
Chapter 1

Daily Routine.

>Wake up to my sworn enemy (alarm clock) blaring.

>Falling off bed, flat on my face specifically.

>Shower with toothpaste filled bottle (by mistake) all the goddamn time.

>Treat irritated skin.

>Freak out that I might get late.

>Throw on trashy clothes.

>Decide against trashy clothes.

>Decide to wear trashy clothes eventually because I don't give a fuck.

>Dig into some unhealthy shit for breakfast.

>Miss my family.

>Drive to school.

>Pour out my hatred for education.

And now here I am staring at the building in front of me muttering curses endlessly. I dislike school....wait...no... I despise the highly intellectual property right in front of me. Why do we even go to school? I don't want to learn how toads multiply!

If it weren't for my family right now, I would've been in Italy or Russia trying to raise a Mafia family. It actually crossed my mind.

Urgghhh. Okay calm down Alex. Deep breaths. Deep breaths Alex. Deep bre.....

"Alex! Alex!! Earth to Alex!!!!" a voice booms through my ears. A smile creeps it's way unto my face in recognition of who it is.

"If it isn't my favorite month of the year" I laugh as I pull my best friend into a bear hug. April and I have been friends for like a year now. I mean who doesn't want a psychotic friend.

"Not today Alex" she chokes "I don't want to die yet."

I realised that I've held her a little bit longer than I should.

"I've been talking for the past three minutes and you just stood here day dreaming again" she pauses to blow a bubble then resumes chewing her gum aggressively "The last time you got lost in your thoughts you literally punched Ashley in the eye"

"You mean illiteral...."

"Alex you did hurt the poor guy"

Yeah Ashley is a boy. Deal with it.

I recall the last time at lunch when my mind was flooded with problems of my own and I felt like punching the air and he just got in the way!

"I gave him an ice pack" I muttered playing with the few strands of my platinum blonde hair.

"Whatever.."she trails off "Where is May?" 

"You live together April. How am I suppose to know where your twin sister is?" I stare at her unfazed.

April has a twin May.

They are those kinda twins you don't want to mess with. They're identical with their jet black hair and green eyes. They're the same height, their freakin' voice sounds same. The only difference is that April's voice is a little bit higher and you don't want to be the one she's shouting at.

You get to differentiate them by the streaks in their hair. April has white dipped ends whereas May has a straight from the tip blue one. I'll have you know that April is the mama bear.

And their names how ironic.

"You think she's out partying again?" She asks not a hint of worry in her voice. Sometimes she just asks for the sake of asking.

I shrugged readjusting my backpack. Mae likes partying it's just her thing. But sometimes she just crashes in another neighborhood or another person's doorstep.

"I'll text her" I said pulling my phone from my back pocket.

Alex: Where the hell are you! School starts in ten.

She replies immediately.

Quasimodo: What? I've been waiting for you guys for what felt like forever by your lockers!!!.

"Um... April I think May's already inside" I said unable to believe myself.

"Quasimodo is early? Well that's an update" she chuckled.

"She won't be happy when you call her that." I laugh.

"She'll be even more pissed when I tell her I don't care." she snickers knowing her twin sister has the patience of zero.

"Let's get going before the bell rings I have English first and I don't want to get on Mrs Portholl's bad side" I chuckled grabbing her arm dragging her inside.

"Ew! Pothole." April fakes disgust making me roll my eyes.

We walk fast into the premises, six minutes before the bell rings. I spot my locker and April scurries to hers, I see a familiar teenager banging her head on the locker next to mine, the blue streak in her hair visible as always.

"You'll leave a dent if you keep on doing that" I say when I finally reach my locker.

"You're buying me lunch" She mumbled not lifting her head from the locker.

"I always buy you lunch May," I chuckle taking out my book and pencil case. "Why are you early?"

"Shouldn't I be?"

"Maybe..." I drawl.

"Are you calling me irresponsible?" She asks detaching her head from the locker narrowing her eyes at me, daring me to utter a single word.

I shut my locker and hold the book to my chest as I watch her in amusement. I was about to say something to piss her even more when the bell rings.

Saved by the bell!

"Ah! The bell." I grin and start walking away.

"I know it's the bell" she says through gritted teeth.

"Really! You did?" I shouted over my shoulder. I could imagine steam coming out her ears.

I quickly disappeared into the crowd of people trying to make their way into class before the teacher comes in. I pushed the door open letting out a thankful breath that I haven't died from the sea of students outside, my happiness was short lived when I see that all the front seats were taken. I sighed and went to one of the empty seats at the back.

Right on cue Mrs Portholl made her entrance with a scowl on her face as usual.

