
Chapter 2

One week later,

Ling Hong looked at the youth lying on bed, sleeping soundly and shook his head with worries.

He could not believe that it was the same boy whom he found with countless holes on his body.

With today's advanced technology it was expected to recover quickly. But this guy's recovery skills are tremendous. He only took a few hours to recover. The only problem was, he couldn't remember anything about his past.

"Jing Mo! Wake up! Have your breakfast."

The youth slowly opened his eyes at the mention of his name. Without saying a word he walked towards the bathroom to wash up first.

Ling Hong prepared a hot tonic soup for Jing Mo although he had already recovered but Ling Hong still did not feel at ease. Since he had decided to take Jing Mo as his own brother, he was firm to take the responsibilities of an elder brother as well.

Seeing Ling Hong taking care of himself so earnestly a sweet smile appeared on Jing Mo's face. Although he could not remember anything, but he knew that things isn't as simple as it looks. After seeing Ling Hong's sincerity towards him, he felt relied on. Maybe he could believe this person a bit?

Ling Hong looked towards Jing Mo who was staring at himself in daze. He sighed before grabbing Jing Mo by shoulders dragging him to the dinning table. "Finish the tonic quickly, you're going to admit at University today. Have you decided which field you want to study?"

"Oh... No..." Jing Mo looked down. He really doesn't know what to do next.

"Hmm... Do you have any particular interest?" questioned Ling Hong?

"I'm not even clear what is going on... I don't even know how to use high technology...." Answered Jing Mo. A week ago he had no clue about the world and even himself. But a day after he recovered he started having weird dreams of a different world. That world was completely different from this world. During day time he stayed at Ling Hong's Cell (Home) and at nighttime he traveled to a complete different world.

Compared to that world this world is a complete miracle made by advanced technology. But he somehow felt attached to the world in his dreams. At this moment, his mind is a total mess.

"Aah, don't feel sad my little brother, I'll help you choose one course." Saying this Ling Hong flicked his finger. Within a second huge Virtual spinning wheel appeared in front of them. Then Ling Hong searched for courses online. Dozens of name appeared on wheel automatically.

He summoned two virtual butterflies. The two butterflies land on two different places. The wheel disappeared and the names where the two butterflies sat enlarged in front of them.

Jing Mo was astonished but his face remained calm. Alas, he is still not used to this technology.

Ling Hong looked a little regretful at the two names. It would be better if his little brother also take medicine like him.

Ling Hong turned to looked at Jing Mo and said :" Little brother, how about taking a medicine course? It's really fun!"

Jing Mo gazed at Ling Hong sizing him up he slowly shook his head and pointed and virtual words on air. " I think, gaming and business are a good option for me, it works pretty well."

Jing Mo was really satisfied with the results because he seems to be learning about some software engineering in his dreams which was really hard while he had heard that business is pretty easy. But After hearing Ling Hong's suggestion he also has a bit of idea about medicine... Is it useful for me?

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