
Rise of the Unique Class {2}

As Lucas stared at the system screen, the earlier blue countdown in the sky suddenly shifted to a menacing red, rapidly decreasing to zero.

The mechanical voice followed with an ominous declaration, "The merging of worlds will start now."

Just as the voice spoke, Lucas's gaze darted out of the window. The once azure sky transformed into an eerie shade of purple, with ominous black patches as if the very atmosphere was torn from Earth's grasp.

Within this surreal panorama, white spots began to grow larger and larger, hurtling toward the earth at breakneck speed.

Lucas couldn't believe his eyes and stammered, "Those look like worlds." Indeed, they were nothing less than entire worlds, encased in translucent bubbles, each distinctly different from Earth.

As the world approached with relentless speed, panic seized Lucas. He shouted frantically, "Hide! Everyone, hide! It's coming!" In a frenzy, he dove beneath his desk, covering his head with his trembling hands.

The different worlds descended upon Earth, crashing into various locations, but there were no explosions or devastation. Instead, they seamlessly passed through the ground, disappearing as if being absorbed by the very planet itself.

A second later, a deafening sonic boom erupted from the ground, its shockwave shattering every piece of glass in the city. The cacophonous roar reverberated through the air, drowning out even the mechanical voice's eerie presence.

Amid the chaos, Lucas clung to the underside of his desk, his heart pounding in his chest. Dust and debris filled the classroom as the shockwave passed through, and he instinctively shielded his face with his arms.

In the aftermath of the cataclysmic explosion, the very ground beneath Lucas's feet began to shudder and groan. The once-familiar city streets cracked and split open, swallowing cars, buildings, and entire blocks into the ever-widening abyss.

The earth trembled violently, as if it had awakened with a voracious hunger, and the destruction spread like wildfire. Buildings crumbled to dust, their foundations ripped apart by the unstoppable force of nature.

Trees, once dormant, sprouted with newfound vitality, their roots surging through concrete and asphalt.

As the chaos raged outside, the students in the classroom began to panic, desperately reaching out to their family members and government agencies for answers and assistance.

Amid the frantic chatter, one student raised his voice, shouting to the whole class, "Hey, everyone, see this!"

Gathering around him, the students peered at his mobile screen, their faces filled with a mixture of disbelief and dread. On the screen, a news reporter struggled to deliver a live report from the Pacific Ocean.

The reporter's voice quivered as he said, "I am here in the Pacific Ocean in a helicopter, and as you can see behind me is the location where scientists getting unusually high anomaly after the just recent event of the voice." 

"there... there's an emerging continent, roughly the size of North and South America combined. But that's not all. There's a colossal tree rising from the ground of that continent, and it's still growing. And to reports, this phenomenon isn't isolated. Other places are experiencing..."

Before the reporter could finish her sentence, arrows from the emerging continent rained down, piercing through his head, and his voice was silenced abruptly.

The classroom fell into stunned silence as the realization sank in—something unimaginable was happening, and the world as they knew it was unraveling before their eyes.

The student quickly changed the channel, hoping for more information that could shed light on the unfolding chaos. On the new channel, a scientist appeared on screen, his face etched with a mixture of astonishment and concern.

"The world is expanding, or as you heard something is expanding it, that's all I can say," the scientist declared, his voice trembling with urgency.

"And we are not in the same place in the Milky Way where we were before from the constellations in the sky. It's possible that we are no longer even within the Milky Way galaxy. As you all heard from the voices in the skies and these systems, humanity's only chance of survival may lie in these classes."

Before the scientist could elaborate further, a commotion erupted in the studio. Panic-stricken voices filled the air, and the next moment, the camera toppled over, capturing only chaotic glimpses of the scene.

In the midst of the confusion, a short, green figure with a wooden club suddenly appeared on the screen.

With an air of menace, the figure advanced toward the camera, and with a swift motion, it destroyed the recording equipment, plunging the screen into darkness.

The students in the classroom stared at the blank screen in shock, their minds racing with fear and uncertainty.

The events unfolding were beyond anything they could have imagined, and the world seemed to have descended into a nightmarish realm of unknown threats and challenges.

Amidst the panic that had gripped the classroom, voices of fear and desperation filled the air.

