
Apprentice Necromancer Under Attack?

"Finally…" Careon exclaimed excitedly, but kept his voice down, though it was in the middle of the graveyard where no one was around, except for one creature in front of him.

A skeleton of a human, standing still but as if it was alive.

Careon muttered under his breath while taking a look at a breathtaking view for himself, an apprentice necromancer. But before he could do anything with it, a man shouted from afar, "Is there somebody there?"

"Grave keeper," Careon uttered, and with a flick of his fingers, the skeleton fell to the ground, dead as it's supposed. Careon hurriedly made his way, navigating in between the various graves to escape the sight of the grave keeper.

He made it into the estate of his stepdad safely without being noticed by any kind of guards nor maids. As soon as he reached his room, he took off his black coat and hung it on the coat hanger by the door.

Sitting at his desk, he wrote in his journal, "It has only been 3 days since I last met my master, the task he gave me, to bind a skeleton has been completed only in the time of 3 days, maybe I am a prodigy after all,"

He wrote with a little hypocrisy for his own fun and chuckled at it. But as he was about to continue on his journal, a maid came knocking on his door, "Young master?"

"Another disturber, it seems that there are many people trying to stop me from experimenting and perfecting my art!" He murmured. Then went and opened the door for the maid, a beautiful young maid.

"Oh, thank Goddess you are here. Your father had told me to keep an eye on your safety. He was really concerned when he saw you coming home late a week ago," the maid whispered quietly, relieved at the sight of the young master.

"I have always been here and was about to go to sleep too. Don't worry too much about me Lana," Careon responded hurriedly, masking his annoyance to the maid with a handsome smile on his face.

In fact, with a height of 6 feet high, he was considered handsome, moreover; he was blessed with dark silky short hair and dark eyes like a pair of black marble. His looks succeeded in making the young maid blush slightly.

"Then I'll leave you to rest, young master," the young maid said, with her heart thumping loudly that she thought Careon was going to hear it. Though she got the door closed on her, her heart was still thumping until after the young master she served closed his eyes on the bed.

Careon opened his eyes late in the morning, a necromancer doesn't conduct most of their business under the sunlight after all. Though the fact of that shouldn't be exposed to the rest of the estate, and thus, he got himself ready for a session of sword training in the courtyard.

"Young master!" Lana, the young, beautiful maid, burst hurriedly through the wooden door from the other side. Sweat ran down her white face, so white that it was could be called pale.

Careon sighed. He had his hands on the buttons of his shirt, half of his chest was exposed for Lana to see, "What is it this time, Lana?"

"The estate is under attack, young master! We need to run to the knight's quarter by the lord's order!" Lana said without missing a beat, her heart thumping, this time not because of the fact that she could see a handsome young master.

But rather, because of the horror she had experienced, she was in a state of panic and shock. While at the same time, complying with her duty given to her by the lord she served.

It was around this time that Careon noticed something is wrong, very wrong, to the point that a necromancer that had learnt to forget emotions, feel uncomfortable, 'What's happening to the point that Lana, a professional maid, screamed to the point I feel something's not right.'

"Quick!" Lana rushed and grabbed Careon's soft hands. It doesn't matter to her much at that point as they made their way to the hallway though.


It was all of a sudden when a glass window in front of the broke and it shattered into a thousand pieces. A humanlike figure was all to blame for it, as it was thrown against the cream-coloured wall, painting it red with its blood.

"What-?" He uttered as he saw the figure slowly stood up as if it was revived from death.

"Young master! Stay behind me!" Lana said in a protective tone. Trying to protect Careon even though she herself was not sure that she was going to survive.

'Walking corpses? Undeads? It must be! Did an enemy of master found me and attacked this place?' He thought of all the reasons why such a creature was standing right in front of him.

Without wasting a single second and without observing its enemies, the creature charged toward Lana. It was surprising for the two of them.

Lana gritted her teeth, preparing herself to feel pain from being attacked by the creature.

But Careon was not quite the same. Even though he was surprised, he gathered the mana in his hand, and with a shout, "Fireball!"

He released a red fiery ball toward the creature, knocking it backward and toward the floor where a burnt mark could be seen on its chest, "Hurry! That should kill the creature!"

Lana and Careon carefully stepped over the knocked creature, still slightly shocked by their encounter. But as they were just a few meters past the creature, it stood back up once again, as it rose from death for the second time, feeling not pain.

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