokes aside I can't simply stand here doing nothing so I order my demons to attack those soldiers still alive at the pit. There is now a huge difference in altitude between us on top of the wall and those at the bottom of the pit. Attacks become more effective this way. Furthermore they are not in a condition to defend properly. This can only end as a one side slaughter.

Thanks to our perception of living being's energy we can target those alive precisely. Fire and rocks descent from the wall and enter the dust cloud at the pit. The results are a series of explosions all over the place. Not much can be seeing but one can hear the results. There's also a series of landslides. There's practically no response from the enemy. Almost no one is able to defend.

Two of these are the heroes. They are defending against an especially heavy attack just for them.

"You demon! How can you be this cruel!? Have you no mercy?"

The heroine yells out aloud. Her voice is filled with indignation and hate. She is most certainly furious at this attack. I don't know if they look down on us or if they didn't expect this because is dishonourable. Either way they are wrong. We are not idiots who know only how charge ahead nor are we nice enough to fight fair and square especially against such a large army. We are quite sensible.

"Stop it! Come here and fight!"

I wonder if she is truly blocked down there. Can't she come herself? Oh well maybe it is bad manners not go there myself... What I even thinking about?

But she is right. This is my offence. I will attack them. So to begin with please accept this fire magic attack of mine. It's the first time I try. My adviser told me about it before but I didn't try it. To be fair I prefer to see them in the eyes when we fight. Unfortunately I can't be picky on the battlefield. On the battlefield one does whatever one can do the best one can.

The energy gathers on my half closed right hand and flames start to spread from my fingertips. The flames assemble on top of my palm and increase in size. It becomes a beautiful blue flame.

I look at the bottom of the pit, where they are, and aiming at them directly I throw the flame on my hand. It goes down at an amazing speed forming a long tail of fire and leaving smoke on its path. Soon enough it arrives a few centimetres above the ground between the heroes and explodes.

It made a huge explosion that extended the flame by a lot. Now all around the heroes a blue flame rages mercilessly. It burns everything it touches very fast. But it's in the middle where the flame is the strongest. There's in the middle a flame whirl. It is a small one but is very hot and is gaining a good momentum. Unfortunately the earth around moves eating all the flames. That was the heroine's doing.

Both of them now in sight show signs of clear taken damage. Still they are up and battle ready. They sure are tough ones! Even so this was just the opening. I am not finished yet! Can you fight me on melee?

I jump out of the wall and go in front of them very fast. The hero reacts quickly but I am faster than that. He must have thought I would attack with my sword but I didn't. Instead I close the distance and passing through his side as I avoid his uncertain sword strike I kick his leg. He loses his balance and taking advantage of it I turn around after stopping behind him and kick his back ensuring his fall. The heroine meanwhile has prepared some kind of magic attack and launches it as soon as I have kicked the back of the hero. Sure enough I was with my back to her but I got no blind spots. I clearly felt the magic she gathered and how it left her. Furthermore I can clearly sense her being behind me. I hear her restless breathing and the small movements she performs to gather and aim the magic at me.

As the hero is falling to the ground I use the remaining momentum to jump to the side. In the place I was standing spikes sprouts out of the ground. She is quite good at it. Just now she managed to create a distance between the fallen hero and me. Furthermore those if those spikes did hit me they would certainly restrain me for a bit, which would probably be enough for another attack.

As I face her I clearly see her gathering energy again. She is trying to fake an attack but in reality she is only taking a defensive stance. She has to defend the hero and if she attacks and fails the hero would be vulnerable. I understand this well so I go for the hero still in the ground.

I kick the ground and gather energy on my hands as I run to the hero. The heroine then uses another earth magic to hinder me. Stakes appear on the ground and are launched at me with an amazing speed. At the same time a small wall grows from the ground between the hero and me and from its side more stakes are forming.

It is a good defence and probably it isn't even the end of it. She wants to earn time. The hero is getting up now so she just need a bit of time for him to be once again battle ready. Just now she has blocked my direct path to the hero with the stakes. Even jumping to get to him will not end well with that wall over there.

It would be really fun to go over there and break through those defences. If did that though the hero would probably be ready to attack me or at least defend himself when I arrive. So I launch my magic creating an explosion against the stakes coming my way. At the same time I have made small wall on the ground. It is a bit inclined since it will allow me to change my direction more efficiently. I start turning to the heroine's direction while still running. I meet the wall and kick it. I am then redirected the way I wanted. All this was more or less concealed by the explosion. When the heroine notices my approach is too late. I can clearly feel her surprise and fear. She isn't ready for this. She didn't expect this. Yet not the least she gathers magic again and as soon as she can the new magic is done. A wall forms a few centimetres away from her. That is because I am already that close. Unfortunately it is not sturdy enough so I crush it with my fist while launching a magic attack to the hero who is now up.

The heroine is gathering magic on her hands again this time I think she is trying to get distance. I don't think she wants to escape since the other hero is around. Instead she is aiming to go near him. If she does so then all this could end badly for me.

I am faster than she is at casting her magic. I hit her hard on her side throwing her far away making sure they don't get close. The hero did take my attack head on apparently and is running to my place. It is quite an interesting choice for him. It's also much better for me.

He tries to charge at me from the side but as he has come close I turn to face him and use magic to block his leg. Having his leg stopped while running the hero falls once more. This time he is just on his knees and gets up soon. But this was enough for me to get close and strike him. I kick his side again. He more or less resists the kick and tries to defend himself for other attacks.

Magic is truly marvellous. I attack him with earth magic from his back. The unsteady hero losses his balance. I then take his hand twisting it to take his sword. After successfully taking it I just throw it to the side and punch the hero on the face. The hero falls once again.

This time the hero is on the ground facing the sky. The heroine has just got up and is running here while dealing with my magic's side attacks aimed to hinder her.

Now with nothing to stop me I approach the hero ready to give him the last blow.

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