
I, Yhwach Declare The Second Great War Begins Now.

The week flew by without any problems and there wasn't any trouble stirred up after Yhwach declared war on the present Devil Kings and the Old Satan Faction. Throughout the week, Yhwach was slowly planning his great scheme against the Devils and how to slowly triumph over them all.

Everyone was gathered around the table in the living room. They were all sitting down except for Yhwach as he was discussing his plans for this war.

Issei: Can you believe it? A war is about to begin in a couple of hours and this meeting between the leaders is where it all begins.

Issei said nervously.

Cao Cao: This is going to be far worse than the previous war with the three factions. This is the Old Satan Faction, the current Devil Kings, Khaos Brigade, and some members of the Hero Faction. There will be no rest, no mercy, and most of all no regrets.

Cao Cao said.

Yasaka: I've only met two members of the Old Satan Faction. Katerea Leviathan and Creuserey Asmodeus, I heard that these two are the ones that get on your nerves.

Yasaka said.

Tiamat: Indeed, but I believe if we want to hit him where it really hurts, then we need to mobilize our troops in the center, left, and right. We could have a higher chance of surrounding them and squeezing them in, so they can't breathe.

Tiamat suggested.

Azazel: I like the play, but what about our rear guard? We will be left wide open and that would lead to disaster.

Azazel said.

Kuroka: Nya, why don't we have I and Cao Cao focus on the left to get a higher chance of reuniting our entire force against their main force

Kuroka said.

Cao Cao: Hmm, what are your thoughts, Lord Yhwach?

Cao Cao asked.

Yhwach stood with arms crossed, his gaze fixed on the map of the Underworld. His expression remained indifferent as he attentively absorbed all the proposed strategies. However, he found flaws in every plan discussed.

Yhwach: None of the ideas presented will lead us to success. In the initial phase of the battle, I shall personally engage their army to thin their ranks.

Yhwach declared.

Everyone looked up from the map and stared at him as if he had lost his head or something.

Azazel: You can't be serious? Fighting an army by yourself is just not possible. Sure, they may be warriors who are strong and can fight off countless people off, but they all have their limits to how long they can fight. You may be a God, but you can't fight thousands of Devils on your own.

Azazel explained.

Within Yhwach's mind, Zaegar's laughter echoed once again.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Do they truly believe you can't defeat a few filthy devils on your own?

Yhwach: (Smirking) They underestimate the power of a Quincy. I've faced countless enemies, battled the leaders of the Shinigami, and emerged victorious. The thrill of battle is something my body craves.

Zaegar: (Chuckling) Show them the might of a true warrior, Yhwach. Let them witness the power that lies within you.

Yhwach's eyes gleamed with determination as he responded to Azazel's concerns.

Yhwach: I've fought many battles on my own, Azazel, against formidable opponents. The leaders of the Shinigami fell before my might, and I barely broke a sweat. The devils we face are nothing compared to the adversaries I've encountered.

Azazel and the others were taken aback by Yhwach's confidence. The air in the room seemed to shift as Yhwach continued to speak.

Yhwach: This battle is long overdue, and my body hungers for the thrill of combat. I'll engage their army head-on, thin their ranks, and create an opening for our forces to exploit.

Cao Cao: Lord Yhwach, are you sure about this? Engaging an entire army on your own is a high-risk move.

Cao Cao expressed his concern.

Yhwach: (Smirking) I've faced greater risks and conquered them. This war will be the beginning of a new era, and I'll be at the forefront, leading the charge.

Issei: You're insane, Mr. Quincy.

Issei said.

Yhwach: Trust me, young failure, the entire Underworld will witness my might as I plunge them into profound despair. I shall erase the smiles from their faces as their army collapses, demonstrating that a world of peace is within reach. A world free from regret and suffering.

Yhwach declared.

Zaegar's laughter echoed within Yhwach's mind as the Quincy king continued to discuss his plans.

Zaegar: (Laughing) If Aizen were here, he would have a word or two with you, Yhwach.

Yhwach: (Thoughtful) I do wonder where Aizen disappeared to. The last time I saw him was when he thought I perished by the walker's bite, and you saved me from that fate, for which I still haven't thanked you.

Zaegar: (Teasingly) Aww, is Yhwach becoming soft on me?

Yhwach's expression remained stoic as he responded to Zaegar.

Yhwach: (Blankly) No.

