
Net King: The Age of Miracles!

Don't underestimate the world?" "Are you kidding? Our junior high school students' competition is the world!" "Zeng Kunichi's Awakening Fuji, Tenki Tezuka, Bible Shiraishi, Black Dragon N Heavy Slash Sanada... Which one is not the world? Level?" "Don't the world look down upon us junior high school students!" "Professional players in our junior high school world should look at the water fountain!" "The barrier to high school? The physical gap between them has been closed long ago!" "Our Emperor's Light is the wall breaker in the realm of the Kingdom!" "Me! The inner scroll madman! The opener of the fourth heavenly robe! The king of the "different dimension"!" This is the story of the encounter between the princes and the miracles, and also The story of an outsider causing trouble is also an "era" in which a group of young people are stimulated by each other and undergo crazy changes. >>>

ZeroESM · Sports
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129 Chs

Chapter 80. Phantom Akashi!

  (Why is this happening)

  (The ball's power, spin, speed, and explosion are different every time.)

  Thinking back to Midorima's previous hit, Nioh couldn't understand what happened.

  Every time he catches the ball, he gets a different experience.

  Sometimes the power would be so great that even his phantom could not win it despite repeated attacks, sometimes the speed would be so fast that he could not react, and sometimes the spin would be so strong that he would be unable to catch

  such irregular returns, making it difficult for Nioh to deal with it.

  "That's why I said that he is just asking for trouble by continuing to phantom Tezuka."

  Shirazu said with a sigh as he looked at Niou's frustrated behavior.

  "That guy always feels like he has learned some incredible skills."

  Even Aomine could tell a different pattern from the way Midorima returned the ball every time.

  "The follow-up skills corresponding to the sharpshooter Gungnir."

  "Didn't I say before that he is used to all kinds of irregular returns and irregular hitting." "

  From that long experience, he has mastered it again. Another extreme technique, the technique he mastered is called..."

  "Controlling destiny. It can also be called..."

  "Uncontrollable ball!"

  "It is unknown what effect the ball he hits will have. He You can't even control it."

  "The force may be so great that the opponent cannot catch it."

  "The speed may be so fast that the opponent cannot react in

  time." "The spin may be so violent that the opponent cannot catch it."

  "The destructive power may be so strong. To the point where the opponent is absolutely untouchable."

  This is why Shiratsu felt that Midorima could change his name.

  He just called Midorima Scarlet without any sense of inconvenience.

  Relying on the most basic physical abilities, he developed unimaginable skills.

  This is not a move, but a "flat A" formed through continuous training.

  So it's a technique, not a move.

  "Isn't this invincible?"

  Everyone was stunned after hearing this. The absolute hit plus the uncontrollable ball made it almost impossible to solve.

  "I see, that's why you said he has the confidence to deal with Tezuka Kunimitsu."

  After hearing this, Akashi also knew that Midorima was really incredibly strong now.

  "Well, I don't think that's the case. It's just that he was very lucky today, right?"

  Hearing this, Bai Jin's expression froze for a while, and then he said hesitantly.

  Midorima's uncontrollable ball sounds powerful, but in fact Shirazu also knows that it is a double-sided sword.

  "The one with the best fortune today is Cancer!"

  "The lucky thing is the tennis ball."

  "The right time, the right place and the right people! Everything comes together!

  " "There is no reason for me to be in a low state today!"

  Midorima showed confidence on the court. His expression is quite "invincible".


  "I see, that's it."

  Hearing this, Akashi seemed to understand something and suddenly laughed.

  "Huh? What... what?"

  "What are you laughing at?"

  Momoi asked, looking at Akashi who laughed out loud and Shirazu who looked stiff, a little strangely.

  "It is indeed an exaggeration to control destiny, but the ball that cannot be controlled is just right."

  "Since the power, speed, spin, and explosion are all unknown, that means that there may be balls that the opponent cannot catch, and there may be balls that the opponent can easily catch. The ball can be hit back."

  "Randomly floating from the smallest to the largest."

  "Is it luck? It really suits Shintaro's style."

  There is probably no other such weird style of play.

  Akashi smiled because this was too special.

  It must be a big problem for Kise to imitate him.

  "I see, it means that as long as he is unlucky, it will have almost no effect, right?"

  "What, you say it so powerfully, it turns out it all depends on luck."

  Qingfeng scratched his head and breathed a sigh of relief. If he really goes by what he said before, Midorima can indeed be called "invincible".

