
Defence 2

Despite the heavy losses their army suffered because of the traps they keep going forward. That is some really great determination they got. Admirable.

As they are getting closer to the walls the fight intensifies further. The soldiers are trying to defend themselves with everything they got. The magicians actually do most of the defence. Of course when one thinks of it defending against all those magic attacks of different nature is hard so magicians have to defend the soldiers from the most dangerous threats while leaving them the minimum danger possible. My demons magic attacks are mostly of fire and earth.

I must say again that the scene looks fantastic. There's a wonderful coordination between the attacks of both sides and really nice counters. The attacks that actually manage to land make it all even better. And this is only getting better as they close the distance to the walls.

The heroes are not in sight. My spies pinned their location before the battle but have now lost them. That girl was able to take both her and the hero away from the battlefield in some unknown way. Maybe she can also make themselves arrive so abruptly too. That could be bad but I am here to deal with any surprises.

Ohh they are so close now. The scene is one of hell. My demons are throwing fire blasts, fire balls, rocks of all sizes, rock spikes from on top the walls. Some demons are able to use ice magic but they don't use it much because it would be affected by the much more used fire magic. Furthermore they are making spikes on the ground in front of the humans even killing a lot of them. This have made their advance truly slowly. They have to break the spikes while been careful not to get kill but one. The magicians are helping where they can but they are busy dealing with the other attacks as well as retailing against the demons on the walls to not make the fight so one sided.

Actually they are attacking me from three points. I am seeing their main attack. The other two aren't going this well but they are advancing. I would rather not lose those places. Unfortunately I lack demons to properly defend every point. My spies told me in advance about their general strategy so I could prepare. I'm actually trying to fake the total number of demons but if too many places fall to the humans the lie could become evident and their attacks more dangerous.

The humans haven't attacked all around the walls because is crazy and also because they think I have more demons and they don't have enough siege weapons. They have split the few materials for the siege in three and even here in their main force they got really few ones. The damage against the walls are mostly been done by the magicians but they have a limited range for strong attacks. Furthermore getting into range means to be in range of my attacks so they have to defend while trying to deal damage. If they got more siege weapons we could be in trouble since is hard to attack distant targets. I wonder why they don't have any gunpowder weapon, especially cannons. Cannons would make huge damage to my walls. Well this is all better for me. They don't have enough siege weapons so they have to attack from key places. They could actually overrun this place if they attacked everywhere since I would not have the numbers to defend every place efficiently. I would have to give up.

Now that I remember there is one more doubt I have. They haven't try any underground attack. I was expecting some kind of underground warfare but nothing came. It is too dangerous because of easy counters with earth magic? They don't know about it? They didn't have time for it? Well I think the last question is not it since it is easy with earth magic to make tunnels. Well at least easy enough with their numbers. I suppose is the first case. They are afraid of counter attacks being more than probable and too dangerous. Well it would make sense since they are already struggling with the spikes from the ground attack of my demons. That attack here would always came from beneath but underground it would be able to come from almost everywhere.

Well too bad for them. If they did make some underground action they would have notice it. The huge hole in that place. Yeah those pits where nothing. This hole is all around the walls underground. I even placed demons to guard it. I was waiting for them to be really close to the walls to use it. Now they are very close. Close enough. Unfortunately not at the other places.

This is a bit sad but nothing can be done about it. I could try to intentionally get them to come closer at the other side's but then I should be cautious not to be too obvious. And I can't get out of sight this main force. The fight at the walls will soon start. We will have to fight till the time is right. Pity.

"Sir they are two powerful entities going for the wall."

"I saw."

This guy hasn't been able to talk much lately thanks to the work to do. It is not like I left him all the work... He just now too much.

"Sir I sincerely think that I am the main responsible for this absolutely awesome defense."

Is he praising himself? That is new. Then...

"Praise yourself less and concentrate on the battle."


Yeah that felt awesome.

Anyways those two entities are most certainly the heroes. Now they are coming to visit me? Well then I shall go and see them in!

"Sir please don't be reckless."

"Of course not. I have everything planet!"

Well part of it wasn't my plan but I am just using his plan to make a plan so it is my plan. That doesn't make sense but it works for me.


As I approach the walls very fast the heroes appear very close to the wall. They were just going very fast just now. It is not the same technique they use to escape last time. Well is time to change plans to the hero killing plan!

The name may sucks but no one cares in the demon army! And well no human will ever know.

I order my demons to get ready as I get on top of the wall near the heroes.

"Heroes I waited so long for you! Please be at ease I guarantee this shall be your last day alive!"

I scream on top of the wall loud enough to be hear by the heroes. Actually most of the fighting in that place has calmed after mine and the heroes appearance. My demons are getting ready the humans are surprised. Unfortunately the next event shall be more surprising for you guys!

"You demon will be the one to die!! I will kill you my own han...!"

Fortunately the ground break apart. Hearing that idiot is tiring. Now the show begins. This has become our offensive. For offence is the best defence.

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