Zaegar: (Smirking) You can deny it all you want, Yhwach, but deep down, you care about me. You've always been soft on me, and you know it.

Yhwach's expression didn't change, and he responded with a monotone voice.

Yhwach: No.

Zaegar: (Chuckles) Well, I love you too, Yhwach.

Kuroka looked into his eyes and saw that he wasn't lying about fighting an army by himself. Deep down, her heart was telling her to believe in him as he had a plan.

Kuroka: I will grant you this request, my Lord.

Kuroka said.

Everyone turned to look at her and saw that her eyes were dead serious and she believed in him. 

Tiamat: Very well, we will follow you as well.

Tiamat said as she had the same look as Kuroka.

Yhwach: Good, now let me explain how we are going to do this meeting.

He said.

Yhwach: Azazel, the Devils, and Angels believe that you are on their side correct?

Yhwach asked Azazel as he nodded his head. 

Yhwach: This plan will go smoothly then since I will be attending this meeting as well, they will try to subdue me and remove the threat.

Yasaka: I see, but what do you plan to do?

Yasaka asked.

Yhwach: I will do this.

Yhwach intertwined his fingers, activating the Schrift H, generating a flame clone that materialized beside him.

Their collective amazement was palpable, witnessing his effortless creation of a doppelganger.

Yhwach: Consider this a mere diversion, a spectacle to mask my subtle manipulation of events behind the scenes. Each Devil will be convinced of my presence, yet in truth, I'll be orchestrating their downfall, deceiving them one by one.

The clone disintegrated into ash, and he vanished.

Tiamat: What would you like us to do?

Tiamat asked.

Yhwach: Stand behind me if you like, but other than that, do what you will.

Tiamat: As you wish my Lord.

Tiamat said.

Yhwach: We are going to need every weapon we can use and skill against these Devils because they are going to try and mess with our heads or more like try to enslave us when we are truly weak.

Yhwach said.

Kuroka nearly forgot as she pulled out the knife that Yhwach gave her. 

Kuroka: Here, this is yours.

She tried to hand him the knife back, but he simply refused.

Yhwach: Keep it, I was going to have you and your sister reconnect in two weeks, but it would seem that you already have. I have plenty of those weapons that I have made scattered around the house, so no need to return me.

He explained.

Kuroka: I see.

Kuroka put the knife in her sash and kept it there.

Cao Cao: They won't be expecting the Nine-Tailed Fox either, so we could use this to our advantage as well.

Cao Cao said.

Yasaka smiled as she brought a hand to her cheek. 

Yasaka: I am going there to tell them all that I am no longer going to work for them or their silly games. A world where no one needs to hide or be held against their will is a world where I can live in peace and harmony. A world where my dear Kunou can go into the world and live without being targeted.

Yasaka said.

Yhwach: What more is there to discuss? Let us get ready for the biggest change in history.

Yhwach said as he went to his room to get ready for battle.

Azazel sighed and he went to go get dressed for the upcoming meeting in a couple of hours.

Kuroka and Tiamat followed Yhwach and entered his room without knocking. Yhwach could tell who was in his room without turning around. 

Yhwach: Is privacy not a thing anymore?

He asked.

They both laughed a little. 

Tiamat: We just want to know if that really is wise to fight off an army by yourself.

Tiamat asked.

Yhwach: I have no fear or anything to hold me back. Have you all forgotten that my eyes see everything? A single step or a single budge is all it takes for me to figure out their pattern. I am a God and I must prove that to some who don't believe.

Kuroka walked up to him and turned him around, but Yhwach put a hand over her mouth and grabbed one of her wrists. 

Yhwach: Not this time you sly cat. You may have caught me off guard last time, but this time I am prepared.

He let go of her.

Tiamat: What do you mean not this time?

Tiamat asked

Kuroka: We just don't want you to die after what you did for all of us.

Kuroka said as she didn't want to start an argument with Tiamat.

Yhwach: Death has tried to claim me before, and I have eluded its grasp. I am well-acquainted with its attempts.

Yhwach pushed her away and he put on his Iron armor over his usual attire. He looked over in the corner and he picked up His Zanpakutō and attached it to his back.

Tiamat: What is that?

Tiamat asked.

Yhwach: A weapon crafted by a friend.

Was all he said before leaving his room with both women in tow.

Zaegar's voice resonated within Yhwach's mind as the Quincy king continued with his preparations.

