
New Home

It happened all too sudden. I don't know how it even happened but I died. I had a normal life. I didn't do much. Neither good things nor bad ones. I really don't remember doing anything so bad yet after my death I was in hell.

Remembering that place makes me shiver, it inspires fear depth into my soul. There really cannot be a worst place than it. And if that place isn't hell then I pity those who finish there and fear what worst things could there be.

I don't remember much about what it is like but I remember mostly the sensations I felt there. My vision on that dimly lit place was for the most part filled by smoke, ashes, black snow, sand and other million particles on burning or icy wind. The smell was always terrible. I don't even know what is it that can smell so bad so as to make one want destroy its nose. The sounds of millions screams filled the place together with indescribable painful sound out of nowhere. All along I felt like my body was burning together with my soul, or I felt like it was freezing to death or disintegrating if not worse. I was sometimes taken over by an overwhelmingly hunger. That hunger was so strong I would eat anything and so I did. Unfortunately there was nothing there that tasted even remotely good.

There are a countless pains one can feel and all of them I did feel. I suffered unimaginable pain, sadness, fear, anger, sorrow. In there one felt an anger which compelled one to hurt the countless other souls present. Our bodies were a humanoid black solid mass and every movement would feel extremely painful like breaking apart yet one could not help but move because we were burning, we were freezing, we were angry, because not moving was even more painful. Our own bodies were also the most tasty things for each one of us but even so it was terrible and the most painful thing to do. The second most tasty food was our peer's bodies. They were less painful to eat but also had a worst taste. Been eaten was the most painful experience in there. It filled one with pain, anger and fear unlike any other thing in there. I ate and was eaten. I suffered and made others suffer.

I don't know how much time I spent in there for I had no concept of it but it felt like an eternity. In that eternity I suffered every imaginable pain. I promise that if I ever got out I would never return there no matter what.

Now I am out. Out of hell. But I yet don't know if I'm free. This place is empty. I sit on a throne of a king in this empty hall. This place is my new home. I shall get rid of any of my remaining anger here and finally set me free of that place.

- Central continent 1347 New Era

On the middle of the most prosperous continent of the world a dungeon has appeared. From that place millions of monsters came out and attacked everything in their surroundings. In mere weeks devastation has spread across the richest continent. Millions of death across the now burning gold fields. Entire cities burn to the ground. Inimaginable horrors are now present across miles of once peaceful lands. A long awaited war has arrived on the central continent but the rivals are unexpected. Seven great powers and many minor nations against the demons from the dungeon of hell.

Four of the seven great powers of the world have been affected directly by the dungeon monsters. Four of the most powerful armies in the world were already in action. But the monsters were too strong for the armies alone. Seven heros were chosen for every great power. Their mission is to destroy the dungeon of hell.

The combined forces of the many nations at war have created the largest and most powerful army the world has ever see. Now they will bring hell upon the demons themselves!

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