  Absolute hit + ball that the opponent absolutely cannot catch.

  This cannot be cracked normally no matter how you look at it.

  Fortunately, there are flaws in the Uncontrollable Ball. Although it is related to luck,

  this is why Shiratsu believes that Midorima, who has the greatest luck, can confront Tezuka head-on.

  Gunslinger Gungnir ignored Tezuka's domain.

  The Uncontrollable Ball The maximum effectiveness of Thousands of Refinements has made it useless

  . One cannot be pulled, and the other is unable to fight back even with Thousands of Refinements. No matter

  how you look at it, they are all aimed at Tezuka


  "It seems that the Tezuka Kunimitsu you are currently phantoming has no effect on him."

  During the break in the exchange of venues, Yagyu reminded him while watching Nioh breathing heavily.

  "I know."

  Covered with a towel, Nioh lost his usual playful smile.

  In his prediction, he relied on Tezuka Kunimitsu to score points strongly, and then used others to directly establish the victory.

  In this case, the 5 points lost by Bunta and Kuwahara can be easily recovered.


  But now this entangled situation is really unfavorable, which means that their efforts are in vain.

  "Tezuka Kunimitsu won't work."

  "Then use people they can't handle."

  "The plan remains unchanged."

  After adjusting his breathing, Niou said to Yagyu.

  Yukimura and Sanada who were standing next to them watched the exchange between the two people and said nothing.

  Emperor Guang is indeed unimaginably difficult and powerful.

  Yukimura also understood why Atobe and Tezuka regarded Teiko as their biggest enemy.

  The fifth set resumed, and Midorima served.


  When the two sides stood on the court, everyone discovered that Nioh, who had been the phantom Tezuka, had become another person.

  "Now we have to get serious. Ryota."


  Looking at the familiar red-haired figure, Kise and Midorima were still stunned even though they were mentally prepared.

  phantom! Akashi Seijuro!

  "How far do you think he can phantom you?"

  Bai Jin looked at Akashi next to him and asked him.

  "Since he can even use Tezuka Kunimitsu's many trainings, then my talent glow should be no problem." "

  If I raise my expectations a bit more, it would be "me" who uses the talent glow eye."

  Omot Akashi is sure of Nioh. In addition to his strength, although Akashi is special, it does not mean that the other party cannot do it.

  Since he was confident enough to phantom him, I believe Niou must have done enough homework.

  A hazy light appeared on Niou's body, and everyone recognized that move immediately.

  Talent shines!

  Rehearse the move in your head and declare it to score points!

  But after waiting for a long time, Nioh showed no sign of speaking.

  Just because

  this set is Midorima's serving game!





  Midorima, who occupies the goddess of luck, and paired with two skills, is now invincible.

  "Hey, Midorima-chan, it's my turn next, right?"

  "You said you can only deal with Tezuka."

  When Midorima finished serving the ball, Kise couldn't help but jump out to remind him.

  "That's why I said you and Kagami are a bunch of hopeless guys."

  "Isn't it good to just let me win the game like this?"

  Midorima said with a sigh in response to Kise's speech.

  "5 goals!"

  But at this moment, Nioh spoke.

  The phantom Akashi showed his powerful momentum in a familiar posture.


    Midorima's technology actually came to mind after seeing it on the outdated Chewan mobile game that I hang up every day.

    After all, he is also good at ball control and high-precision shooting. He is sure that his shot will not be empty. So he thought about it, isn't that what it is

    ? Then he suddenly discovered the antonym of precision, uncertainty. It just happened to correspond to luck, that's it. Figured it out.

    Maybe you think it will be very strong. Although the settings are like this, the weaknesses are also very obvious...

    This time the double battle will take a long time.

    In the preset, Kise will have a wave of new moves that are equal to those of Tezuka and Akashi. After revealing (very strong),

    Nioh becomes Nioh's ultimate trump card. No matter how you put it, I feel that his trump card is a bit too strong this time.

    It can be roughly described as the level where Kise and Midorima, who have to show their trump cards with all their strength, can barely fight each other.

    From here you can imagine how strong that kind of Nioh will be, and you can also guess what Nioh is hiding.

    But this trump card has nothing to do with high school students.

    I have to think carefully about how to write these contents. After all, it feels as refreshing as the scene when Tezuka beat Akaashi.

  (End of chapter)