
Chapter 1

It's the year 999, in a small country called Kuni in the back of the forsaken realm, there is a small village full of demons, but one family sticks out the most, the Akuma family. "Hey Mom, I'm going to help Shiro with some training." Said Karma, Karma had black scruffy hair with white highlights and would typically be seen wearing a black hoodie.

"Ok Karma make sure you don't kill anyone we don't want another reason for the locals to hate us." Mrs. Akuma said with an enforcing tone

"No promises, let's go Shiro" Karma yelled.

"Ok" Said Shiro. Shiro was a little girl with long straight white hair with black highlights who would typically be seen wearing a white hoodie with a black skirt and a white bandana around her neck to go along with it.

"We'll be home in about an hour or 2" Karma said to his mother, as they both proceeded walked out the door.

Then when Karma walks out the door, he picks up a few pebbles from off the ground. "What's that for Karma?" Shiro asks

"Just in case" Karma replies.

"Oh ok" Shiro said. Shiro, deciding to follow Karmas actions by also picking up some pebbles.

As they continued to walk towards the forest, three guys walked out from behind a tree and then all of a sudden they started to throw rocks at them. Karma, acting quickly, takes the pebbles that he picked up out of his pockets and flicks them at the rocks, shattering each rock with accuracy. "Hey assholes, are you blind we're walking here..."

Karma tries to continue but gets interrupted by another rock flying straight at Shiro from behind them.

Karma catches the rock without looking and he ignites his fist with black flames which deteriorate it into magma. Karma then tosses it to the ground. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice you?" Karma laughs.

"Karma don't let them get under your skin, they're not worth it." Shiro says as she tugs on Karma's sleeve to signal him to stop.

"Yeah, you guys are lucky my sister's here." Karma says to the guys behind the trees.

"Oh Boo Hoo, the cry baby needs to be protected by his little sister." mocks one of the guys as he throws a rock at Shiro, hitting her.

"That's it." Karma says, now pissed off.

Karma walks up to one of the guys with no emotion. "W-what are you doing, if you do anything to me I-I'll call my dad and he'll, he'll k-kill you" yells the guy in front of Karma, almost pissing himself.

"Kill?" Karma said calmly "Do you even know what it feels like to kill someone?"

You can practically smell the bloodlust coming from Karma at this point. The guy which had been pissing himself gets the top of his head grabbed by Karma and gets it slammed into a tree. *CRACK*, the tree gets knocked down just by the force of Karmas strength and the hardness of the guys skull. Karma then looks towards the other two guys. "Okay then. Shit head 1 and 2 get shit head 3 and get the hell out of here, before I kill all 3 of you!" Karma demanded.

"I-I'm gonna tell my dad and he is going to banish your family from this village." Said Shit head 3 as they ran away.

"You ok Shiro?" Karma asks as he wipes the blood from her head.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt" Shiro says with a warm smile.

"Ok well follow me." Karma said, as they walked further into the forest.

They both walk into a brushy area of the forest, as they get past it starts to open up into a beautiful garden with a koi pond and a few benches. Shiro's eyes widened. "Since when did this place exist?" She questions.

"Well, there is a barrier around it that is only passible to people with the Akuma name, so that's why no can enter except for our family." Karma says as he lays down on the bench. "This is the Akuma training grounds. Also, this is the place where I take my naps."

Shiro is just keeps staring at the surrounding area. There were many assortments of trees and animals all around. in the koi pond there was a small little waterfall. "This is where we will spend most of our time training and like me, your gonna sleep here." Karma states as he starts closing his eyes.

"Well, what am I supposed to start with?" Shiro says with a confused look on her face.

"Okay, do you know how to channel mana through your body?" Karma asks, sitting up a little bit.

"Yeah, sort of. but I got the basics." She said.

"Ok then, channel your mana into your hand." Karma said laying back down while covering his eyes with his arms.

Shiro gets a concentrated look on her face, as she sticks her hand out and opens it, a little ball of white flames about the size of a candle flame appears in the palm of her hand. "I did it, did you see it Karma?" She says with excitement.

"OK, now we will head back home. If… you can get it to the size of this." Karma says as he makes a flame about the size of a baseball.

Shiro sighs and Karma falls asleep. *BOOM*. A giant shockwave stretches throughout the forest, which seems to have come from the direction of the village. Karma jolts up from sleeping. "Shiro stay here, I'll be right back" Karma says to Shiro as he darts off and out of the forest.

A giant fire ball seems to be engulfing someone's house. Karma rushes over to the fire to see that it's his house engulfed in the flames. The entire town is there, setting fire to the house. "THATS MY HOUSE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES." Karma yells as he rushes towards the towns people.

Karma jumps and knees the mayor in the face, exploding his head on impact. "You did this didn't you?" Karma looks in the crowd and makes eye contact with the shitheads from earlier.

"DAD" The mayor's son starts to cry out.

Karma sends out a wave a bloodlust, stopping the hearts of many. People start to drop like flies from heart attacks. Karma looks at the mayor's son on the floor. "Is this what you wanted Max? Is this all you wanted your entire village gone in an instant?"

"No, I just wanted to make you suffer for hurting me and my friends. I didn't know they would do this. I'm sorry." Max starts to cry.

Karma slowly walks over to Max. grabs his head and melts the flesh of his face. He then crushes maxes skull into oblivion. "You deserve far more suffering than this." Karma says, throwing the body to the ground.

The rest of the survivors charge at Karma. Karma then sends out a giant explosion, destroying the entire county. The only thing that's left is the barrier set up around the training grounds where Shiro is residing. Karma walks around the surrounding area to see if anything useful survived. There wasn't anything useful, until he walks to where the bank used to be. The vault that held all the money was still there. all the money in the village was now Karma and Shiro's. "Well, I guess we're rich now" Karma says to himself.

Karma walks back to the training grounds and makes a magic teleportation circle. "Hey Shiro, we're moving out of mom and dad's house" Karma says with a forceful smile.

Karma teleports to the bank with the magic circle he already set and transfers all the money to the garden. "Where is mom and dad, I want to say goodbye to them before we leave." Shiro says, looking down at the ground.

"They aren't here, they went somewhere else." Karma says as his smile fades into a frown. "Anyway, let's get going, no need to pack."

sorry ive been designing and waiting for some other people to give me their designs for their characters which are main characters so I will now start to type the second chapter

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