
A fresh start

The voice, that comes from the multi-colored light, sounds like a woman. It makes me more relaxed.

It says: "So you are Simon."

I answer: "I believe so, yes."

"The gods told me a bit about you. They said, that you have a very strong faith, which allowed them to regain conciousness lately."

"The gods?", I asked, " Do you mean Thanatos?"

"Not just him. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Ares, the other Olympians and even the lesser gods like Thanatos himself. According to them your faith was even strong enough to resurrect the fallen god of the Wild, Pan."

"Those are all ancient greek deities... DOES THAT MEAN THEY REALLY EXIST?!", I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Of course they do, Simon. Though their existence has been pitiful these past twothousand years, your strong faith has allowed them to wake up and now that you have been getting closer to despair, they gave me to you as a gift of gratitude as well as a chance to rise up themselves."

"Mhhh. That sounds very fantastic. But what exactly are you that makes such a chance feasible?" , wonder and confusion filling my eyes.

"I am a universe core. You are familiar with the supreme ancient excistence known as Chaos, correct? That is me. I am Chaos. But also not. The countless aeons have lead to my death. but my lifeforce was too powerful so only my conciousness died. And during the time of Godking Zeus I attained a new soul born from my boundless lifeforce.", the light patiently explained.

"A universe core? Chaos? Lifeforce? Souls?" This was all going really fast for me, so I couldn't really follow what she said.

"Haa. The scientists of your time believe in the theory of the 'Big Bang', I heard. I understand that phenomenon. But the truth is: That was me. Splitting off parts of myself to get some company. To not be alone. I am the core of the universe. and my name is Chaos. The existence of what you call material matter is nothing but my boundless lifeforce being condesend into tangible form. As for souls. If an aggregation of matter has existed for some time it will attain conciousness and develope a soul.", Chaos said with a sigh.

"Damn. F*CK. That's incredible. I get that now. Okay. Thanatos mentioned a gift. You said you were the gift. What do you mean?", I asked. I was gradually beginning to understand what was going on. Modern science was correct, but at the same time not. The ancient greek where even more accurate in their scientific beliefs of how this world was created.

I had been reading about ancient greek mythology since I was a kid and gradually came to put my faith towards the ancient greek gods as they seemed more plausible than that chrisitan god that apparently created all this sh*t in just seven days.

And it seems that the ancient greek gods really existed.

Chaos answered me: "The gift is me. I am the chance. To themselves. To you and even to me. They wish to return to power. You can help them with that. You wish for a new chance in your life. I can help you with that. And I wish to explore this apparently boundless world. You give me this opportunity."

"All these chances and opportunities lie in my existence. You have read many fantasy books in your life and from your memories I can see things like systems, cultivation, magic and laws. Laws do exist in this world and i control them all. Utilization of these laws grants powers like magic or those cultivation bases of those eastern civilizations. Only systems do not exist in the real world. But I am the universe core. I have the ability to become a system."

"Wow. That is -. I don't --. Puhhh. Wow.", I just couldn't believe it.

"So putting all this together means, that you will become my system, I will become powerful, help the ancient greek gods return to power and take you to explore?", I was asking, seeking confirmation.

"That is correct Simon Lito." Chaos confirmed everything.

Chaos continued: "Now that you understand, we shall begin."




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