
The Enrollment

It was my First Year of College, After I passed the entrance examination. I started the enrollment procedures which gave me a hard time. During the Procedure, the Staff ask and start to interview me.

Staff: Why did you choose this course?

Me: Because my family business is fishing.

Staff: Do you know some employees here in school?


Staff: You've got a good grades, you are qualified to apply for Scholarship.

Me: (Thoughts: oh! yes! Scholarship)

Where can I apply For scholarship?

Staff : Just go the Placement office at the 2nd Floor Building.

After the interview, I go to the Placement office. 🏢...🚶


Me: (Knocking at the Door) Hello .....?

(No response)

I open the door and enter the office. Afterwards, I was standing on the side and was waiting for an opportunity to start a conversation. 🕴️

Eventually the office Staff called me.

Office Staff: What's your business?

Me: I want to apply for scholarship.

Office Staff: What is your Course?


Office Staff: Did your read the Note in the Door?

Me:(Thoughts: There is a Note? hmm..) No.

Office Staff : Go out and Read the note in the Door.

Me: Ok

I go out and Read the Note in the Door.


Apply for scholarship inside (BSME Only)

Me: (Feeling shy) No available for my course?

hmm.. Ok.

I started to walk down the stairs.

Me: (Feeling Down) Goodbye 100% Scholarship, Goodbye free Boarding House and snacks.

I pass the requirements and pass documents.

After a Few Hours, I received Document containing my Proctor name , Subject schedule and rooms, My section.

Me: Hmm.. section GK?


Me: Oh! i got it . GK means GWAPO KAMI.


Afterwards, I checked the locations of the rooms and eventually choose a place for allocation during School Year.

NEXT Chapter ( The RCY CLUB)