It was the first Saturday of 6 the month of the 2022 calendar when I realized It. When I saw you at Lotus restaurant owned by your father. You seemed not to remember me but we played under the shadow of the old cherry tree in your garden when we were 7 Now we are 17, You had a round chubby cheek which made your appearance cute back then but that day you looked stunning in that plane white T-shirt. In this deficit time, I am looking at you, trying to see you every day. I thought it was love that read through your eyes. I knew the moment we walked passed each other the feeling, that pounding of heart when I saw you after 10 years was hard to ignore yet too soon to accept. But I guess It's too late now, tomorrow when you will leave the city behind and your car will go running down the road in front of our house, just for this once, step out of the car, look out the window of my room and scream my name loud so that I can keep this as a reminder. A reminder that I once had a crush on you. A reminder that I had feelings for you which is why I still miss you.