
Nerd In The Egypt

let's build a powerful nation in desert!

type · Urban
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14 Chs

Symbol Of Sun

Lxin and Cincin go at there village and see hinata, Lxin are very happy that she cry because of her joy.

hinta and the girl saw lxin and cincin they are happy.

After a while Hinata,Lxin,Cincin talk in the private place they talk about what happen to village and that light that appear.

S-Sir hinata is one of the awaken?!. -Cincin

Back at Christmas god appear in the sky all of us here can't believe it. The god only say one thing 'Thou Awaken My 50th Creation, Kill the demon'. -Cincin

That happen? the god appear and say that does that mean my power is use to kill demon?.

We're not sure, after god say that some of people and different races have an Element symbol in there body, the pritess said that 'The symbol is the proof of the awaken'. That what i know. -Cincin

What happen to those awaken then?.

I heard some rumor back when i still live in the city of floren one of awaken there show up and the king of that kingdom decide to give the throne to him, that awaken defend the kingdom to demon. -Cincin

hmm, a symbol and awaken ( hinata look at her arm and saw a symbol ).

Chief is that the symbol? its look like a sun? this is the first time seeing it. -Cincin

*knock*knock, Excuse me sir but we have a problem. -Pone

I be their.

While thing is going bad as it is. Hinata notice when god appear here that's when i teleport here right.  It bother me.

Meanwhile,  the kingdom of Floren.

King please forgive me, the sacrifice for god escape but we caught one.-knight

Just one? do you want to die!!!! -The king.

UwU this going dark LoL thank for wasting your time here UwU.