
Prologue: Nevada and the System Errors

Nevada was always at the top of his game. He came from a rich and influential family. He was exceptionally handsome and intelligent. He was talented and loved a lot of extreme sports. Ladies flocked to his side, and men submitted to him. Nevertheless, Nevada can only get to enjoy this luxury for twenty-five years.

During his twenty-fifth birthday celebration, Nevada and his family decided for an intimate dinner instead of the usual big parties like the previous gatherings.

However, he was greeted by his unsmiling father with his quiet mother who had a small worried smile on her face. And they were seated in front of a family he was more than familiar with—the family of their rival company's president. Nevada immediately realized where this was going.

Nevada was polite the whole meal. He was welcoming and smart when he spoke. But at ten o'clock, once they arrived home, he had a falling out with his father.

Number one, because he did not agree with what his father wanted, which was to marry the young lady he was introduced to during dinner. Number two, because he came out of the closet.

Yes. Despite his overbearing looks and personality that made him such a girl magnet, he was actually gay.

This was where the story began.

"The main character died so tragically, but it was not his fate. He should have met his partner and lived happily with him, yet he turned into an omega and suffered. Your task is to get together with the male lead and make sure you live past the date of the main character's death."

"Did you pick me because I am gay?" Nevada asked with an ugly expression. "You think that just because I swing this way, I'll fuck with this story's male lead?"

"Of course not," the mechanical voice denied. "You were one of the candidates, but the creator of the system chose you because according to them…"

A static sound erupted from somewhere in the black empty space where Nevada was in. Then green lines appeared in front of him and formed a virtual screen. In it were a series of codes, and he could not understand any of them.

But the audio where the deep voice of someone speaking was more than clear when it stated: "This data shows that you have the highest potential of fixing the errors in the system."

"What errors are we talking about exactly? Call some computer experts. I know I'm very capable, but I know nothing about stuff like this," Nevada arrogantly said as he waved his hand in rejection.

"The Nevada of this dimension shows excellent adaptability and courage which are two of the most important qualities we are looking for." The voice sounded final when it spoke and Nevada failed to refute as another announcement was heard.

This time, it had a light tone that made Nevada feel like he was talking to his phone's AI. It was so familiar that a thought crossed his mind. Was he actually kidnapped? Was he drugged? Was he hallucinating?

[All useful information will be provided to your user account.]

[Installing package…]

The lines in front of Nevada suddenly surrounded him. He flinched in surprise which interrupted his thoughts. The lights blinked continuously and then disintegrated. They seemed to have been absorbed by his skin.

Or as what the mechanical voice would refer to it: [The package installation is successful.]

The space he was floating in was just an endless darkness and emptiness. He could not see anything, and at the same time, it felt like he could see everything. The flashes of light that came and went should have hurt his eyes, but they didn’t.

A while ago, the mechanical voice said that this was the download room, and he could be ejected anytime after the system finished installing itself on him.

[Initiating system…]


[Scanning system…]


[System Initiation: 100%.]

[System Scan: 100%.]

[No virus detected. The new package installed is safe and protected.]

[Would you like to log in to the system?]

It was clearly the same mechanical voice that greeted and talked to him a while ago, but Nevada felt that it was different than before. It started to sound more human-like.

He looked around pointlessly until he noticed that the words he was seeing were projected in his eyes and not just in the air in front of him anymore. The sound was also in his head, like a subconscious, unlike a while ago where it seemed to come from an echo somewhere in the space.

Nevada thought that he did not want anything to do with his current life anyway. So kidnapped or whatever, he wanted to treat this experience as a quick escape.

Whoever brought him here was an angel in disguise. What great timing! Thinking like this, Nevada instantly cheered up.

"Before I proceed, doesn't this system have a manual of some sort?" Nevada asked. He was confused about what to do since arriving here, but now that he’s a bit interested, he finally voiced it out.

The words on the screen that only his eyes could see suddenly faded out. Then new words appeared, in a pace which was similar to an average typist. One letter at a time. Quick and steady.

[This is System 99 — linked to the host's consciousness. For understanding the more complex features, the system offers a 23-hour customer service. Do you need help?]

The options HELP and CANCEL appeared floating just below the announcement window. Nevada thought “help” and a new window popped up.

