
Maybe free

I thought freedom was finally mine but it seems reality is harsher than expected. I really should have seen that one coming. I was soft. But I will no longer be soft.

"Hey! Can you stop ignoring me!?"

This here is my current problem. He or she claims to be a soul adviser. That thing claims to be here to help me manage this place. I don't plan on managing anything!

"Even if you don't want to you still have to. You know the consequences."

More annoying being there cannot possibly be. It says I have to manage this place otherwise I would return... to that place.

"Do you know that if you don't manage this place it will eventually fall? I think we have already loss half of our forces."

I wanted to get out of here already but this place is a maze, a new prison. I have been wandering here for a while yet I still can't find an exit. I would really like to see the sun.

"Even if you see it now it would no be for much if you neglect your duties. You know where will you en—"


This f*cker keeps pestering me and I am unable to restrain it for long. I can get rid of it!

"Please be gentler with me. I might be a soul with no physical body but it hurts when you do that. You should know that quite wel—"

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

This bastard is the reason I can find the exit after two whole weeks!

I want to get out of here. I want to see the sun, the sky, the clouds, the sea, the rivers, the grass, the trees, the flowers, the animals. I want to breathe fresh air. I want to smell the lovely scents of nature. I want to feel the sun upon my skin even if I get burn. I want to touch the gentle and soft petals of a flower. I want to... do many things. Yet I can't! Because I'm trap in this immensely huge place!

"Come on don't cry. If you accomplish your missions you shall be free. I promise."

"...How can I be sure you aren't lying to me."

"I can't lie to you! I am your loyal adviser after all!"

I'm tired. I guess I can't keep showing such a lame view...

"Fine I shall follow you. Tell me what are my duties."

"W-What?? You weren't listening before! I explained to you what your duties are at least three times!!"

"I didn't. Shut up and tell me a four time."

"How I'm suppose to tell you if I shut u—"

"You bastard! I'm telling you to tell me what are my fucking duties right now!!"

"Y-Yes sir!!..."

Apparently I'm a demon soul chosen to become the lord of this dungeon. This dungeon is a connection between the demon world and this one. Demons can pass through a portal and get here but in small numbers and only if I activate the portal with energy. It is possible for me to get this energy through the dungeon energy that is filled with the energy of the world the demons collect. And the best source of energy are living beings, especially highly intelligent ones. In short humans.

I have to manage this dungeon so I have to collect energy and call demons. Simple. I have done much worse. I have suffer much worse.

Then he told me that some energy must be used to crack the great door. It seems he doesn't know much about it but apparently from there I would receive a certain constant amount of demons plus a new demon lord to manage this place thus setting me free. Furthermore I will gain a reward for my services. I will get whatever I want. It seems pretty fine to me.

"So where are the demons?"

"They are out."

"Uhm. How can I know where they are and command them? Is it possible?"

"Yes perfectly so! You can do all that and more from the throne."

"Can you be more specific."

"Yes, sir. From the throne you can feel their presence as well as their current status, including their position, and you can command their will. Furthermore from the throne you can summon more demons if possible. You will also be able to tell of any intruders in the dungeon."

"I understand."

This place is mysterious. Is this even a normal world? I don't think this place is normal. I wonder if there's even something similar to my old world out there. My old home. I would really like to be there. I can barely remember it now. I never loved it so much but now I understand that it was a lovely place. I should have loved it more.

Finally we arrive at the throne room. This place is still so empty. So peaceful.

"Sit down on the throne. Once you connect with the dungeon you will have a certain control over it and it will not be necessary to always sit there for every work."


This stone throne is cold and hard but to me when I first woke here weeks ago it seemed a paradise. A lovely warm and soft throne. It seems I know remember better what true warm and softness should be. I don't think I completely get it yet.

Then I start feeling the connection with the dungeon. It was so dimly at the beginning but it's steadily increasing. Even with my eyes closed for concentration I can feel a sudden light appearance. It feels warn in my head. But more importantly I feel them, I feel it. It's the dungeon. I'm the dungeon demon lord.

Their presence I finally feel them. They are spread across the land, miles away from here. They have collected quite a huge amount of energy. It seems they have devastated the surrounding lands. If it continues like this my work will be finished sooner than expected.

Uhm... I can also feel that many of them are in combat. But... they are dying. Thus I chose to see what they are seeing.

There I saw thousands of soldiers fighting against my demon. And in front of them there is one lonely warrior. I can somehow tell that he is strong. I thought it was the demon that feels so but I now think it is just my senses developed during my time in hell.

"Hey tell me what happen to our demons?"

"Well since there was no one to control them they all run amok across the surrounding lands."

"...What did they do?"

"Well they destroyed a tons of things on their path and I think they have enraged all the surrounding nations since three weeks ago many of them have been dying. Now there is a really small number of them left.

I would normally suggest to start with two groups of demons. One to defend the dungeon and other to attack. But since our situation is quite bad I would suggest to call all of them back."


I have to defend this place from millions of soldiers with a handful of demons?

It seems freedom is just a dream...

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