
Chapter 2: Truth

Choi J Jun

Have I slowly fall to my death. I felt something hold my arm and pulled me up by force. It was him again, everyone had their focus on us. From my view. I could see the girl's angry faces staring at me, but he had a worried one.

"Yuna... Are you okay?". He said worriedly.

"Yea...I guess. Thanks". Maybe next time. I thought.

"No worries. Can we go?". He confidently smiled. we walked away as nothing happened. I guess it's because it's college after all.

" These people are going to hate me". Not that they liked me from the beginning.

"Why? it wasn't your fault that you almost fell to your death". He said. "They probably think I wanted your attention. Even men like you". Yuna said hiding behind him.

Have we walk through the crowd and into the café I notice something different about Jun. he didn't look the same as before maybe it was me, maybe it was my eyes playing a trick on me, but it wasn't.

"Your eyes, they're different from before". I asked. " Ah! you were paying attention... my eyes just seem to do that its normal for some". He said plainly. Almost like he used to it.

*Time Skip

We both ordered coffee and one donut for him. For some reason, I kept looking at the donut that he was shoving down his throat.

"You want some? ". He's handsome to me, but I shook my head. "No...I don't eat sweets". I respond, putting my hand over my mouth.

" In a diet I see". he said sarcastically.

"No, not because of that, it reminds me of someone". I said sadly.

"Sorry". He said sadly with a pout. He's cute.

"For what?". I question. Theirs nothing to be sorry for. At least that's what I thought.

" I ordered it". he seems nicer then I thought.

" It's fine I'm not the one eating it". I respond.

About thirty minutes past, his hair color changed pitch black. That's not something you see every day. Now is it.

"Your hair, now that's weird wasn't it brown an hour ago". I firmly asked.

"My hair also does that, why are you not freaked out?". He said confused.

" I've seen worse than that. How do you explain this"? I said curiously, not looking away one bit. "It's my emotions, which causes my eyes and hair to change color". he said proudly.

"That's nice". I never experience this before.

"You think so?". he smiles but slowly frowns.

" This only happens when I'm next to someone special and they're the only one who can see it", he whispered.

"Then why can I see it?". I asked. Those that make me special. I thought about it, but I hope so.

"Never mind, forget what I said it's getting late let's go". he changes the subject.

Getting closer home and I lead the way. I was curious, why is he so weird? "Are you wondering about what I said earlier"? Jun said. Can he read minds, I thought.


"Do I read the mind? ". Jun said without thinking. Yup, he totally can. Awesome.

"H-huh". he hesitates.

"Well...this is my place, see ya". Before I could leave he quickly hugs me. I didn't hug back.

"Be safe". I regret not hugging him back.

"Yea I'll do that. Bye!". I smiled and he let go.

"Bye... sweet one". he whispered softly.

"What?". He totally said something or was it just me. I swear I'm dying." bye ". Strange I thought. How is it possible when I'm with him I don't think of those dreams?


Saturday morning... *Ding*

I pick up my phone. To check the message It was probably spam but I checked it anyway. No actual person would text someone like me unless they're an alien, but I think not.


Hi Yuna, you want to come over. I got your phone number from the school papers.


Wait...Whose this?

Why would I? and what kind of school, gives another student, another's student phone number?


I'm Choi j Jun from school and I have something to tell you, just come.


Wait. Jun why did you text me to come to your house, like I knew where you leave? Plus We're not that close.




Right 🤔

What is wrong with this guy? Is he crazy? I don't even know him. He acts as if he knows me. Ding


Fine, I'll come to get you.


What makes you think I wanted to come. I don't even know you.


My poor heart😭


Please 😏

Is he going to tell me the truth this time, his not very good at lying? He changed the subject twice yesterday. We barely know each other. What would he possibly have to tell me?


Fine! Come get me at 12:00.


Yay, I'll be there. See yah.


A couple of hours later I walked outside trying to find a way to contact him because I didn't save his phone number.

"Yuna". someone called out to me.

"hi. Let go, I have lots to say... Promise you won't freak out. I am not a creep I swear". he said running out of breath. He walks me to his car.

" You had a car and you made us walk to the shop yesterday. Who does that?". I said.

