
Chapter 46: Sorcerer Killer

---[Toji Fushiguro]---

'Gojo Akira Age 17, Weight: 84Kg, Height: 182Cm Cursed Technique: Create Undead'

It had been a long time since I had taken a job, especially for one as high profile as the brat of the Gojo clan.

He is my target for this job. The employer is completely anonymous but paid upfront for 100,000,000Yen. This mission can't be too hard but at the same time, I shouldn't really underestimate a Gojo should I? Well, I did my homework about him.

Gojo Akira, the black sheep of the Gojo family and a complete anomaly for the Jujutsu society.

He is the first Gojo ever to be born with 6 eyes while another user of the six eyes is alive. But they realized that it wasn't 6 eyes. He was instead born with a mutated version of the Six Eyes. Dubbed the Cursed Eyes.

For all the clan knows it is an inferior insult to the proper Six Eyes. But the fact stands that he still has a portion the cheaty perception of the Six Eyes has. But not the near-perfect cursed energy efficiency.

To drive the cursed child part even further in, instead of inheriting the limitless technique he instead was born with the cursed technique Create Undead.

A scary ability that allows him to turn any former living being into a pseudo-cursed corpse of his choosing. Just that ability alone made the superiors shit bricks when thinking of another Yaga that has even fewer restrictions and a variation of Six Eyes.

The good thing is that since he is a heavily investigated person because of his capabilities the Zennin family had quite a bit of records on him. He would become a terrifying individual if he were to reach his full potential, maybe even create entire armies. That's why they want him dead.

A sorcerer of terrifying abilities and bottomless potential versus a monkey huh?

I can't wait.


Akira was walking down the streets of Tokyo seemingly nonchalantly but he was on full alert, under his sleeping mask his eyes shone as he constantly kept sense cursed energy active, waiting for the moment Toji pulled out a cursed tool so he could point him out.

'The moment he appears I will skewer him!'

It was difficult due to the ambient cursed energy but Akira was confident, he also held several talismans in his shadow, he couldn't get the help of Wiz as she was a full glass cannon against an assassin but that was fine. If he loses this also then what would reason would he have to live he surmised.

But there was a factor he failed to consider.

He was agitated and angry, by letting those emotions guide him his cursed energy output was higher but he could overlook small insignificant details.


A small prickling feeling on his neck.


The feeling changed to one that felt like a cold hand was grasping his neck. The moment Akira realized the feeling his face changed.


Unlike the normal feeling of dangersense which was a prickling feeling on the neck this time, it felt like something was yanking on his neck.

Akira moved to the side as fast as he could, narrowly avoiding a large knife where his head had been milliseconds prior. The knife was thrust so fast it was comparable to a bullet. He hopped back and the moment he saw his assailant he let several bone spears burst out of the ground.


Yet with the ease of a grown man snapping chopsticks, the assailant waved his knife and with one swift motion disabled the spears.

In front of him was a tall, muscular man with mid-length straight black hair that reached to his ears. His eyes are green, and he had a small scar on his lips.

He wore a tight short-sleeved black shirt and baggy white pants along with black slippers. In his hands was a dagger similar to Tozama that barely held any cursed energy.

"Wow, I must say, you have pretty good instincts. Or am I just that rusty?" The man in front of him felt like a beast. One different from Hanami. One far more dangerous.

Without a word, Akira summoned several volleys of icicle lances and shot them toward Toji who simply smacked them away with his knife completely unphased. Cursed energy thrummed throughout Akira's body as his brain ran over time.

All the while Toji looked unphased with a smirk as he twirled the knife in his hands.

"What? Not gonna remove your sleeping mask? Do you really think limiting your eyes is a good idea here?" Toji exclaimed lazily as Akira finally moved, tearing the sleeping mask off he made a closing gesture with his free hand.

"Grave Buster." A giant pair of hands burst out of the ground with the command trying to grab Toji, they were covered in a glowing blue aura from being overcharged with cursed energy but Toji with his superior instincts and agility easily dodged and dashed toward Akira with a manic smile.


Akira's eyes could barely follow Toji's movement with his eyes. But he managed to summon yet another pair of hands in front of himself as a guard as Toji reared up a kick and his foot slammed onto the skeletal hands like a cannonball.

