
Fatal wound

The battle keeps going with their certain advantage. I can't answer any attack to me. I'm fully committed to defending myself but even so I keep getting hit. This is a fight I can't win. I really don't like to lose. It isn't something I got from hell since I am sure it was so even before.

Well it isn't my defeat if I don't die to be fair. My aim at the moment is to save most of the demons I command in order to defend the dungeon. They are currently retreating to the inner walls, which is our next line of defence. I don't think we will be able to defend those walls for long with all the heroes present and such a large human army. This is regrettable. I got many chances to kill one or two of them yet I couldn't. Now I have to fight them all. My fight keeps getting harder and harder. Even now...

The heroes keep hitting. My attacks can't reach any of them. My defence can't stand against their numerous attacks. My demons can barely help since I sent most of them away leaving behind only the strongest demons.

But even if I keep getting hit again and again my strength is just the same as when we started. Nevertheless that doesn't mean I can take so many more hits. No I will die eventually under such heavy attacks. I'm more resistant than any of them so I can keep getting hit like this for a while. Unfortunately I am no masochism. I would rather stop this.

'Sir we are ready.'

My adviser speaks with telepathy. He hasn't done so before. While I can send orders and view information with telepathy I have never speak through it. At most some demons send a signal through it to say something about their mission but no intelligible conversation ever happened.

'Begin it then.'

I can keep this much longer so the faster the better. This fight is nothing in comparison to the ones in hell. There one was beaten over and over again by overwhelming numbers, strength, power or all of those together.

But if there's something I hate about this... is that I can't land a hit. This is nothing else but my pride. Even so I want to land a hit on them even if I get hurt badly. I know it is better to be patient. I know there will be a little chance eventually.

And that chance is coming.

'Sir we have begun.'

"Lena, the demons! They are retreating!"

One of the heroes fighting the demons around yells suddenly. The rest keeps fighting but Lena steeps back a little and looks around. Sure enough she notices it too. This will be fun.

"Is the army advancing?"

"No, they have been left behind somehow! I'm trying to make contact with the leader right now."

"Please do. We shall keep fighting."


Their conversation took only a few seconds. I don't know how the other hero is going to make contact with the humans' army leader. I keep fighting the other heroes. Without Lena for a moment I got a little bit of peace. But that lasted for a short time since Lena came back as soon as she finished.

After a while the other hero, who has kept on fighting the demons while communicating, spoke again.

"They say the demons have suddenly disappeared! They don't know where. They may be coming this way!"

This time all the heroes stopped for a bit. They got on their guards for any attack. Just what I wanted.

Suddenly a huge explosion near the hero communicating with the army blows him away. It was also so bright that some heroes were blinded by it for a moment. Enough for me.

Lena of all the heroes kept her eyes on me. Even the sudden light didn't diverted her eyes from me but it made her view a little unfocused. In that short time I had already rushed forward to hit her.


Steve yelled from behind. Apparently he noticed it pretty soon. Lena on the other hand didn't. She was startled by the warning and soon noticed what had happened. Too late unfortunately for her.

My sword pierced through her armour and sink in her breast directly into the heart. Before that happen though she tried to get away. She is truly strong and sturdy!

Magic already in the hands of the mage would be coming my way at any moment. I can just continue this. I jump above Lena and run towards the walls.



She couldn't say much since she was wounded pretty badly. Yet she was understood. Some heroes then started running to catch me but it is too late.

The heroes couldn't catch up with me in time. They stopped before the walls just far enough not to be attacked by the demons defending the position.

I also stopped before the wall. I turned and looked the heroes in their eyes. There I saw hatred. A lot of hatred. All for me.

I laughed out loud making sure to be heard by them.

"Not coming?"

"You demon!"

"We will kill you!"

"Come at me then! What are you waiting for!!?"

The heroes are even angrier now. They are just three. Not enough to kill me. They would fall if they do since here many demons will join the fight.


Steve shouts out from some distance away. It seems he remained with the other for a bit before coming and looking the situation thought correctly it is better to retreat.

I would like them to attack but the heroes aren't fools. They retreated.

"I won, didn't I?"

"Sir I'm pretty sure this can't be said to be a victory. If anything it is a draw. "

"Don't ruin the fun. They got pretty angry and I got what I wanted... more or less."

I know this is our defeat. We lose the first wall. The second is still standing since they can't keep their offensive at night. These walls may not survive the next day. I got just another wall before the dungeon. There's a small fortress on top of the hill but I don't know if they would fall for it. Furthermore it would be troublesome using it. Even so I must use everything I have. There's no other choice.

Now the heroes must be angry. Lena won't die from that. They are too strong and right now a hero must be healing her. I don't know who of them can do it but if I get a chance he must be the first one to die. I can just let them mortality wounded to be healed later on by this hero.

Tomorrow they would fight with even more motivation. The human army lost many men but that isn't going to stop them. My spies also discovered that more soldiers are coming. Tomorrow the fight would be harder for us. Tonight we got the night on our side. Tomorrow the light from the day would finally show the humans the way.

"Call me if they move. I'm going to call more demons."

"Yes my lord."

I need every force I can muster to survive tomorrow. No. I always need it.

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