Zaegar: (Chuckles) Aww, now Yhwach calls me his friend.

Yhwach: (Sternly) Don't get used to it.

Zaegar: (Teasing) Aww, Yhwach-senpai, I love you so much.

Yhwach's expression remained unchanged as he responded.

Yhwach: Please stop with that.

Zaegar let out a hollow laugh.

Zaegar: What, does Yhwach not like the junior and senior thing?

Yhwach: No.

Zaegar: (Curious) How about the "senpai" and "kohai" dynamic?

Yhwach: (Annoyed) No.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Well, someone's no fun. How about "Yhwach-sama"?

Yhwach: (Frowning) Absolutely not.

Zaegar: (Mockingly) Oh, come on, Yhwach-sama, lighten up a bit.

Yhwach: (Ignoring Zaegar's remark) How do you know about those terms?

Zaegar: I can see what you see, Yhwach. Through all the books you've read in this world, I've learned what you've learned.

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Zaegar's claim.

Yhwach: You can see what I see?

Zaegar: Indeed, and it's quite entertaining. I get to experience the world through your eyes, even the mundane details.

Yhwach: (Skeptical) Is that so?

Zaegar: (Smirking) Knowledge is power, Yhwach, and I've absorbed a lot from your experiences.

Yhwach: (Displeased) Just don't overstep your bounds.

Zaegar: (Amused) Don't worry, Yhwach, I know when to keep things in check. But I must say, your interactions with these beings are quite fascinating.

Yhwach: (Ignoring Zaegar's comment) The battle approaches. Focus on the task at hand.

Zaegar: (Mockingly) Yes, Yhwach-sama, whatever you say.

Yhwach sighed inwardly, wondering how he ended up with such an eccentric companion in his mind.

They all were suited up and prepared to head out. 

Freed: I hope this works out because I don't wanna be chained up or even killed if all this goes wrong. We have waited patiently and gathered everything we needed to start this, so let's just not die.

Freed said.

Issei: A world of freedom and beautiful women, I can't wait.

Issei said as he dreamt about the future.

Raynare shook her head. 

Raynare: Men like you never change. Have you been training at all?

She asked him.

Issei raised his fist against his cheek. 

Issei: Yeah, but not a whole lot because I have to master the control of my power before I can truly fight Mr. Quincy again in a one-on-one.

He said as he stared deep into her eyes with resolve and dedication.

Kalawarner: The day you win is probably the day I die.

Kalawarner said.

Issei: What's that supposed to mean?! 

Issei asked.

Ddraig: [She is implying that it will take you at least a thousand years before you can beat him.] 

Ddraig said.

Yasaka: My my, being so harsh isn't going to help him in the long run.

Yasaka said.

Azazel: The kid gotta hear it at least.

Azazel said.

Issei wasn't believing his ears as he was hearing all this. 

Issei: You haven't even seen what I can do and I learned some new tricks as well while I was training. I got some neat techniques and I doubt you can find a way to counter them.

He said proudly.

Yhwach: Is that so? You may have gotten stronger and learned some new tricks, but every technique has its flaws. Have you ever studied your own moves, or were you too caught up in the moment, like the time you blocked one of my attacks?

Yhwach asked him.

Issei opened his mouth, but no words came out as he knew that Mr. Quincy was right. He was too caught up in the moment that he didn't study his attacks and they could have some type of side effect and he wouldn't know.

His mouth closed and he looked at the ground in disappointment.

Kuroka pounced on Issei's back and rubbed his head a little, making him blush a little. 

Kuroka: Don't worry about it too much because we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

She said as she got off of him.

Yhwach: I think that's enough playing around. Let us bring what this world truly needs and end all this miserable suffering once and for all.

Yhwach said as he and his group followed behind him.

Scene Break

The meeting room was being set up and all of the Devil Kings were attending as well. A big round table was in the middle of the room with at least ten chairs around it.

Grayfia was overseeing this little setup as she was following the plans that the Devil's written. They even installed a little trap for Yhwach when they got a little deep in the discussions with him.

Everything was going smoothly and preparations were coming along just well.

Rias with Sona walked through the doors with their peerage and all of them bowed to the four Devil Kings. 

Sona: Lord Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Asmodeus. It's a pleasure to see you all here, but I have to as-

Sona was cut off when Serafall hugged Sona tightly.

