How dare you?? with tears in her eyes and brokenness of heart she finally spoke out, after all we've been through together you dare end things with me?? she knew she had to let go after all, she couldn't keep holding on to a relationship that wasn't in her favour but there's a bond that they both couldn't see at the moment will she really be able to let go? is the bond strong enough to hold them together? is he worth the wait? it's worth finding out...
Her heart was literally shaking
she felt like her whole world was crumbling on her
She wished it was all a dream, she blinked twice hoping she would wake up from what seemed like a nightmare but there she was in her room heartbroken and confused.
"It was finally over" she told herself. She could feel her heart sinking quickly when the thought clouded her mind.
She held on to a brown lamp sitting at the side of her bed and threw it against the wall screaming and wailing along side.
She didn't expect Nick to end things with her the way he just did, she had never thought of hating anyone but right there hatred was the only feeling she thought she could feel for Nick
**********Earlier that day**********
it was 8am in the morning
a ray of the morning sun shone directly on Thelma's eyes from her window
It brought her back to consciousness as she stretched herself and wanted to continue sleeping but then she realised she had to go to work.
In a jiffy she was sitting in front of her mirror applying some makeup to her already glowing face which didn't take her time to finish up
She didn't like puting on heavy Makeups after all. She gently slided here legs into a red swade shoe completing her ravishing look
as she stepped out of her home waiting to board a bus to work, she suddenly thought of Nick and remembered he was going to be back from country B in lest than 24hours. She felt happiness running through her spine
She smiled to herself and thought of the last time she had seen nick before he travelled to country B for a two weeks family vacation
******"you don't have to go" she said as she walked up to Nick who was already packing his stuffs and getting prepared to leave. "Of course I do Thelma, you know how important this vacation is to my family especially mother. It's just two weeks and I'll be back" he said as he planted a passionate kiss on her lips. Do not even think of adding another day she teased him, he giggled and quickly stated as he hurried out "meet me up at star hall in exactly two weeks from today by 6pm" she smiled slightly and bade him good bye
*******and there the two weeks was finally over, she was so excited at the thought of seeing Nick again.
She got hold of herself when she heard the sound of a bus horn signaling her to come in. She stepped into the bus and in no time, she was at work already. "hello thelma" Sam greeted as she stepped into "Sam's pizza place" that was where she worked as a pizza delivery lady, "good morning Sam" she said as she smiled back at him.
In no time the days work began and there she was taking orders and delivering pizza to almost every home in the city
over the years, Thelma had learnt how to become independent and hardworking.
She didn't grow up with any parents. She was raised by her aunt who wasn't strong enough to fend completely for them. She had a lot of hopes on becoming a successful young woman so she knew she had to be up and doing if she really wanted to be successful.
Nick's home was the first place she delivered pizza to when she started working at Sam's pizza place
As she stood in front of one of the houses she was to deliver pizza after ringing the doorbell, it reminded her of just how she met nick
******it was taking long for him to get the door and she was already losing her patience so she turned back to leave. But then the door opened and there he was "am so sorry for taking long" he said as he hurriedly took the pizza from her and headed straight back into the house slamming the door in her face.
She wondered what he could be doing that made him act as weird as he just did.
she turned to leave again as she realised it wasn't her concern and she was only there to deliver pizza******
"hi ma'am" a young child answered grinning from teeth to teeth as she opened the door.
She almost forgot herself from recalling her first meeting with Nick. "Hi little girl she said smiling as she bent down to hand over the pizza to her.
Just then, she heard a voice calling out the name "Benny" it was the mother of the little girl that came out to collect the pizza.
The woman smiled as she saw them both already bonding "hope Benny isn't giving you a headache already??" she asked as she walked towards them.
"Not at all ma'am, your daughter is quite smart and looks just as beautiful as you are" Thelma said as she handed over the Pizza.
"Yaaayy I love Sam's pizza" the little girl screamed as she ran back into their home.
It made the two ladies giggled.
"How old is she??" Thelma asked, "just three" the woman answered smiling back at her.
"such jolly little girl" Thelma thought to herself. She had always loved kids for as long as she could remember.
she didn't grow up with any siblings which made her childhood almost incomplete. Her aunt made it quite more interesting as she showered all the love on her seeing she didn't have a child of her own.