"Morning everyone," she said taking her seat.  "Today we will be----" The door banged open cutting her off. Two boys barged in and all the girls in class started giggling and swooning, some started fixing hairs and adjusting their posture.


I roll my eyes at them. I still don't get why every high school slut doesn't get the point. It's a basic rule every fuck boy follow.






I just lean on my desk and allow the scene in front of me unravel.

With my elbow on the desk and my chin on my palm I watched in amusement as my eyes flicker from Mrs Smith to---

"Mr Williams and Mr Anderson how nice of you to  barge in," she welcome them with fake enthusiasm.

But they don't seem to care, well, you don't expect them to give a fuck when they're the bad boys. And yet again why does every teacher not understand that the bad boys will never ever be good? Either he finds love or loses a special person in his life like all the other lists of bad boys I've read in books, he will still be worshipped, respected and famous.

Oh God!

That's why I like being me, a half nerd half people's person, I take sides in all situations and I am not oblivious like every other girl you might come across. I am just inbetween the line in other words Neutral.

Well in front of me I present to you Blake Williams and Ryder Anderson. I don't blame the girls actually, they look breath taking and their body was built so damn well.

Blake is the blonde one with grey eyes and the one who is always smiling showing his white pearls, he'd do good in a toothpaste commercial.

And Ryder, his hair cut is almost too perfect, his brown hair falls covering his vibrant blue eyes. His leather jacket slung on his shoulder over his plain white T-shirt that hugs his body showing his torso, his face is expressionless yet breath taking.

"Its our pleasure m'lady" Blake bows in mock curtsey making the whole class laugh.  

What's funny? High school is torture I tell you!

"Detention!" Mrs Smith shouts in his face.

"Geez lady! I've got your spit all over my face! But then, you didn't even ask us why we're late before shouting--"

"Detention!" she repeats with equal volume before adding, "After school."

"Of course Mrs Portholl," Blake jeers making it sound like pothole.

Mrs Smith ignores them gesturing them to take their seats. They make their way to the last two seats next to me. Blake takes the farthest one while Ryder stands in front of the one next to mine, its as if he's wondering whether to sit next to me or not.

I don't bite asshole so take the damn seat and learn something!

"The asshole has ears" He says taking his seat.

OMG I thought out loud

"Yeah you did"

Shut up Einstein

"I would...gladly if you stop talking to me" he retorts having heard me again. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment, I turn to face the board.


I whipped my head to face him my hair almost blinding me in the process. He was focused on the teacher, I let out a breathe out relief and return to my note. Hoping he hadn't heard me.

"I heard that too" he whispered.

I groaned and banged my head lightly on my desk covering the side view with my hair cursing myself internally, from my side I could've sworn I heared him chuckle lightly. But then again he is the one and only 'bad boy'.

40 life threatening minutes later Mrs Portholl dismisses us.

"I am terrified of that lady." May thought out loud biting out a large chunk of snickers.

We always do this, wait for each other after lesson and I don't know if I'm cursed or something but they're always the ones waiting for me.

I chuckle strapping my bag behind me whilst April focuses on her phone and chewing gum as if it is the only reason she isn't dead yet.

"I can hear you Sandra!" April says in a sing song voice. My face scrunches in distaste tying my hair in a sloppy ponytail.

And yet again my friends I have the tendency to say my thoughts out loud.

"I hate that name Riley." I sneer squeezing some expression from her, but she doesn't even budge if anything her smile grew wider.

"Would you rather I call you Alexandra?" she asks smirking.

"Just stick with Alex," I deadpan stopping by my locker quickly.

"If your mom was here she'd definitely call you none of these," May snickers sucking on a newly unwrapped lollipop.

"She's another problem to deal with I swear." April and I laugh too.

"Don't look now but James Thompson is ogling at you," April whispers popping a bubble awkwardly.

I silently shut my locker and turn pretending to glance across the hallway. My eyes meet with his dark green ones and he casually looks away last minute. I don't miss the tiniest shade of pink on his cheeks.

James Thompson the third friend of Ryder and also another bad boy in our  school. But you know those kinda bad boys that keep it low-key till you actually meddle with their shit? That's where James is categorized. Currently the basketball star and has this dark sleek hair that's always in place with his dark green eyes always flickering in amusement. His parents are lawyers who are never in town. He has twin siblings a boy and a girl.

Yeah, I know all that because duh! I am in highschool.

A sharp pain shoots through my head making me wobble slightly before it completely disappears without a trace. I need to go for checkup.

"Are you okay?" May asks as she notices. 

"I won't be after Math which I am definitely late to," I answer diverting the whole conversation.

"Yeah, we better go." April suggests and we all nod then we saunter away.