Serfall: My little, Sona, how have you been? I missed you so much.

She said as she rubbed her cheek against hers.

Everyone smiled nervously and Sona was just speechless.

Rias: Anyway, we just wanted to know if you need our help in any way possible.

Rias asked her brother.

Sirzechs brought a hand to his chin and started to think, but nothing came to mind. Ajuka walked up and came up with an idea that could probably help them out. 

Ajuka: If my memory serves me right, didn't you have another member in your peerage who can stop time?

Rias's eyes widened. 

Rias: Gasper? He is locked up in a room that we sealed off from everyone.

Ajuka: I see, but don't you think that he could prove useful with the Yhwach situation?

Ajuka asked her.

Rias: Yes, but I don't believe that he would come and help us because of his powers. It's just too uncontrollable for him to use against him.

Ajuka smiled and he apologetically waved his hand. 

Ajuka: It's alright if you can't retrieve him, Rias. I was just wondering if it was possible to have some extra helping hands in this manner, but we have other plans for his capture.

Ajuka said.

Rias: No, I should be the one apologizing for not being able to help.

Rias said.

Ajuka chuckled a bit before reassuring her. 

Ajuka: It's quite alright, you have nothing to be sorry about. I believe it was us Devil King's fault for not realizing it sooner when Yhwach fought Riser and killed him. It shocked us all that a man such as him was able to kill the immortal bird, but we were so awestruck by the events that occurred that we completely didn't realize his true intent.

Ajuka said.

Sirzechs: Ajuka is right, we should have locked him up from the very beginning, but we were too afraid I guess you could say. Now, with him declaring war out of the blue that is something we won't take lightly.

Sirzechs said as he walked up to Rias.

Rias gave a reassuring smile. 

Rias: What if all this backfires and hits us in the back where we least expect it? I don't know why, but I feel as if something doesn't feel right.

She said warily.

Falbium: There is nothing to worry about, one man can't fight off four Devil Kings.

Falbium said.

Rias: Oh, Asmodeus, It's been a while since I've seen you.

Rias said.

He smiled at her words.

Falbium: Indeed, being the head of military affairs is tiring, but we came prepared just in case. I have gathered the most loyal and strongest guards to protect us if anything goes wrong. The Angels and Fallen Angels will do the same, so don't stir up any trouble.

Falbium said.

Sirzechs: Akeno, I have heard rumors that your father will be attending this meeting as well.

Sirzechs said.

Akeno's expression changed and she kept a straight face. 

Akeno: I guess I will deal with it when the time comes.

She said coldly.

Everyone in the room felt her cold presence at the sound of her father coming to this meeting. 

Grayfia: Lord Lucifer, the preparations are done and everything seems to be going as planned. All windows and doors have been checked and double-checked for any tempering and the room is clean of any hidden mics or weapons.

Grayfia said.

Sirzechs: Good, the last thing I want is the other factions thinking I was here to assassinate them.

Sirzechs said.

Ajuka: Should we begin then? The time for the meeting should be starting any minute now.

Ajuka asked.

Sirzechs: Let's, we shouldn't waste any more time.

Sirzechs said as he and the other Satans all sat down next to each other. All of them created a magic barrier that covered all of Kuoh and the Devil's guards appeared all over the school.

The doors opened up and Azazel Baraqiel and Penemue walked in with him as he was greeted by the Devils.

Akeno looked at her father with disdain as she tried to control her anger.

Azazel: If it isn't Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall, and Falbium. If you are all here, then this should get a Hell of a more interesting.

Azazel said with a toothy grin plastered on his face as he sat down across from them with both Fallen's doing the same.

A bright light appeared and Michael appeared with Irina beside him. 

Michael: I see that I am the last one to arrive, do please forgive me for arriving late.

He said apologetically.

Azazel: No worries, Michael. The party is only getting started.

Azazel said.

Scene Break

Asia: Was it wise to send Azazel first?

Asia asked.

Yhwach kept his serious expression as they all were about to enter the campus. 

Yhwach: We can't have them seeing us walking together, that would ruin our plans. They won't expect the fox, so everything is going to play just the way I want it to.

Raynare: It seems that all of the factions brought their strongest men and women to protect them. I was expecting an army to be here.

Raynare said.

Yhwach: As I said, they want to remove me from the field as fast as possible.

