
Hell doesn't forgive

I thought the old hero wouldn't be much trouble even if he was more experienced than the other two. But I didn't expect this to happen.

The old hero came at me with an amazing speed. I didn't think he would be able to easily get through my demons. Yet he did. He then slashed his sword with such speed and power that I, who was turning around to face him, was barely able to defend myself. The power behind that strike pushes me back even making me lose balance. I didn't think someone would ever be able to do that here with that level of power and skill. Yet he did.

My surprises didn't stop there since the hero steeped forward and once again attacked me. This time he was going to my legs which were more vulnerable at the moment. Noticing his intentions I decided to retreat on my own. After doing so I gained a little time to understand the situation.

The heroine is now a little better and while defending against the demons coming at her and the hero she is healing the hero. I don't know if it is possible to save him since the wound I gave him should be quite bad. But she most probably is experienced with this so it might be possible for her. This may get pretty bad. Even so I still held the advantage here. Two heroes are more or less down. The only one capable of facing me now is this old hero in front of me. I don't know where all this new strength came from but I wonder if it will last long enough. I was taken by surprise but now no more surprises were possible. I will surely kill this man and the other two heroes afterwards.

"You are strong beyond my expectations."

"... I didn't think a monster like you would have expectations of me."

He didn't take that too well. But the hate in his gaze hasn't increased much. He is aware that defeating me is a hard next to impossible task. I would have you know I spent immeasurable time in hell fighting all along. Someone who had fight for such a short time and against weaker foes could not possibly defeat me. I am strength! I am hate! I am true fury and anger! You can't defeat the anger inside me!

I feel how my anger increased. The grip on my sword tightened as my arms shake slightly. I feel the increasing urge to kill the old hero in front of me. Nothing can stop this ire. I feel my consciousness fading away...

"...My lord has come."



I regain control of myself sometime afterwards. I don't know what happened or how much time has passed. I feel a little tired. I look around to understand how things are now.

"Father! Get up! Get up!"

What I see is the hero yelling to the old man loudly. The old hero is on his knees with many injuries some of which looks grave. Did I do this?

"Father! You can't die in here! Get up and let's fight! Without you we can't make it!"

This old man is the hero's father then. That explains a few things then. I don't know what I did but the old hero is barely alive. The other two heroes are also barely keeping their ground. They are completely surrounded by the demons and are trying to break their way through the demons to get to the old hero. A little far away the battle against the human army is raging furiously.

Trying to remember I grasp just a few memories of what happened. I did expect to lose control. This anger was something I haven't felt since I was in hell.

Whatever has happened before it is beneficial to us. The old hero is severely injured and will no longer interfere. I can kill him now but that could be bad. I must first get that hero. Till there's hope he will keep fighting instead of retreating. I can let this chance slide. I wonder what the heroine feels now. If she were calm now she would most probably understand that fighting is not the best option now. They should try to save a dead man but instead they should try to get away from me.

She isn't calm at all. As I look at her I clearly feel the anger in her. She is a pretty righteous person and a good companion who cares for those around her. She must know this man too. She can't accept this result. She can't accept this because it feels so wrong. But hell does not forgive. It just tears one apart without mercy. It punish with pleasure not with righteousness. His mistake was fighting me. His punishment is death.

I look at my sword. It is covered by blood. There lies the son's and father's blood together...

Having now a clearer mind I once again look at the battle against the human army. It is intense but it is not going all that bad. The sun has finally settled and now the moon and the fires around the battlefield are the only illumination on this place. With such conditions my demons hold the advantage. The heroes don't seem too affected by this and are fight really hard.

I look at myself lastly. I'm fine. Not even a single injury. I don't know how the fight was but I must have overwhelmed him. Well I must say that my skin is actually hard. It is anything one can call natural.

I then start running forward towards the heroes. They notice my approach and get ready to fight. The anger in their glares increased.

The magic left the heroine's hand and a powerful fire magic assaults me. I avoid it immediately but then the hero strikes my undefended side. Now that I think of it I haven't fight them together before. Last time was after the collapse of the ground that buried most of the main human army. At the time they were a bit distant and I was able to properly fight one on one with them. But now they are close and properly fighting together.

Now this is more exciting.

I avoid the hero's strike too and throw a magic attack at the heroine before she strikes again. With that little time I defend against the hero follow up attack with one of my own.

The hero is pushed back and my demons quickly surround him. The heroine still a bit shaken by my strong magic attack gathers magic in her hands. I think she does so mechanically rather than consciously. She attacks the demons who came to surround the hero and at the same time throws herself in that direction.

I intercept the heroine in her path. She reacts quickly and uses magic to defend herself. I get through her magic and use mine to throw her away. As she lands far away from the hero demons come and surround her. With this the victory is mine.

There is no going back to hell.

I once again calm down and look at the situation. It is all fine...

No a huge energy is coming from the human army. It is even bigger than that of the three heroes combined!

Suddenly a lighting spread among the battlefield. It hits the demon side leaving huge damage. It must be magic but I have never seen lighting magic before. Unlike the other attack methods this one is much more dangerous and makes a lot of damage! This is bad. They have finally arrived.

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