
Chapter 1.1

Standing in the glass phone booth, with his ear up to the speaker.

Looking up to the sky, he realized from the dark red and purple spanning the sunset, that it was getting late.

After listening to the voice on the other end talk, he said:

"Yeah, I have my access card with me."

Reaching into the front left pocket of his baggy brown corduroy pants, he pulled it out.

It was a front view photo of him.

The full length of his long, wavy, black hair couldn't be captured in it.

It came with his name to the right of it, in bold letters.


The rest of it was random numbers he didn't understand, except for two things.

He had his occupation on there.


and a stamp spanning the card, which could only be seen if it was held at an angle.

It was a… strange leaf design… with the name of the governmental organization:


Listening to the other voice ask more questions, he said:

"Yeah, I'm on block 7."

Looking at the sky still, and with his head holding the phone in place on his shoulder, he rubbed his exposed forearms, nervous to meet his primary caretaker.

"Yep, see you in a moment."

After saying this, the phone cut out, with a voice asking him to insert another 100 yen coin if he wished to continue the connection.

Hanging up the phone, Aubrey leaned against the glass, resting his bottom on the metal railing inside the phone box.

Arms crossed, he turned on his portable USB music player, plugged in his earbuds, and closed his eyes.

Tapping his left hand's index finger on his arm in rhythm with the pop song playing, he waited patiently.

After a few songs had passed, he grew increasingly impatient.

Pulling off his black name-brand baseball cap, he turned to look out the window.

Just to check if there were any cars coming.

Nothing yet, however there was a girl, sitting on the curb outside.

She wasn't there before he stepped into the booth earlier.

Cautious, he watched her to be sure she wasn't up to anything.

She had long dark brown hair, which reached to her tailbone.

Curled up, with her arms wrapped around her knees.

Sporting a crop top and jeans with brown loafers.

As minutes went by, nothing happened with her.

More relaxed, Aubrey sat in the booth, switching between watching the roads, and her, until his caretaker arrived.

It was fairly dark out now, with the street lights coming on.

Eventually, he saw a boxy, dark red sports car over the horizon.

As its front lights grew brighter, he gripped the handle to it, and stepped out of the booth.

The sudden noise surprised her.


Flinching, she moved back from him.

Touching the brim of his cap, he didn't even look down at her.

Halfheartedly, he said:


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