Yasaka: Sheesh, these Devils have no sense of morality or honor. I wish I could have done something to stop all this, but I was too weak and I barely had any supporters.

Yasaka said.

Yhwach: I guess it's time to shut the doors permanently on these vile creatures.

Yhwach said with a smile.

The doors opened up again and Yhwach walked in with his group behind him and everyone's eyes landed on Yhwach, Kuroka, Tiamat, and Cao Cao. They couldn't believe what they were seeing as they all walked in.

Ajuka: So it's all true.

Ajuka whispered.

As soon as they all entered, another figure walked in and everyone's eyes widened. Yasaka entered the room with a smile as she followed Yhwach and sat beside him. His group all stood shoulder to shoulder behind him as he sat there with a grin.

Rias: I get it now, you went to Kyoto to get the Nine-Tailed Fox to join you. That whole trip wasn't for the students but for your own personal gain. Just how many more secrets do you have, Mr. Quincy?!

Rias asked.

Yhwach got comfortable in his chair as he lifted one of his legs and rested it over his knee. 

Yhwach: I guess I have three more little secrets.

Rias clenched her fist tightly as she wanted to wipe that stupid grin off his face.

Falbium: Yasaka, I wasn't expecting you to join us. This meeting was between the three factions, so it perks our interest as to why you are here. Don't get me wrong, having you join us is such an honor, but you appearing out of the blue like this gave us a surprise.

Falbium said.

Yasaka: If you truly want to know why I'm here, then I guess I will tell you why. You Devils own territories on Earth and keep things in check without any say so's. We Youkai have been sitting patiently and waiting for you Devils to help us out, but no help ever came as my people were captured or killed... So, to answer as to why I am here, it's because of you. I have joined forces with Lord Yhwach and to stop your pathetic ways and bring peace into this world.

Yasaka said seriously.

Michael and the four Satans stared at her with disbelief.

Ajuka: You joined forces with him?

Ajuka asked.

Yasaka: Of course. You all have brought your guards here, but I brought all my people who stand for a better world.

Yasaka said.

Sirzechs moved his head to look at Yhwach, to only see him grinning away as if he already won. 

Sirzechs: What's so funny, Yhwach? You act like you've won. You came all prepared with your armor and your weapon, so why are you happy thinking that you won?

Sirzechs asked.

Yhwach: You Devils are so myopic. You fail to grasp the grander scheme at play. I've come for war, to dismantle the pitiful system you hold dear. I anticipated your entire army to be present, yet it seems you're nothing more than a coward.

Yhwach said.

Sirzechs: What makes you think that we would accept and have a war with you?

Sirzechs asked.

Yhwach leaned back in his chair and let out a chuckle. 

Yhwach: I see, so you wouldn't mind me making your nightmare a reality then?

Yhwach asked him as he was about to do something, but Ajuka gave the signal and the chair mechanic locked him in place and some guards surrounded him.

Yhwach's group was about to react, but there were blades pointed at their backs, making them unable to do anything.

Sirzechs stood up and walked over towards Yhwach. He put seals over his hands and stood in front of him. 

Sirzechs: Did you honestly think that we would be stupid enough to not come prepared? We set this trap up just for you because we know how dangerous you are.

He said.

Ajuka: You and your little uprising ends here. Everything you planned and waited for is gone now, so don't try and ask for help because no one is going to help.

Ajuka said.

Michael: I've heard rumors and stories of Yhwach Quincy, but this was completely unexpected.

Michael said.

Serafall: Him declaring war was all bark and no bite.

Serafall said.

Sirzechs lifted up his arm to retrieve two guards. 

Sirzechs: Do you have any last words before you live the rest of your days in a cell?

Yhwach grinned again, sparking all of their interests. 

Yhwach: Amusing question, you bastard. Who do you take me for? Did you truly believe I would be ignorant of such contingencies? I bear no weaknesses or flaws. Now, let me pose this to you: Are you prepared for the bloodiest war you've ever witnessed, or do you remain a coward?

Sirzechs had enough of him, but Yhwach turned to ashes and two Devil guards were launched through the door and into the meeting room.

Yhwach walked in and he threw a couple of knives and it hit the guards heads that were guarding his group. Kuroka and Cao Cao killed off the guards as they all rallied behind Yhwach, shocking all of the Devils and the Angels.

Yhwach: When I proclaimed war upon you all, I meant it in the truest sense. Allow me to reveal my ultimate secret while I'm here.

