
Need me a John

"Can't believe this! The fucking audacity of that ass-sown hammer head!" Bardeelus said that over and over, throughout his dreams.

He was well aware of what had happened, even while unconscious. He got angrier gradually, to the point where he woke up! 

These feelings were very new to him, as he was a cool-headed young man, typically, who'd avoid any major conflicts. Throughout most of his life, it was mandatory for him to be cool-headed, because he couldn't risk angering anyone who was stronger!

Today however, once he woke up, he cursed peace and its definition. Bardeelus felt betrayed, so if he had even the slightest chance of survival, he'd forget all principles and fight like a feral beast for his own sake! 

He had powers now as well, which weren't to be taken lightly, and it was reasonable to use them. For now, however, he tried so dearly to make sense of these surroundings!

"Must have tossed me in an old well, it's so dark in here." He spoke, but half of his words were gibberish. "Oh, yeah I'm definitely in a well. There's light up there, very… round."

That blow he suffered on the head, still had him shaken up. He could barely develop a thought at first, and had to wait for a whole hour to become alert enough!

At last, he recognized some opportunities. "These people are dumb as shit… how can a dried well hold me back? I can hear each of their heartbeats, even from down here!" 

From this point, he could try to kill anyone who lurked above, one by one; He had the freedom to do so. Such moves could be effective, but it also had its own risks!

It was suicidal to a certain extent, even, so he couldn't really go on a rampage right now. He wasn't too fast at exploding hearts either, so even if he could cause a massacre, it wouldn't be as awesome as one would imagine.

"Gotta take this slowly, doesn't seem like they're in a rush either." Bardeelus decided, "A boulder's waiting up there to crush me, so I should try to kill the right people only, to save my head from the trouble."

He had lived in this camp long enough, to memorize some of its rules. Captives were often thrown in old wells, and boulders were positioned near them in case the captive got clever. 

Bardeelus didn't want to take a two-hundred kilogram boulder to the head right now, so he was quiet. He patiently listened to all of the heartbeats who were nearby, and tried to figure something out ~ He rubbed his head too, in order to focus!

At some point, he couldn't help but complain. "My brain won't cooperate, fuck's sake! I haven't eaten in four days! Probably slept a day in this shithole, my mouth feels so dry."

He wanted to complain even more, but a few sudden movements from above scared him half to death. Someone was approaching the well all of a sudden, and it couldn't be some random guard!

"If that heart starts working out too much, I'll blow it up. No point in playing nice!" He decided.

His expectations were broken immediately, however. That person only stayed near the well for a second, and its heartbeat was pretty normal or calm.

This confused him, so he thought. "What the hell was that about?"

He couldn't relax just yet, and it felt so stressful to not know what to predict!

Bardeelus could hear any heart as long as it beated, yes, but he couldn't figure out for example, what someone from a distance did. That was beyond his arsenal, so it made sense how he got scared to death for the second time, once something whistled down the well and landed near his feet!

He hadn't looked up all that much, which further isolated his predictions. Once this item landed, however, its thud was very distinctive!

Its crash-landing wasn't too loud, which meant that something small had been tossed down here. It was light-weight, at least in comparison to any actual boulder.

Bardeelus sighed like a dying buck, and then said. "Can't believe that I'm happy to be thirsty. If that was a splash instead of a boink, I'd have a heart attack for sure, which would be really ironic. So lucky that this well is dry!"

He grabbed this item afterwards, and almost instantly after, he recognized what it was. "This is meat, food! Hell yeah!"

He chowed down on it right away, and didn't care about any associated risks. This chunk of meat couldn't have been poisoned, he figured, and although he didn't feel it yet, it didn't have any bones either!

It was a cooked and fried, fatty, chunk of meat which weighed two whole kilos! This would be too much meat for most people, but his hunger was as immeasurable as his anger!

Bardeelus ate all of this meat in no time, and then crashed on the well's wall behind him. "Oh… dear holy gods, I don't care if all of this meat kills me. It's worth it!"

He was nowhere close to dying, thankfully. That gut of his hadn't even acknowledged the food yet, so he wasn't weighed down by it.

This gave him enough space to make a few, little theories. "Someone's trying to keep me alive, I don't need a scholar to know that. Can't be John… they probably killed him off, and that was not his heartbeat either, I'm guessing. Maybe it's one of my bros, or my sister too? Hell, who else would risk their neck for me? This shouldn't even be a debate."

It was obvious that someone tried to pave a way for him, regardless of who it was. Eventually, after countless theories, Bardeelus urged to use every fraction of this opportunity!

For that matter, over the next few minutes he thought about the best way to escape! No one seems to be in a rush to kill him, so he had enough time to figure something out. 

Inevitably, no matter what methods or scenarios he thought about it, the best idea was to be very sneaky!

There were over fifty people in this camp, most of which were his enemies now. If he was spotted by as much as one person while escaping, then the whole camp would be up to his neck!

It was important to avoid that, so he plotted something very specific. "First I need to get me another John… who'd do all of the work for me. It's possible, these fuckers are so stupid! They left a couple of guards close by, knowing well that I could kill and control both of them. Okay, so let's see here…"

I apologize if any of you feel like you're waiting too long for new chapters...

It takes a while to write them, as I take my time, and edit each chapter twice. It's important for me to slow down and think everything through; As only such immersion guarantees quality!

Enkamoscreators' thoughts
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