


"Check mate baby" 

      He was scrutinizing me like a specimen waiting to be experimented on;well that was what I was at that moment,like a prey waiting to be fed upon by its predator.My heart was racing ,my breathing was hoarse and rough. My sweat must be pumping at the speed of light , I'm growing and dying every mminute.So many thoughts were running through my mind. Thoughts like; would he gnaw his scary long nails into my velvet skin?, would he get drunk with my sweet blood on his lips?,would he take my life slowly making my death one slow agonizing one, perhaps that would be a little but of fun for him or would he let me go and swirl away from whatever goddamn place he came from?.

         These thoughts were racing through my mind like flipping pages on a book but only for him to come to an halt ,one that I would say frightened me more.Perhaps he had devised a new means to kill me I shuldered at the thought.I turned to look at his blazing eyes which were getting furious by the second ,then I saw him flicker ,was it fear? possibly not,what could scare a monster like him.I felt him release his grasp on me,he was fidgeting.I thought for a moment if i heard him growl or if it was something else and suddenly whoosh he disappeared into thin air.

      I stood trying to sense if a bigger danger was coming.I have always known I was a danger magnet.Whatever might have scared the living daylight out of him was definitely something terrible.I tried to run ,to escape from this lurking danger in the dark but only for my legs to fail me. I crawled myself into a ball .I was defeated by my own struggle to survive .

          I didn't know if I should be happy or sad ,all I knew was that I was lucky this time but my luck might just run out someday but at least I knew whatever have saved me from my him had done so just in the nick of time

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       I was all alone ,mom was away she had gone to see Grandma because of her relapse in health. I sat on my tiny bed looking over the ceiling . There was power supply at the moment but I didn't feel enthusiastic enough to even switch on the television set.


        I was blank in thought,then all of a sudden something popped on my mind. "Should I call him"? no! I can't possibly do that . What was I even thinking to make such statement? I might just want to see his ever dashing face again, I had only met once face to face but I already have this strong likeness towards him , I might even say I am beginning to love him. Wait, was I in love already?? No! That can't be , it's definitely not the L word.


          I picked up my smart phone, dialled his number and waited patiently for him to pick up the call.I was trembling within me and I knew it . "What has come over me , why I'm I acting this way, there's no way I'm thinking of inviting Frank over to my place" I said within me.


      Yeah... Frank was his name , the guy I've been drooling over lately . It was already half ten and it wouldn't be convenient or decent asking him to see me at this hour of the night. So I cut the call but for the first time in my life I felt I needed the opposite sex not for intimacy or whatever but just because I needed it. At least that was what I told myself.

      I heaved a sigh "Do I even want to do this , well  I just want to see him , I'm not doing anything bad am  I"? .I dialled his number again , this time being assertive and luckily for me he picked up. Sounding as lively as always he replied with eagerness which I sensed immediately.


"I just felt like calling you to know how you're doing" I spoke over the receiving end of the phone. 

" Well I'm all alone do you mind coming over to my place" I sounded a little bit giddy but I just couldn't shake it off . I was even appalled with the way I sounded on the phone. Oh God I hope he doesn't think I'm inviting over for ... I dare not say the S- word. Being a virgin at 17 and half doesn't help me in times like this.

      Mybestie;Jessie would probably be teasing me right now if she could see me .She would be surprised by my bold move it would definitely come as a shock to her when I tell her about this.She's quite the adventurous type when it comes to this aspect, she's been kissed a couple of times ,even groped at some point .Jessie teases me alot whenever she's reminded of my celibacy state,She's definitely in the _V club but she's had a handful of experiences when it come to smooching and groping.I think I may need my fairy god mother to intervene in this cause.

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