Yhwach said as he crossed his arms.

Azazel, Baraqiel, and Penemue stood up and walked over to Yhwach and stood behind him. 

Yhwach: I already convinced them a long time ago and all those guards inside of the school were a joke. I killed them with ease and the fun is about to truly begin.

Yhwach: Now then I, Yhwach Declare The Second Great War Begins Now.

The Devils were about to strike, but a massive explosion appeared behind them and a figure slowly flew to the front. 

Katerea: Now, now, now. I wasn't told about this until very recently, so let me get this straight with everyone. I will kill you all and end this meeting.

Katerea said.

Azazel: That's Katerea Leviathan.

Azazel said.

Yhwach looked at her with a serious look. 

Yhwach: I will deal with her, Everyone else, I want you to kill anyone who gets in our way.

Yhwach ordered them and they all went in their different directions. The Devils started to fight with Katerea's troops, Fallen Angels, and the Youkai.

Sirzechs: Rias, take your team and go stop this. If you have to fight off Yhwach's group, then do it, but stay away from Yhwach.

Sirzechs said.

Rias and her peerage left and Sona soon followed.

Azazel: Sorry guys, but this is how it's gonna be.

Azazel said.

Ajuka turned around and faced them. 

Ajuka: I can't believe you, how could align yourself with a man such as himself?

Azazel: A world where no wars, no suffering, and no hate exist is a world I can stand by. You all wouldn't get it anyway since you all care for nothing but the system. How can people truly live like that?

Azazel asked.

Yasaka: You all should be asking yourselves if you're doing the right thing here.

Yasaka said.

Katerea looked down and saw Yhwach walking towards her. 

Katerea: How can this be? You should be dead!

Yhwach: You are a part of the Old Satan Faction as well, so let me tell you this. I want everyone to hear this and all of you to lock these words deep into your mind... I, Yhwach, declare war on you all!

He said with a sinister look.

Katerea: What are you doing?! Kill him!

She yelled out.

A force of Devils were running towards him with swords, blades, and spears.

Yhwach charged at them as well. He jumped on top of them and landed in the middle where he was surrounded by them. One by one they all came at him, but Yhwach easily dodged their attacks.

He grabbed one of their arms and broke it, he quickly flung him at the others, knocking them down. Yhwach jumped into the air, doing the splits, and kicked two of them in the face.

The Devils tried to cut him from all directions, they wanted to overwhelm him.

He ducked from an attack and looked into the eyes of one of them and he fell to the floor. 

Yhwach spun around and grabbed one of their arms pulled him close and sucker-punched him straight in the face. A Devil tried to sneak up on him, but Yhwach did a backflip and landed on his back, making him fall to the ground. He twisted his neck and grabbed his sword off the ground.

Yhwach threw the sword as if it were a knife and punctured through three Devils.

Yhwach: Is that all? I want to dance some more.

Yhwach grabbed his sword off his back and charged once again, hitting them one by one and making them fly through the air. Three Devils tried to attack him from the back, but he moved his sword behind him without looking and their spears hit his blade.

Yhwach: How disappointing.

Yhwach sliced through the devils with his blade causing their bodies to fall on the ground.

He planted his blade in the ground vertically and he jumped on top of the hilt and balanced himself. The Devils flew towards him and he knocked their weapons out of their hands and punched them down or away as he kept his stance on the hilt.

They had enough of this and they flew back. Magicians grouped up with the Devils and they all started to form magic powers in their hands.

Yhwach: Ohhhh, no more dancing I see.

Yhwach's eyes were looking all over the place and saw that he was surrounded by more Devils, but with magicians backing them up. He jumped down on the ground and dusted himself off.

As the Devils and magicians surrounded Yhwach, they unleashed a barrage of magical attacks from all sides. Streams of fire, bolts of lightning, and waves of energy converged upon the Quincy. However, Yhwach calmly activated his Schrift, "I - The Iron," coating his body in a layer of impenetrable iron.

The magical onslaught hit Yhwach, but the attacks were futile against the metallic defense. The flames danced harmlessly around him, the lightning crackled and dispersed, and the energy waves collided with an impenetrable barrier. Yhwach stood unscathed amidst the chaos, his iron-coated form radiating an intimidating aura.

Magician: What kind of magic is this?

Devil: His defense is impenetrable!

