
Prologue. Decades of war and technology.

In the year 2025, the United States of America entered a new era, when the great scientist Anthony Verner invented the first ever "perfect" android. In 2029, Augmentations were first introduced in society, and yet again created a new era in USA's history. Yet the people didn't enjoy peace and prosperity for long, when in 2032, a new Civil war erupted, causing chaos around the streets of many states.

The war lasted 4 years, and after the surfacing of a new faction, called "The Assistants" forced the two sides to cease fire, life resumed. Scientific advancements soon were made, with "the common people" having access to Augmentations and other technological advancements made by few companies.

The years passed and soon, in 2043, the androids, after 14 years of bad handling became aware and yet another time, another war, tho this time it was man vs machine began, which lasted 6 years and ended with a massive EMP wave ceasing the so called "devoids". With one war after another and with the factories polluting everything, the sky got covered in clouds and the land got consumed by concrete and neon.

The city previously known as Atlanta now was separated into 17 districts, with each of them being guided by a council. District 11 is inside the border of the Japanese-Town and thus marked as a cultural society. Each citizen is categorised by his social status, with the wealthy on top and the homeless in the bottom.... Within the district lies a constant war, both mental and physical, between the factions to hoard as much power as they can over this little land.

Citizen categorization:

-Executives: The rich, the few and those with the most power. While most of them are airheads with cash, some do as they desire, and the cops turn a blind eye.

-The council: The 5 that lead the district. Little do they care about the work force and the common citizens.

-The Watch: Simply D11PD, know as the Watch by locals. While some are your average police officer, the majority of them are corrupted, with the Overseer, its Head being the most crooked of them all.

-The labor syndicate: The working class of the district. Those engaged in waged or salaried labour, especially in manual-labour occupations and industrial work. They formed it after the android revolution and mostly demand higher salaries and less taxes. Although not respected by the council, they are recognised.

-The "reds" :Composed of many crime syndicates and solo or small teamed anticitizens, they mostly sit in the slums, organising drug and weapon trafficking, gambling and such. The Watch rarely intervenes as there is a fragile peace between them that could spike up a war within the district.

-The outcasts: As the name suggests, outcasts of society and "devoids" that live in poverty. Living in the sewers and in the "Pit", they hope that their life will take a U turn again.

-The 451227 order: Cryptic as its name, not many things are known about it. Rumors say that they wish to take down the council...yet its just rumours.... or are they?

-The Assistants: Found their selves in the light after the Civil war, the Assistants are androids under one name and build, A.x.e.l. All of them look alike, with white hair, blue formal dresses and a blue neon shoulder armband with Axel on it and hazel eyes, except their serial code. The Axels have many duties, with most of them being advisor in companies or body guards. Although they seem weak and kind at first, they're extremely durable and agile.

So... the people live in that community, going about their daily life's in this neon polluted city, going on about their daily life in the geto... The outsiders call it District 11....the citizens call it Neon District.

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