"My friend had it". He opens the door for me.

We reach his house pretty quickly and got inside. He offered water and I gladly took it.

" Can you tell me why you brought me here"? I said curiously. "OK. When I said that you can't love". He started. "Go on". I said sipping on the water.

" It was because I was sent here to protect someone. I can't tell you who right now". He said.

"You're telling me your a spy or something". I asked him trying to hold my laugh.

"Hmm, something like that". He says holding on his chin.

"Why are you telling me this? This has nothing to do with me". I was confused.

"No! I'm telling you because I want too and also Because I can read your mind". he explained.

I knew it. I said in my head forgetting he can hear me. I am used to talking to myself. Maybe he also has powers.

"Yes! I will have, but I'm too young to develop them yet". Sure... is a weird guy. I don't get it.

"Oh yeah! you read minds...no more talking in my head then". I said pouting.

" No...you can I don't have to listen". We stared at each other until he broke the silence.

"Yuna I have something else to tell you. It's about your curse. Turns out that it wasn't a curse at all its a gift". he said smiling at me.

" What curse? I don't know... any~

"Yuna you don't have to cover it. I know". He says carelessly. Like he knew before me.

"How? Wait you know". I said sadly, but curiously. "This is not about me". He says.

" You're a freak". I said pointing at him.

"Hey am not a freak. I just can't tell you what I am yet". Until you tell me what you are, I am still going to call you a freak.

"Can I finish please". Jun asked sincerely.

"Whatever". I wave for him to continue.

"That's because when you were born your parents didn't really love each other. They were a force on marriage and when they got married the two parents had you and give you a gift. Not to fall in love with someone you can't protect or love. The reason your parents die was that they weren't fated to be together". He told me.

"What do you mean? ". I asked. Why do I seem interested in this? I don't even know. How he knows all this.

"Your parents both loved someone else. The dreams you're having it's all part of the gift, but your parents didn't give them to you it was from the Lucifer. For you to be able to make a wish you have to make a deal. Your dream well stops for a moment or forever when you find your fated mate".

I was really confused and I didn't believe him at first until he said the dream and my parents dying. I never told him or think about my parents. When I am around him.

Still confused, my parent was forced into marriage. So I'm not even supposed to be born, that why I hate myself so much. That's why I wanted to die. I thought to myself, not like that, you're special".

" You call this special. This pain is not special ... you don't know how I feel when I get all these horrible dreams... Stop reading my mind". I shout at him, I didn't mean to yell at him. This is what I do I push people away. Jun stayed in silence. I didn't know whether he was angry or just didn't know what to say.

"I'm not angry". he answered my thoughts.

" am sorry, I wasn't going to tell you. If I knew you would react like this". Jun said in a low tone. I didn't know why, but I started to cry. Jun tries to hug me, but I pulled away. I said bye to Jun and went home.

Choi POV

"Choi j Jun! you didn't overdo it did you. Come on bro. I told you not to tell her now". someone said.

"Cole... I didn't tell her everything ". Jun shouted.

"Then, why is she mad"? Cole asked.

"She's not". I'm for sure she's not.

" Then why did she snap"? I don't know.

"She's didn't snap". jun shouted.

"Then why are you mad. Maybe because she Called you a freak. I was laughing my ass off". Cole says holding back his laugh.

"I'm not mad". I said getting up my seat.

" But why you mad though?".Cole asked.

"Goddamn!, Cole, I'm not". Jun shouted with anger in his face.

" Yes, yes you are". he teased. They continued their small argument....both heard...


"Did you hear that and why did every light in the house glitched when we heard it... Cole are you listening to BTS again. Why is it so loud?".

"That's not me bro and BTS doesn't sound like that". Cole said.

"Wait it sounds like her. Is she hurt? ". Cole said to himself. "You know what happened if she gets hurt or dies right". Cole said.

"I know". Choi responded. Trying to figure out what is going on. Maybes it's just in their heads.

"Don't you think it's strange how we can hear her from her house, it's like...

" Shut up Cole ". Jun disrupted. He was confused. " Man when are you going to stop cussing at me".

"PLEASE". this time much louder.

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