"I can't reach anyone on my phone! What's happening to our families?"

"Did you see that creature on the news? Are they invading us?"

"Ahhh, what are we going to do now, we will be eaten by these monsters"

In the midst of the chaos, the bully, emboldened by bravado, shouted with unwarranted confidence, "Don't worry, everyone! The mighty pyromancer Ethan is here. I'll protect you!"

Ethan's followers eagerly chimed in, their voices filled with admiration, "Yes, yes, big brother, you are so strong! I just got a stupid swordsman class, please protect me!" Another one added, "Yes, brother, you are mighty!"

Ethan, with fire dancing in his fists, declared, "See this? This is what I can do. Everyone, just stay here for a while until the earthquakes die down."

But while others panicked or boasted, Lucas stood there with a determined look on his face, his thoughts consumed by worry for his family. "My mother and little sister are still at home," he thought, dread coursing through him at the unknown fate that might have befallen them. "I have to go home and save them."

With quick thinking, Lucas grabbed a nearby wooden table and began to break it apart, fashioning a makeshift spear. The splintered wood in his hands transformed into a weapon of necessity.

He then carefully removed the leather from the classroom seats and wrapped them around his arms and legs, securing them in place with tape.

Determination burned in his eyes as he prepared to face the unknown outside.

As Lucas continued to gather supplies and prepare himself, the bully Ethan stormed toward him, anger contorting his face. He grabbed Lucas's shoulder forcefully and shouted, "HEY! You retard, didn't you hear what I just said? I told everyone to wait here!"

Lucas remained focused on his task, seemingly deaf to Ethan's words, as he carefully packed essential items into his backpack. Ethan's frustration grew, and he yelled again while tightening his grip on Lucas's shoulder, "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

In response, Lucas turned to face Ethan, his eyes filled with an intensity similar to that of death sending shivers down Ethan's spine. Without uttering a word, Lucas's gaze conveyed a silent warning, a presence that Ethan couldn't ignore. Feeling an inexplicable pressure, Ethan reluctantly removed his hand and took a step back, a newfound fear in his eyes.

Lucas, undeterred by Ethan's anger and taunts, continued to prepare himself. With his backpack filled, he made his way toward the classroom's exit. As he opened the gate and peered left and right, he saw no signs of the massive wolf-like creature that had been there earlier.

Ethan, his bravado coming as Lucas ventured out, couldn't help but taunt one last time, "Go ahead, stupid. Go out there and get eaten by the monsters. We'll have a better chance of survival without you."

Ignoring Ethan's bitter taunts, Lucas steeled himself for the unknown dangers that awaited him outside. His determination to find and protect his family was propelling him forward.

As Lucas stepped outside the classroom, leaving the others behind, he decided to make use of the system interface. He uttered the command "status" aloud and extended his hand toward the system screen, retrieving the Necromancer's Robe from his inventory. He knew it was a wise decision not to reveal it in the classroom, as its unique properties could have attracted unwanted attention and conflict.

Lucas examined the dark and eerie robe in his hands, thinking, "It was the right decision to keep this hidden. Those people would have definitely fought me for it."

A status window appeared, providing detailed information about the Necromancer's Robe:

Necromancer's Robe [Epic Tier]


The Necromancer's Robe is a sinister garment of dark design, woven from enchanted fabrics imbued with the essence of death and the arcane. It is a unique class equipment designed for practitioners of necromancy and grants the wearer a range of abilities and powers.


+20% to Magic Power

+15% Life Drain from Enemies

+10% Stealth and Evasion


* Cursed Touch (G): The wearer's melee attacks have a chance to inflict curses upon enemies, weakening their defenses or causing other detrimental effects.

* Shadow Step (G): Allows the wearer to step into the shadows and reappear in a different location within a limited radius, enabling quick escapes or strategic repositioning.


The Necromancer's Robe possesses the potential for evolution as the wearer gains experience and attunes themselves further to the art of necromancy. Upon completing certain quests or fulfilling specific conditions, the robe may unlock additional attributes and skills, growing in power and dark potential.

Lucas couldn't help but be intrigued by the robe's capabilities and its potential for growth. With this newfound equipment, he felt a surge of confidence, as he wore the robe, giving him the dark and eerie presence.

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