The Devils and magicians exchanged uneasy glances as they witnessed Yhwach's imperviousness to their combined assault.

Yhwach: Is this the best you have to offer? In times of war, I seek a formidable challenge, not these feeble minions who hold no purpose in the grand scheme of life. Descend and face me, Devil.

Yhwach declared, staring up at Katerea with disdain.

Katerea: What are you?

She asked.

Yhwach: I am the end of all Devils who try to ruin a world of peace.

Katerea looked around and saw that Freed was killing off her troops with the Youkai's and Fallen's help. Kuroka and Cao Cao are cleaning up the right side of the field. The Red Dragon Emperor and Tiamat were fighting off the left side and the middle was all him.

Katerea: (In thought) I won't let some human trash beat me, I have a mission to do and I will do it!

She yelled mentally.

Katerea snapped her fingers and a portal appeared with more troops flying in and surrounding the whole school. Yhwach's smile was wider than ever and his blood started to boil from seeing so many enemies.

Yhwach grabbed his blade and charged the enemy. He sliced some of them away with his weapon. He was fighting off the Devils with his blade

Yhwach continued to cut through the incoming enemies with his blade, coated in the intense heat of his Schrift, "H - The Heat." The sheer temperature emanating from the weapon incinerated everything it touched, leaving a trail of scorched earth in its wake. With a single swing, he cut down numerous Devils and magicians, creating a zone of devastation around him.

The Devil Kings, realizing the severity of the situation, took to the sky with their wings. From their elevated positions, they channeled their combined magical power and unleashed a coordinated assault on Yhwach. The skies filled with a barrage of energy projectiles aimed at the Quincy.

Yhwach, undeterred, activated his Blut Vene Anhaben, reinforcing his defense with the formidable Quincy technique. The magical onslaught collided with his enhanced defense, causing a dazzling display of lights as the two forces clashed. The shockwaves rippled through the air, shaking the very foundation of the battleground.

As the smoke cleared, Yhwach stood unfazed, his iron-clad body and Blut Vene Anhaben holding strong against the Devil Kings' combined attack.

Yhwach looked over his shoulder to see the four Devil Kings above him and he felt their power was extreme when they are all together.

Sirzechs: Yhwach quincy! Do you think that you have earned these powers? If I were to say, I believe God has given you these powers and that is why you believe a human such as yourself thinks he's a God. Every human who believes that they can't be beaten at something is a God.

Sirzechs said.

Yhwach turned around and faced the Satans.

Ajuka: You know, now that I think about it, I believe that those flames are your Sacred Gear. It may not be a weapon, but a powerful gift that you were given from God himself.

Ajuka said.

Yhwach's expression turned serious and he attached his blade to his back. 

Yhwach: Do not be deceived, you fools. THIS IS NOT A POWER OF GOD'S CREATION!

Yhwach: Völlstandig: Uriel (Fire of God)

As Yhwach activated his Völlstandig, intense azure flames engulfed him, creating an ethereal and majestic aura. The devil kings watched in awe as the flames burned with an otherworldly intensity.

Yhwach: Our dance grows tiresome, so I shall bid you farewell.

With a swift motion, Yhwach conjured a large azure-flamed blade from his hand. The blade crackled with power as he swung it with ferocity, decimating half of Kuoh and eliminating Devils, magicians, Angels, Fallen Angels, and Youkai.

Luckily the Devil Kings were able to dodge such an attack.

Sirzechs: Listen, we need to attack it from all sides, it won't be able to fight us all off.

Sirzechs said.

They all flew towards him and attacked from different positions, making it harder for Yhwach to attack them.

Yhwach: Is this your plan? How pathetic.

The large azure-flamed blade came back down, slamming his sword downwards and creating a shockwave around him.

The Satans were knocked down, but they quickly recovered. 

Yhwach: No one can reach me... Or go against me. This absolute power is proof of who I am, Yhwach.

Yhwach raised its sword and held it with two hands before swinging again and causing more damage than ever.

Falbium: We need to contain this before more damage can be done.

Falbium said.

Katerea: Damn you all!

Katerea said as she charged up her magic power to maximum and blasted Yhwach with intense firepower, leaving a big crack on Yhwach's iron-clad body.

All of the Satans powered up as well and they extended out their arms and shot a wave of destructive power it combined with all of their attacks and exploded upon impact, destroying the Blut Vene Anhaben and Schrift I the iron's defense and making Yhwach fall to the ground.

