

I am frantic with my thrusting into her ass and I start to feel that tingle in the base of my cock. Katy is starting to cum as well but I want something different as I pull out of her ass and turn her around to face my cock. Katy's only confused for a second but quickly puts my cockhead into her mouth and starts jerking me off with her free hand. Katy's orgasm gets her to moan on my cock and the vibration is enough to send me over the edge as I shoot my load into her mouth. Katy works me over with her hand until no more comes out and I sit down on the mats bare assed for a moment before she crawls up to me and bites my chin a little smiling.

"Kori was right, you are definitely getting back into who I wanted to be a girlfriend of," Katy says smirking.

"Yeah well I'm just doing what I need to so that this gets back on track," I tell her, bumping our foreheads together.

We both get our clothes picked up and share a shower, lightly kissing while we clean up. After the shower I make some soup and sandwiches and about the time we both get sat down Liz comes in and slams the door behind her. Katy and I both watch as she storms off to her room and when I try to get up Katy shakes me off and heads down the hall to speak with Liz. I get into the kitchen and make a plate for Liz before sitting back down and starting my own meal. About halfway through it Katy comes back out with Liz behind her. I say nothing as they both sit down and we all eat in silence. The girls put the dishes in the washer while I head back to my room and relax on my bed. Sure enough I'm only lying there for a few minutes when my phone goes off, it's Kori. Apparently she and Katy are talking about sex with me. Katy likes the force and Kori loves the spontaneity of what I'm doing when I suggest they get the other girlfriends involved in the conversation online before heading to my computer. It's a few moments before Mathilda and Imelda are sharing their two cents but Imelda is in the left out category since she's still down in Texas. I don't have to say anything as Kori is swearing that we haven't forgotten about her and Matty even says she wants to see the one girl who could keep up with her in a workout. I let the women fight it out amongst themselves when I get a knock on my door. Liz pokes her head in and I let the girls know I'm going to have company and that I'll be a bit busy for a few before turning away from the computer. Liz has a tank top and some sweatpants on as she sits down on my bed to talk with me.

"Greg doesn't like that I'm giving him the cold shoulder now," Liz says quietly.

"Okay, but how do you feel about it," I asked, sitting down next to her.

"I don't know, I am craving touch but he's so damn set on the whole love thing that I'm not feeling loved. I mean I understand the no sex for him but I tried to get him to at least get undressed in front of me and just have us kiss and hold each other and he couldn't do that," Liz says visibly frustrated.

I can see Elizabeth is in an unusual place, I know guys would beat down the door to get her as a girlfriend with her dancer build and friendly/popular girl personality. I crawl up to the top of my bed and pull her up after me and just let her lay down with her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and just let her try to relax. We only cuddle for a while when she decides to start talking again.

"Did you really want to invite Greg into your crew," Liz asks looking up at me.

"Yeah, I mean he needs a change. He's all proper and has no self worth seeing," I tell Liz, making eye contact," I mean I was him minus the whole church thing and I hoped that I could get him out of his shell and into someone a little more like me."

"Yeah, I see the similarity. I mean he's nice and sweet but I need to know him," Liz tells me resting her head," I feel like I'm guessing with him."

We continue to quietly hold each other when we hear Mom and Dad arrive home. Both of us meet Katy in the hallway and greet our parents as they come in the door.

"I'm impressed, I walk in the door and there's no party going on and no kids I have to throw out," Dad says jokingly.

"Dad, it's a school night. We save the parties for the weekend," I reply smirking," And when are you two taking a weekend off again?"

Mom and Dad laugh a little and we all chat lightly in the living room about our days. Everyone leaves out their more intense moments which keep the mood light. We all finally head off to our own rooms and I hop on my computer and check in with Jun and Kori on facebook. Jun is concerned with some of the growing group of 'reformists' as he calls them and Kori is still upset with Heather and how she's pining after me. I tell them that we'll tackle those problems if we need to and that Heather will either figure it out or we get to keep making fun of her for trying. Jun seems to agree but Kori is still upset about Heather's persistence. We sign off and I get to bed for the night.

Thursday in the morning and it seems like the only person in the home who didn't get any love yesterday was Liz as the rest of us are buzzing around happily as we all get breakfast and I leave early to pick up Kori on my bike. Kori greets me warmly, pulling my helmet off and giving me a deep kiss before putting it back on and getting hers out of the storage. I wave to Mary before the both of us head off to school. Everyone is grouped up in the parking lot and talking amongst themselves when Natsuko notices we have someone eyeing us up. I check the direction and spot a guy in a white dress shirt and Khakis with a shoulder bag staring but when I turn and look at him fully he heads off to class. I shrug it off and we all disperse for our classes.

During lunch time everyone is crowded around the table and Jun's crew of nerds and geeks are at the nearest adjoining table when a small crowd of students all dressed in white button up shirts and dress slacks or skirts come filing into the cafeteria. I count about fifteen of them entering, led by Taylor, the kid with the glasses that I made a face plant in the parking lot yesterday. They move around a different table, one populated with a few of the punk group, before I hear Taylor start speaking.

"You freaks need to get into a different change of clothes and take that metal out of your faces," Taylor starts in poking one of the guys," The new student body of this school won't stand for freaks like you wandering around the campus making the rest of us look bad."

"Hey screw you asshole," A girl from the table spits out at Taylor.

"You see, that's your problem," Taylor says walking around the table to her," No respect, not for yourself and not for anyone else. I'd suggest bad parenting but people like you deserve to be abandoned like trash since they don't really contribute anything."

I watch the punk boy next to her start to stand when two guys grab his shoulders and sit him back down hard. Taylor has the girl cornered as he continues berating her.

"So you think walking around looking like some cheap hooker in bad clothing makes you special," Taylor continues," I'm guessing your Daddy just stopped liking you at home so you dress like this so at least someone will pay attention to you."

I can feel everyone at my table staring over to the girl and while I am the first one to stand up it's not for the reason they think. I take my tray and walk to a trash can and throw away what's left of my lunch and Taylor takes notice.

"See that right there," Taylor says pointing me out," Even the big bad rebel doesn't want anything to do with this or you. Now take that metal out of your face now."

I pause at the trash can then move over to the punk table cutting through the circle of 'reformists'. Taylor turns his attention to me as I approach and smiles.

"Oh you care to join in finally," Taylor says smirking," So why don't you tell me what you think about this filthy little bitch."

"Oh you mean her, I don't know her. I don't know any of them but I've known you for less than a day and already I can tell I'm going to have no regrets about what happens next," I tell Taylor plainly.

"Really, and what do you think will happen next," Taylor asks, chuckling.

"You're going to do something stupid like touch me, then I'm going to break at least one bone in your hand and your nose," I explain starting in," You're friends have me outnumbered fifteen to one so they'll jump in."

"Right we have you outnumbered and maybe you'll get some respect beaten into you," Taylor says, cutting me off.

"Oh I'll get hit but then it'll be fifteen on six when my table jumps in. Once they see everyone fighting the eight nerds by my table will probably jump in just to make a point so then that fifteen on fourteen," I explain watching Taylor's group start to look around," Then finally there are the five here, five people who you have been verbally bullying for the past few minutes. Now by my math that makes your fifteen to nineteen angry little 'rebels'."