She left that home and headed straight back to Sam's pizza place to sign out as it was almost 6pm.
She couldn't contain her joy it was written all over her. From how she was smiling, to the manner with which she greeted every one.
Sam had notice this since she resumed for the day "you seem very happy today Thelma" Sam said as he welcomed her which made Thelma smiled awkwardly.
"What seem to be the reason?" Thelma didn't want to say but Sam was like a father figure to her. She had begged him to allow her work with him when things were getting really hard for her and without hesitation, he immediately employed her and paid her highly.
He took her as his own daughter. "Nick is returning today" she finally spoke out as she smiled back at Sam "I knew it had something to do with nick" Thelma once introduced nick to him as her boyfriend and they got along quickly. "Bye Sam" Thelma waved at Sam as the cab drove ahead taking her straight to star hall.
Nick is the only son born into the Greggory's family. One of the most influential families in country A.
Nick's father sir Greggory, happened to be the CEO of John Greggory holdings. A company that specializes in manufacturing all electrical appliances.
His life was quite perfect as he got everything he wanted at his beck and call.
He lived recklessly at his tender age
his mother had always made him feel like he was a prince so he chose to live as one.
He intimidates those around him at will and pick on young girls very often.
Once when he was just fifteen and in basic school, he picked on a girl for always eating little in their school cafeteria.
******"Are your parents so poor that they couldn't at least give you enough money to get enough food to eat?" he said out loud to the hearing of every one in the cafeteria. Some laughed and some pitied her but no one dared challenged him. They knew what they'd be up against if they tried.
But he didn't care anyways, he walked up to his own sit with his group of friends and began eating luxuriously. To his greatest surprise he heard someone calling his name. He turned and saw it was the same girl he had picked on "you untrained spoilt brat!!! you think you're invincible" she said with anger and tears in her eyes "its your kind that end up losing their lives for doing things recklessly. You have no respect for fellow humans like you. because you feel you're superior but hey" she snapped "you'd watch me as poor as I am climb to the very top leaving you Just where you are now, karma will one day catch up with you"
He felt cold almost immediately he couldn't say a word "how could someone as poor as this be this bold and daring?" he thought to himself.
That one incident changed him and he became as gentle and friendly as possible after that day
She thought him that great potentials could be hidden under rags too.
He apologised afterwords and they became pretty close since then
******He had just returned from country B and there he was at star hall sitting and waiting for Thelma to get there.
He had missed her so much as they didn't talk not even once for the whole two weeks. Reasons be that the vacation was strictly between family, no interference from friends and work.
his mother Mrs Gregory made sure no one disturbs the family vacation, but he wasn't happy he was going to finally meet her after two weeks.
Something had happened at the vacation and he was forced to take the decision he was about to disclose to Thelma. "I wouldn't have gone in the first place" he thought to himself
Thelma got to star hall at exactly 6:12pm.
He got up immediately he sighted her, she spotted him too and as busy and filled as the place was with people, he wasn't hard to find as his height was one thing that made him very obvious.
She smiled back at him as she walked to the table, he hugged her passionately "how I've missed you my love" he said looking straight into her eyes, "you have no idea Nick, I was literally counting the days" it made them both giggle as they took their sits.
Just then he knew better than to not make things worse by extending care, "how have you been?" she asked but noticed the sudden change in his countenance "what's wrong Nick are you okay?" after what seemed like a long time of silence he finally spoke out, "am sorry" he replied "but we can't continue dating" she felt a sharp headache at what she just heard. At that very moment, she couldn't believe her ears
she was still trying to process what he just said when Nick with tears in his eyes continued, "I'm deeply sorry Thelma, I can explain everything. Am not doing this because I don't love you, I still do love and care for you very much but we have to cut this relationship"
Thelma couldn't find a voice to speak
she just sat there looking like she was going to collapse any minute.
She felt anger, brokenness and sadness altogether. She was dumbfounded as she saw his lips moving but she could no longer hear him.
She could only hear her self thinking "so this is how it ends?" she got up to leave the scene and Nick kept calling but she remained silent as she left star hall to her home.
"what would be my fate?? where do I start from?? can I cope on my own??" all these questions ran through her mind as a cab took her home.