"Kuak!!!" *Crash!*

His leg ripped through the hands like styrofoam and hit Akira like a freight train without stopping. Even through the guard, the kick had broken Akira's cursed energy-reinforced arms and sent him flying down the street before his path was intercepted by a parked truck.

'He is stronger than Hanami!?' Even though the physical strength difference wasn't immense it was the difference in technique. If Hanami was a toddler with 500 strength then Toji would be a martial artist with 550.

Akira regained his bearing before releasing 10 of his Skeleton Demons and 5 of his rangers to keep watch and guard as he used sense life.


Motherfucker was also immune to sense life.

Akira activated sense cursed energy and was able to faintly sense two cursed energy signatures, but maybe a hint too late as the signatures started approaching. Very rapidly as he felt his connection with 5 skeletons get cut, his eyes darted and he saw Toji easily beheading them without the undead being able to react due to his immense speed.

They didn't need to.

"Corpse Explosion."


As Toji was about to cut down the next skeleton the corpse of the one behind him exploded into a giant fireball that hit Toji but he was just in time able to block and was sent flying into a telephone pole, snapping it in half before he recovered his stance.

But upon seeing the result Akira's eyes widened. He had gotten away with just 2nd degree burn on his arms. Even though he had gotten hit with a point-blank corpse explosion. Even with his absurd stats that shouldn't have been that low damage.

Akira ran through the possibilities before coming to one conclusion.

'He also has magic resistance. And not insignificant amounts either. That must also be the reason why detect life didn't work.'

As Toji charged at Akira once more his rangers shot their bows but they all missed, just before the Sorcerer Killer reached Akira he cast a Demon Scythe and sent it flying toward him.

Using the new broad katana with a fur guard in his hands Toji broke the scythe with a single slash as he held his manic smile. But then his expression turned into a more serious one and his eyes narrowed once they landed on Akira's hand reaching into his shadow and pulling out a bright red talisman that gave him unease.

Switching to a more defensive stance his instincts were once more rewarded as Sorcerer threw the talisman mid-air and a gigantic crimson fireball was launched toward him. Toji quickly dashed out of its path as it continued on and melted nearly an entire building upon contact.

Toji reached cutting distance of Akira but as he was about to slash he suddenly stepped back as a powerful fist ripped out of the shadows and reached where his head was moments prior. Without being taken aback he chopped the arm clean off with his katana but then his eyes landed on a floating spectral figure cloaked in rags floating next to him.

He quickly smacked the figure away as it turned into a fireball, spotting a giant wolf leap out of the shadows he kicked it away full force. Ducking down he dodged a volley of bone spears headed toward his head, another batch of skeleton demons charged him but he ripped them apart before they could try anything.

But as he was dealing with the grunts Akira had moved away and resumed spamming bone spears and death bolts. Occasionally making spikes to throw him off. Yet nothing seemed to phase Toji.

Knowing the current battlefield was scattered with too many traps Toji used his insane speed to flicker out of view. As he did so Akira set up a simple domain and prepared a demon scythe whenever Toji would come out of hiding. But Akira suddenly felt an unusual cursed energy signature before Toji appeared on top of a building. Holding an unusual-looking fancy fan.

As Akira was about to throw another volley of lances Toji suddenly swung the fan with all his might.


A giant gale stronger than a hurricane swept out of the fan, sending a dozen razor-sharp winds that obliterated where they stood. Removing any trace of the spear and corpses there. Akira was barely able to block it using several giant hands.

Looking a bit stunned he dispelled the hands and watched on as Toji hopped down from the building with his usual cocky smile. This time with a grotesque cursed spirit wrapped around himself with its head resting on his shoulder. He made the spirit open its mouth before putting the cursed tool in its mouth and retrieving another katana.

A feeling of dread started settling in Akira's gut. He still hadn't damaged him to a noticeable extent. No...

He didn't even manage to get him to take him seriously.

But that fear turned into anger.

'I'll show you.'

A/N: What did you think about the chapter? I like reading all comments they motivate me. If you have any suggestions I would be glad to hear them.


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