Yhwach: it's about time you took this seriously.

Yhwach said

Yhwach jumped on top of the school and Azazel with the other three people who were with him appeared next to Yhwach. 

Azazel: I have gathered all my forces here and are fighting off the enemy. It would seem we are winning, but the Old Satan Faction is pulling out Khaos Brigade members as well to help her out.

Azazel said.

Yasaka: Besides, you killed off a good portion of our troops with that sword of yours.

Yasaka said.

Penemue: What do you have planned?

Penemue asked him.

Yhwach: I would suggest that you all get a safe distance from here.

Yhwach said as he only moved his eyes to look at them.

Azazel: I got a very bad feeling about this, but very well. We will be by the abandoned church, so call if you need us.

Azazel said before teleporting away.

Yhwach looked down and saw so many bodies on the ground bleeding to death or just dead ones. His eyes landed on the Satans and he smiled. 

Yhwach: I guess it's time I get serious as well.

Ajuka: Everyone! Keep up your guard at maximum.

Ajuka ordered.

Yhwach: Now then, let me show you deep despair. 

Yhwach, with a malicious grin, manifested the Sankt Bogen, an enormous bow with proportionally large Heilig Pfeil (sacred arrows). The massive bow appeared in his hands, radiating a dark and ominous energy. He drew the bowstring, creating an arrow of destructive power.

Yhwach: Sankt Bogen!

He released the arrow, and it soared through the air with incredible speed and force. The Heilig Pfeil tore through the Devil troops on the ground, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The devil soldiers were obliterated by the overwhelming power, their bodies disintegrating into ashes.

Sirzechs, Serafall, and Ajuka managed to dodge the attack, but Falbium, unfortunately, was not as fortunate. The Heilig Pfeil struck him with a devastating impact, tearing through his left arm and causing a significant amount of damage.

Falbium held his arm in pain as it felt as if a chainsaw was cutting into him.

Sirzechs: What power. He can use fire magic and now he has the ability to summon a large bow just what more secrets does this man hold?

Sirzechs asked.

Yhwach saw Sirzechs coming towards him. Sirzechs landed a blow on his cheek and Yhwach quickly recovered and landed a blow of his own.

Ajuka joined in on the fight and punched him in the gut. Sirzechs delivered a uppercut and it made Yhwach spill out blood.

Ajuka and Sirzechs both blasted him point-blank range, making him take even more damage.

Yhwach ran up to them and tried to do a roundhouse kick, but Ajuka caught it and Sirzechs punched him in the gut and delivered another blow in the gut. Yhwach improvised and he used his other leg and gave a clean hit across Ajuka's cheek.

Ajuka let him go and Yhwach was doing a handstand until he started to spin in a circle and kick them both away.

Sirzechs and Ajuka got knocked back, but they charged at him again.

Yhwach raised left his hand up. and activated the schrift W the wind

Yhwach: Gale's Grasp (Gufū no Saifū)

Yhwach pushed them away and it did some serious damage to them. Their armor was cracked and mostly broken.

He didn't let up as he quickly crossed his fingers. 

Yhwach: Burner Finger, Flame clones 

Twenty-five flame clones appeared Yhwach was standing on and they all surrounded him.

All of the Yhwach's jumped away from each other and they all formed a wide circle around the Satans.

Yhwach: Now then, would you like them all to use the Völlstandig or not? The choice is yours.

Yhwach asked them.

All of the Satans landed on the ground and were all standing back to back.

A magic circle appeared next to Katerea and Creuserey stepped out of it and was standing next to her. 

Creuserey: What is taking you so long? We have other places to b-

He stopped talking as his eyes landed on a massive battlefield with everything destroyed around them and bodies all around them.

Katerea: Now do you see why it's taking me so long? How can I even eliminate the leaders if I can't even get close enough? My troops are dying and it's nothing, but war here.

Katerea said.

Creuserey: I think I should get Shalba for this.

His eyes landed on multiple Yhwach's and they widened quickly. 

Creuserey: How is this possible?! There is more than one of him.

Katerea clenched her fist. 

Katerea: Go and retrieve Shalba and inform him about the situation. We're gonna need everyone if we want to finish this and one more thing... Get Vali.

Katerea ordered.

Help me reach the top!

MisunderstoodKingcreators' thoughts
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