
Into The Other World

On June 6,2036 a very special cosmic event took place for some unknown reason the spatial coordinates began to shift and change.As scientists put it reflection on origin of the universe where coordinates are x=0,y=0,z=0 to put it let's consider our people from earth have coordinates x=a,y=b,z=c after reflection the coordinates changed and became x=-a,y=-b,z=-c due to this people began teleporting into other land a land way more dangerous than earth , many earthlings were teleported to the new planet many couldn't adapt to the new environment and died but many awakened their natural instinct and become stronger. It was the survival of the strongest, there were creatures like tigers but two times the size of a regular one not only that it was fast , strong and was able to shock anyone who comes in contact, there were many big elephant like creatures there skin so tough bullets were useless and able to see through traps.

The weakest animals were rabbit like creatures who were able to jump high but were stupid and fell for traps and a big pig like creature who is only good at running , we hunt these weak creatures and run from strong ones but we were not alone on this planet there might even be human alternative in this planet hiding from us , Humans also discovered a mythical power which was present everywhere on this planet a power comparable to God , a power which made us stronger as we wield it it was called as Devinity and it was one of the new things discovered by us , it binds all living organisms together.

The Humans were in a group and men mostly took the responsibility of hunting and protecting and women took the role of taking care and cooking. Today the leader of our big group ordered me to go and hunt a gorgus(the pig like creature of this planet) to be accepted in this group and i couldn't deny it because although I like to survive alone i cannot in this environment.

"Huh I feel separated from the group , this place is notorious for Signers (big tigers). Amir, do you think we will find any gorgus?" I questioned.

"Well I don't know but if we don't we might be isolated,eh my girlfriend is waiting for me." Amir replied.

"Why do you love her anyway it's not like she is of any use except for bearing a child." said I.

"Master Sohan, have you ever fallen in love with anyone? Then only you will understand." said Amir.

"Hahah you don't know me I had fallen for a girl but she couldn't just notice me." said I.

"Wow, I am shocked you are able to love someone." said Amir.

"Hey Amir see three gorgus are nearby prepare to attack them" I ordered Amir

"Master but they look very big compared to most , I am worried " Amir said.

"The bigger the size, the tastier the meat." said I.

"Master, why are you drooling? Focus on the hunt," Amir said.

"Oh don't think about myself I am here for a big hunt" I said.

I licked my blade and rushed towards the big Gorgus. "Why are you not going to run?". "Gwwwahhhhhh" it roared and rushed towards me it was planning to pierce me with it's long horns."Shit, I used the blade to block its rushed strike and get my footwork back". "Come here big pig" ,"Gwwwwaaaahhhh"

"Master Sohan, the gorgus knows how to use divinity. Run!"said Amir. "If only i could just injure it's one leg, shit it also knows how to use divinity".

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