In a tiny font at the top, it said, "Only questions regarding the system features will be entertained. Only information about the story available to the system can be given."

Nevada followed up with a scoff, "What’s with the one-hour break?"

[The system offers a 23-hour customer service. It automatically reboots on the last hour of the day to save and update progress. Unless the host is willing to risk the progress, the number of hours needed for maintenance can be accumulated.]

Nevada asked again, "For example, I command you not to reboot for a week, then when you reboot next time, it will be for seven hours? And there will be no customer service for seven hours?"

[The host is correct.]

"So inconvenient," Nevada murmured as he rested his chin on his hand and looked up while thinking. He thought that not having the customer service for an hour every day was doable, so he wouldn't risk not saving all his progress.

This was becoming more like a game. Nevada was not sure if this was real or if he was dreaming, but he will surely make the most of it to forget his worries.

"Does this save and update progress also mean that if I want to start over, I can go back? Or if I die, I have a respawn point?"

[The host is correct.]

"This is an interesting and tricky feature," he then exclaimed. "I can't delete saved progress, can I?"

[The host is correct. The past versions of the updates cannot be reinstalled. They can only be overwritten.]

Nevada was both stunned and amazed as he was analyzing. Say, if he has doubts about his actions in certain situations, maybe he can forget about saving them so he can do them over when something goes wrong?

The feature may have seemed good at first glance, but what if something goes wrong in the last hour and the system saves it? He should probably stay alert not to make that mistake.

Also, wasn’t getting a respawn point making this too easy? It was too suspicious.

Nevada’s squinted eyes relaxed. He released a breath and shook his head. He should think about everything once he learns more about the system and what world he was being sent to.

Nevada clapped his hands once. "Okay! I need to fix the error in this world you are sending me to, and unless I accomplish it, I can't go back, right? But what about me if I was gone too long in my world?"

[The dimension where you originally come from has the slowest speed of time. Rest assured. When it's time to go back, it will be like you never left at all.]

"Good. Then log me in," he excitedly said, a ghost of a smirk visible on his face.

Anyway, all he remembers about his world for now were the harsh words his father told him. He could think of this phenomenon as a long vacation from his stressful reality. Nevada was so thrilled.

[Logging in…]

[User Nevada logged in successfully.]

[Downloading Resources…]




[User Nevada is in beginner mode. Plot line successfully downloaded. System has been scanned. Two errors detected.]

[T-two… erhrorsh… dhkmtd…]

Nevada's eyebrows twitched. "What the hell is wrong with this glitchy system? And what's with that sound?"

He was referring to the ringing sound that suddenly invaded his head. Nevada fell to his knees, hands covering his aching head. The smile on his face was instantly wiped away. The ringing was so loud that his head felt like it was continuously getting smashed to the wall. He groaned in pain.

A hand grabbed his arm and pulled him up from the floor. Nevada heard a crack and hot tears instantly fell from his eyes.

The ringing stopped, but the excruciating pain that he could feel from his broken arm made him let out a soft whimper.

"An omega!"

"Everyone, please evacuate!"

"This is a disgrace!"

"What a disgusting smell!"

The chattering noise seemed to hit his chest. He felt that he was tense and nervous, which was very unlike his usual calm demeanor.

Nevada heard a low growl from his side. Then he looked up to see that he was surrounded by unfamiliar people.

The dark space was gone.

So he wasn't the one who was tense and nervous. It must have been the person before him who was still here a few seconds ago. Nevada's vision was a little cloudy, but he could instinctively feel that he was in danger. He could see faint red eyes staring hungrily at him.

He gritted his teeth in annoyance.

The system was not only glitchy. It was unreliable beyond words as well. It did not even inform him that it was sending him to some bizarre world!

All he knew was that he was going to be gay in this world and that he needed to hug some male lead's thighs to survive! Not even a hint about these furry werewolves were given to him!

And what the hell is this? He was clearly told that he will be given time to prepare, but it seemed like he was already in the middle of a major arc!

Nevada lowered his eyes and saw pieces of broken glass.

It was dark. But the dim glow of the place and his seemingly very clear vision made it possible for him to see his faint reflection in the fragments.

The chatters around him instantly disappeared once he saw his reflection.

This miserable appearance, red face smeared with tears partnered with this pitiful expression. He was thin and pale and beautiful!

Fuck! Who was he trying to seduce!